2009년 부터 탐사 시작.
4660개 후보 별들 중에서, 1000개 정도 발견, 그 중에 케플러-452 b 라고 이름 붙인 행성이 가장 지구와 유사.
- 나이는 60억년, 지구보다 15억년 정도 많고,
- 온도는 지구와 유사
- 밝기는 지구보다 20% 더 밝고
- 지름은 10% 정도 더 길다
- 태양과 지구 거리, kepler 452b-거기 태양과의 거리, 비교 : 우리 태양과의 거리보다 5%가 더 멀다.
- 케플러 186과 지구와의 거리는, 500광년 (빛의 속도로 500년) - 좀 멀다.
<몇 가지 생각들>
500광년 떨어진 곳에 지구-태양과 같은 생물체가 사는 '지구-형제 자매 별'이 있다고 한다. 그런데 이런 가설은 지구-태양이라는 짝을 설정한 것인데, 생명체가 존재하는 건, 꼭 태양이 있어야 하는 건 아니지 않나?
예를들어서, 별 8개에서 '빛'을 쫙쫙 빨아들인다랄지,
애초에 태양없이 생명체가 가능한지 하지 않은지,
태양-지구 이런 복식 조가 아니라더라도......
그러나, 뭐든지 '홑'으로 존재하기는 힘들겠다.
이럴 땐,가까운 달에 그냥 생명체가 있으면 될 것을......
이런 안일한 사고를 해본다.
태양-지구 복식조와 비슷한 조건을 갖춘 별 이름들.
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NASA spies Earth-sized exoplanet orbiting Sun-like star
Potentially rocky world spotted by Kepler spacecraft offers glimpse at Earth's future.
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Rights & PermissionsSETI Institute/Danielle Futselaar
An artist's impression of exoplanet Kepler-452b, which is likely to be rocky, just as Earth is.
Astronomers have spotted the closest thing yet to the first true ‘Earth twin’ — a small planet orbiting the bright star Kepler 452, at a distance where liquid water could exist.
“It is the first terrestrial planet in the habitable zone around a star very similar to the Sun,” says Douglas Caldwell, an astronomer at the SETI Institute in Mountain View, California.
The alien world is 60% larger than Earth and orbits its star at a distance similar to that between Earth and the Sun. The star itself lies 430 parsecs from Earth, in the constellation Cygnus. It is slightly brighter than the Sun, making its planet a better Earth analogue than planets announced last year and in January, both of which orbited dim, cool stars.
NASA announced the planet, dubbed Kepler-452b, on 23 July, as part of the latest harvest of worlds spotted by its Kepler spacecraft. From 2009 to 2013, Kepler stared at a small patch of sky looking for slight decreases in starlight that signalled a planet moving across the face of a star. The spacecraft has discovered more than 1,000 confirmed planets, including Kepler-452b, and more than 4,660 candidates.
The latest batch includes 11 other candidate planets that are all less than twice the diameter of Earth and orbit in their stars’ habitable zones, says Natalie Batalha, Kepler's mission scientist and an astronomer at NASA's Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, California.
NASA/JPL-CalTech/R. Hurt
Kepler-452b and its star compared to the Solar System and a previously discovered Earth-like exoplanet.
Rocky world
Scientists cannot measure the mass of Kepler-452b directly, but modelling suggests that the planet is probably five times as massive as Earth. That would put it squarely in the category of rocky planets, which includes Earth, rather than gas giants such as Neptune. Kepler-452b whirls around its star once every 385 days, tantalizingly close to Earth's 365-day year.
The planet's star is about 1.5 billion years older than the 4.5-billion-year-old Sun, and Kepler-452b is about the same age. During its first 5 billion years, the planet would have received less energy from its star than Earth does, but it may now offer a glimpse at Earth's future. Kepler-452b's star is growing hotter and brighter as part of its natural evolution, so anyone living on the planet would see his or her world drying out — just as Earth will as the Sun evolves.
SETI Institute astronomers have listened for signals from extraterrestrials in the Kepler 452 star system, using the Allen Telescope Array in northern California — but with no luck so far, says institute astronomer Seth Shostak.
Kepler's latest batch of exoplanets comes from the first complete analysis of the spacecraft's original data. The craft collected those observations during the four years that it operated before a crippled reaction wheel cut its planned mission short. Kepler scientists say that they can probably still pinpoint more planets in the original data, a project that will take them about a year. “We expect to be even more sensitive to the small, cool planets that are of most interest to the question of life elsewhere,” says Caldwell.
In the meantime, Kepler continues to hunt exoplanets in a more limited mode.
- Nature
- doi:10.1038/nature.2015.18048
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