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반기문 유엔사무총장 '위안부' 합의 성명서, 마치 박근혜 부하직원처럼, 발표하다

by 원시 2016. 1. 3.

반기문 유엔 사무총장 성명은 미국 오바마의 '앵무새'답변이거나 한국 박근혜 정부 외무부 차관의 성명 읽기였다. 

위안부 문제에서 인권과 평화라는 단어는 한번도 쓰지 않는 반기문 유엔 사무총장. 한숨과 탄식이 나왔다. 아베-박근혜 '위안부 합의'에 대해서 12월 28일 반기문 유엔 사무총장이 공식 성명서를 발표한 것을 읽고 나서. 홈페이지에 나와있는 성명서 내용은 세 가지이다. '위안부 합의'를 환영하고, 박근혜 대통령과 아베 수상의 노고에 감사하며, 상호 역사 인식 기초 위에다 미래지향적 관계를 건설하기 위해서 동북아 국가들의 역할만을 언급한 것이다. 

세계 평화와 인권 신장을 위해 존재하는 유엔 사무총장이라면 반기문은 적어도 왜 이번 아베-박근혜 합의가 여성의 인권 확대에 어떻게 기여하는지, 동북아 국가들 사이에 존재하는 역사적 '갈등들'이 어떻게 해소되고 진정한 화해에 이르는지에 대해 언급해야 한다.  

그래야 지금 수많은 전쟁들 속에서 노인, 어린이, 여성들의 인권이 유린되고, 정신적 신체적 상처를 예방할 수 있을 것 아닌가? 

이번 박근혜-아베 '위안부 (2차 세계대전 성노예 착취 피해자 여성)' 합의에서는 가해자인 일본 제국주의의 책임과 불법에 대해서 언급하지 않았다. 피해자는 존재하는데 가해자가 빠져 버린 전형적인 역사 왜곡과 은폐 수법이다. 이런 비판에 눈감고 반기문 유엔 사무총장은 마치 박근혜 외무부 행정직원처럼 '환영하고 감사한다'만을 외치는 과오를 범했다. 

Ban Ki Moon's statement on the issue of "wartime comfort women" is just parroting Obama's dictates on the relationship between South Korea and Japan. He shamelessly and unwittingly acts like a clown of "Queen Park GeunHye." 




Statement attributable to the Spokesman for the Secretary-General on the agreement between Japan and the Republic of Korea on issues related to 'comfort women'

New York, New York, 28 December 2015

The Secretary-General welcomes that the Governments of Japan and the Republic of Korea have reached an agreement on the issues related to “comfort women” at the bilateral Foreign Ministers meeting held in Seoul on 28 December. The Secretary-General hopes that the agreement will contribute to improving the bilateral relationship between the two countries.

He appreciates President Park Geun-hye of the Republic of Korea and Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan for their leadership and vision for the betterment of the relationship between the two countries as reflected in an earlier agreement at the bilateral summit on 2 November.

The Secretary-General has stressed the importance of the countries in Northeast Asia to build the future oriented relationship, based on the recognition of history.

Statements on 28 December 2015

·         Valencia, Spain, 28 December 2015 - Secretary-General's message to Taize Community European Meeting of Young Adults



UN chief welcomes agreement between Japan and Republic of Korea on ‘comfort women’

Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. UN Photo/Amanda Voisard (file)


28 December 2015 – Welcoming today’s agreement between Japan and the Republic of Korea (ROK) on the issues related to “comfort women,” United Nations Secretary-GeneralBan Ki-moon urged the two countries to look to the future in their relationships while still recognizing history.

“The Secretary-General hopes that the agreement will contribute to improving the bilateral relationship between the two countries,” said a statement issued by his spokesperson, referring to the accord reached at a bilateral Foreign Ministers meeting held in Seoul.

“He appreciates President Park Geun-hye of the Republic of Korea and Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan for their leadership and vision for the betterment of the relationship between the two countries as reflected in an earlier agreement at the bilateral summit on 2 November.”

Mr. Ban also stressed the importance of the countries in north-east Asia building “a future- oriented relationship, based on the recognition of history,” the statement added.

In August last year, then UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay voiced profound regret that Japan had not provided effective redress to victims of wartime sexual slavery leading back to the end of the Second World War.

She said in a statement that Japan “has failed to pursue a comprehensive, impartial and lasting resolution” to address the rights of so-called “comfort women.”

The agreement reached by the two sides reportedly involves an official apology from Japan and a promised payment of $8.3 million for the victims.