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한국 유기견 숫자 10만 마리. Camberley Kate, aka Kate Ward, and her stray dogs in England 1962. 유기견 돌본 '캠벌리 케이트' 케이트 워드 . 잉글랜드.

by 원시 2024. 1. 25.

한국사람들이 버린 개 숫자가 10만이라고 한다. 개를 도시에서 키우기 위해서는 많은 준비가 필요하다. 개들을 좋아하는 것과 개들을 키울 조건을 갖추는 것은 서로 다른 일이다. 

그리고 가급적이면 개들은 뛰어놀 수 있는 들판, 산이 가까운 데서 살아야 한다.

도시에 살더라도, 공원이나 빈 공간이 필요하다. 이것은 개인적으로 해결할 수 없기 때문에, 공공 정책과 정치적인 과제이다. 


잉글랜드 케이트 이야기를 보면, 케이트처럼 유기견들을 혼자서 돌보기는 정말 힘들다.

아이들 돌보는 것만큼 에너지와 돈, 헌신적 애정이 필요하다.




버려진 개들을 돌보다. 

'캠벌리 케이트' 로 알려진 케이트 워드 이야기, 1895년 잉글랜드 미들스버로 태생, 1979년 별세.


케이트는 1943년 요크타운에 작은 집을 하나 구입했고, 버려진 개를 데려와 살았다. 다리를 다쳐 안락사 시키려던 유기견이었다.


시간이 지날수록 데려와 키운 유기견 숫자는 늘어가서, 어떤 개를 문에 묶어 놓고, 몇 마리는 운반 수레에 두고, 경찰과 당국이 개를 맡겨두기도 했다. 

죽을 때까지 케이트는 600마리 이상 유기견을 돌봤다. 


케이트는 "유기견"이라고 씌여진 올리브 녹색 손수레에 개를 싣고 요크타운에서 캠벌리까지 나들이를 했고, 이 지역 주민들에게는 익숙한 풍경이 되었다.


1954년부터 1979년  수의사 "제프리 크래독 Geoffrey Craddock"이 케이트의 개들을 치료했다.

그에 따르면, 케이트가 돌본 개들이 매우 건강한 상태였고, 수명도 길었다고 회상, 케이트는 유머 감각이 뛰어났고, 사람좋고 결단력의 소유자였고, 많이 그리워할 것이다.


동네 경찰들이 케이트가 개들을 싣고 동네 마실을 나갈 때, 체증이 생기지 않게 도와주기도 했다.


케이트는 자기 사후에 개들을 돌보기 위해 '신탁 기금'을 조성하기도 했다.




The indomitable Camberley Kate, aka(also known as)  Kate Ward, and her stray dogs in England 1962.


Camberley Kate was born on June 13, 1895 in Middlesbrough. Orphaned before the age of ten, she was raised by an aunt in a strict religious atmosphere. As a young girl she went into service and eventually found her way to Camberley. In later years she once claimed to have been head cook at the RMC at the time of the Battle of the Somme, even though she was only 21 years old.


She also mentioned that she knew what it was like to be homeless.




In 1943, Kate bought a cottage in Yorktown and soon took in her first stray, a dog that was about to be euthanized because of lameness.



Over time, the number of dogs in her home grew - some tied to her door, others left in carriers, others brought to her by police or other authorities. By the end of her life, she estimated that she had cared for more than 600 dogs.



Kate and her olive green handcart marked "STRAY DOGS" were a familiar sight in the area as she pushed it from Yorktown to Camberley every day.


She died on August 4, 1979.




The Story Of Camberley Kate: A Dog Rescuer Extraordinaire

Protect All Wildlife


6,095 views  Mar 21, 2021


All towns have at least one eccentric resident who is known throughout the area and Camberley is no exception.


Kate Ward, or Camberley Kate, as she is affectionately nicknamed, was well known to residents, until her death in the '70s.


She was a dog lover who rescued any stray pup that was sent her way and estimates indicate she cared for more than 600 dogs in her lifetime.


Although she may be gone, her memory lives on around the globe.


A local vet called Geoffrey Craddock, supplied Kate's charges with the necessary veterinary care from 1954 until her death in 1979, aged 84.





According to him, "All the dogs were incredibly healthy and they lived to a ripe old age. She had great humour, great character, and great determination. I shall miss her very much indeed".


She did have her detractors though and complaints were made about the number of dogs she owned, the animal's welfare and her somewhat eccentric behaviour.


However, the police were very supportive of her and even helped work out the easiest route for her daily trip to town, to ensure she could travel safely.


Despite not being personally wealthy, living day to day on her small pension, she apparently also gave anonymous financial gifts to those she considered less well off than herself.


She also set up a trust fund to care for her remaining dogs after her death.


Ill health took its toll and after moving to Kingsclear residential home in Park Road, Kate died on 4th August 1979.



동영상. 출처.

