2차 세계대전 캐나다 참전 독려 포스터. 1930년 5만 8천명 참전 .
당시 캐나다 인구의 10% 정도가 군복무 함.
Canadian War Museum,
On September 10, 1939, following Germany’s invasion of Poland, Canada declared war on Germany and entered the Second World War.
Although understrength at the beginning of the war, Canada’s armed forces grew rapidly. In September 1939 alone, over 58,000 Canadians enlisted.
By December, the first Canadian troops were on their way to Britain.
Nearly 1.1 million Canadian men and women out of a population of some 11.5 million would serve in the armed forces at one time or another during the war.
Recruitment Poster
CWM 19910001-612
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