뉴스 1. 버니 샌더스 위스콘신 프라이머리를 앞두고, 여론조사에서 49% 지지율로 45%를 얻은 힐러리 클린턴을 앞서고 있다. http://cnn.it/21W6q0e
질문 내용은, "민주당 프라이머리에서 누구를 민주당 대선 후보로 선출할 것입니까?"
뉴스 2. 위스콘신 주 주요 쟁점은 다음과 같다.
버니 샌더스는 힐러리 클린턴의 잘못된 통상정책(나프타 협정)과 자유무역협정으로 인해 위스콘신 주 사람들이 일자리를 잃어버렸고, 수많은 공장들이 문을 닫았다는 점을 부각시켰다. 공장들은 임금이 싼 멕시코 중국으로 이전해버렸다.
버니 샌더스는 또한 위스콘신 주지사 스코트 워커를 호되게 비판했다. 워커가 노동조합을 탄압하고, 교육 예산을 삭감했고, 산모 권리 박탈,유권자 투표권리를 제약하는 법을 통과시킨 점들을 버니는 비판했다.
버니 샌더스는 힐러리 클린턴은 NAFTA 협정과 중국과의 영구-정상-무역협정을 지지했으나 자기는 반대했다는 것을 부각시켰다.
예를들어서 자동차 회사 크라이슬러 (Chrysler)는 2009년 정부로부터 구제금융 수입억 달러를 받은 후에 케노샤 엔진 공장 문을 닫아버렸고 이로 인해서 800명 노동자들이 해고당했다. 그 이후에 크라이슬러는 공장을 멕시코 살틸로(Saltillo)로 이전시켜버렸다. GM 역시 2008년에 제인스빌에 있던 공장을 멕시코 실라오(Silao)로 이전시켜버려서 2800명 위스콘신 노동자들이 해고당했다고 지적했다.
Bernie Sanders, Buoyed by Poll, Sprints Through Wisconsin

Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont spent Wednesday crisscrossing Wisconsin, hosting events in three cities and arguing that his stances on trade deals, campaign finance and foreign policy make him a stronger candidate than Hillary Clinton.
As a new poll showed him leading Mrs. Clinton by four points in the Badger State ahead of Tuesday’s primary, Mr. Sanders attacked her for supporting what he characterized as “disastrous” trade policies that led to thousands of Wisconsin jobs being shipped overseas and several factories closing or scaling back across the state.
Mr. Sanders also assailed Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin, a Republican who has waged public feuds with progressive groups over several issues, including voter identification laws, union organizing, reproductive rights and cuts to educational programs.
The senator began the day in Kenosha, Wis., speaking to a crowd of 2,750 at Carthage College. There and in later events, he took aim at Mrs. Clinton for her stances on trade policies like the North American Free Trade Agreement and cast himself as the best person to protect American workers from companies who would rather employ lower-paid workers abroad.
“Over the last 30, 40 years, we have had trade policies in this country written by corporate America, and what they have been designed to do is to allow companies to shut down plants in Vermont, in Wisconsin and all over this country because they don’t want to pay workers here $15, $20, $25 an hour,” Mr. Sanders said. “They don’t want to pay them a living wage. They don’t want to protect environmental rules. They don’t want to deal with unions. They’d rather move to Mexico or China, pay people pennies an hour.”
He went on to connect Mrs. Clinton to those companies, using a line of attack that worked well in Michigan, where he pulled off a surprising victory this month. “We are talking, over a period of years, of the loss of tens of thousands of good-paying jobs here in Wisconsin, millions of jobs throughout this country,” he said. “On all of these trade policies, Nafta, permanent normal trade relations with China, I not only voted against them, I help lead the opposition against them. On the other hand, over the years, Secretary Clinton has supported virtually all of these disastrous trade agreements.”
Mr. Sanders listed several companies in Wisconsin that he said had been affected by trade deals. He said Chrysler received billions of dollars in a bailout in 2009 but then shut down its Kenosha Engine Plant and cut 800 jobs, moving the operation to Saltillo, Mexico. He also pointed to the 2008 closing of the General Motors manufacturing plant in Janesville, which he said meant the city lost more than 2,800 jobs because the company moved the plant to Silao, Mexico.
In an effort to further appeal to voters, Mr. Sanders also assailed Mr. Walker for making changes to the state’s voter identification laws and urged his supporters to set a new voter turnout record for Wisconsin.
“We will win if the voter turnout is high. We will lose if the voter turnout is low,” Mr. Sanders told 1,678 people who came out to his Madison rally. “And I am asking that all of those people who have given up on the political process, who have turned their backs on politics and no longer vote, please come out. And I am asking the young people who maybe have never voted in their lives to please come out. Let’s send a very strong message to Governor Walker.”
Earlier in the afternoon, Marquette Law School released a poll showing that among likely voters in the Wisconsin Democratic primary, Mr. Sanders held a 49 percent to 45 percent edge over Mrs. Clinton.
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