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2019 년 중국 대졸자 760만, 미국의 2배 , 인도 한해 900만 대졸자

by 원시 2020. 12. 2.

In 2019, a record high of around 7.6 million students graduated from undergraduate programs at public colleges and universities in China. That number was nearly double as high as the number of degrees earned at all levels of higher education in the United States.Nov 9, 2020

중국은 전문대와 4년제 대학을 합쳐, 1년에 760만명 대졸자.

이 수치는 미국과 비교해서 거의 2배. 

This results in an estimated 26.5 million students enrolled in Indian higher education in 2014-15 and 9 million graduates.Jun 4, 2014

인도는 2014년의 경우, 대졸자가 900만명이고, 대학생 숫자는 2천 650만이다.

Around the world, democracies are getting weaker and elected politicians are becoming more unpopular. Are they serving the people—or themselves?