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Last Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev dies at 91
Mikhail Gorbachev
Former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev has died aged 91.
Mr Gorbachev, who took over in 1985, is best known for opening up the USSR and for his rapprochement with the West, but he was unable to prevent his country collapsing in 1991.
Many Russians blame him and his reformist policies for the country's demise.
The hospital where he died said he had been suffering from a long and serious illness.
Mr Gorbachev became general secretary of the Soviet Communist Party, and de facto leader of the country, at the age of 54.
He was at the time the youngest member of the ruling council known as the Politburo, and was seen as a breath of fresh air after several ageing leaders.
His policy of glasnost, or openness, allowed people to criticise the government in a way which had been previously unthinkable.
But it also unleashed nationalist sentiments in many regions of the country which eventually led to its collapse.
Internationally he reached arms control deals with the US and refused to intervene when eastern European nations rose up against their Communist rulers.
He is seen in the West as an architect of reform who created conditions for the end of the Cold War.
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Collapse of the USSR – in pictures
The last Soviet president Mikhail Gorbachev initiated reforms that ultimately led to the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Here are some of the key moments:
Mikhail Gorbachev in 2019 warned about the danger of tensions between Russia and the West.
Collapse of the USSR – in pictures
The last Soviet president Mikhail Gorbachev initiated reforms that ultimately led to the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Here are some of the key moments:
Bridget Coaker
Mon 14 Jul 2014 06.00 BSTLast modified on Fri 29 Mar 2019 14.40 GMT
Mikhail Gorbachev, head of the Communist party from 1985 to 1991, is a reforming politician who introduces policies of perestroika and glasnost (restructuring and openness) at the 27th party congress in 1986.
Photograph: AFP/Getty Images
27th Congress 1986 USSR
Margaret Thatcher declares that Gorbachev is someone she ‘can do business’ with. As Politburo member he is invited to Chequers to meet the British cabinet in December 1984.
Photograph: Fox Photos/Getty Images
In interview on 17th December 1984, Mrs Thatcher said, "I am cautiously optimistic. I like Mr. Gorbachev . We can do business together." A frequent visitor to the UK Gorbachev was invited to Chequers to meet members of the British Cabinet in December 1984.
Gorbachev visits Sofia in Bulgaria in October 1985, as part of a tour to gain support for his reforms both inside and outside the USSR.
Photograph: Keystone/Getty Images
Gorbachev visits Sofia in Bulgaria in October 1985, as part of a tour to gain support for his reforms both inside and outside the USSR. Photograph: Keystone/Getty Images
US president Ronald Reagan and Gorbachev during a historic fireside chat in a Geneva boat house on 19 November 1985. This is followed by the Reykjavik summit in 1986, culminating in a nuclear non-proliferation treaty in December 1987.
Photograph: David Hume Kennerly/Getty Images
President Ronald Reagan and Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev held their historic fireside chat in a Geneva boat house on November 19, 1985 in Geneva, Switzerland. This was followed by their Reykjavik Summit the following year,
culminating in the signing of the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons in December 1987.
Gorbachev talks to potato farmers during a visit to the Zavorov collective farm near Moscow in August 1987.
Photograph: Sovfoto/UIG/Getty Images
...and talking to potato farmers during a visit to the Zavorov Collective Farm near Moscow.
Signs of nationalism emerge in Kazakhstan in 1986 and quickly spread to other Soviet states. In August 1987, Estonians demonstrate against the Molovtov-Ribbentrop pact which allowed the Soviet Union to annex the three Baltic countries.
Photograph: Andrey Solovyov/AFP/Getty Images
The first signs of nationalism amongst the soviet states first emerged in Kazakhstan in December 1986 and quickly spread. In August 1987, citizens of Estonia demonstrated against the Molovtov-Ribbentrop Pact which had allowed the Soviet Union to annex the three Baltic countries.
The Soviet-Afghan war ends in May 1988, signalled warming relations between America and the USSR.
Photograph: Robert Nickelsberg/Getty Images
The Soviet-Afghan War, started in 1978 and which involved Soviet troops in support of the Marxist People's Democratic Party of Afghanistan against the Mujahideen, came to an end in May 1988 when Afghanistan, Pakistan, the USSR, and the US signed agreements to end foreign intervention in Afghanistan.
Gorbachev’s reforms fail to revive the economy and menial jobs are found to keep people employed.
Photograph: Melanie Stetson Freeman/Christian Science Monitor/Getty
The economic reforms which accompanied Gorbachev's political initiatives were not so positive and menial jobs were found to keep people in employment.
The final years of the USSR are plagued by empty grocery stores, queues for food and widespread shortages.
Photograph: Gennady Galperin/Reuters
Food shortages were common across the Soviet Union.
On 9 November 1989, protestors pull down the Berlin Wall separating East and West Germany.
Photograph: Sipa Press/Rex Features
On November 9, 1989, protestors pull down the Berlin Wall.
In December 1989 Czechoslovakia forms a non-Communist government and begins to dismantle divisions between the East and West.
Photograph: Gerard Fouet/AFP/Getty Images
In December 1989 Czechoslovakia forms a non-communist government and begin to dismantle the signs of division between the East and West.
January 1990 and the demand for independence has spread to Baku in Azerbaijan.
Photograph: Sovfoto/UIG/Getty Images
January 1990 and the demand for independence has spread to Baku, Azebaijan.
A state of emergency is declared in Dushande, Tajikstan, in February 1990.
Photograph: Sovfoto/UIG/Getty Images
A state of emergency was declared in Dushande, Tajikstan, February 1990.
A pro-independence rally is held in Lvov in Ukraine in February 1990.
Photograph: Chris Niedenthal/Time & Life Pictures/Getty Image
A pro-independence rally is held in Lvov, Ukraine, February 1990.
Lithuania declares independence in March 1990. In January 1991, Soviet forces move into the centre of Vilnius, killing 13 people.
Photograph: AFP/Getty Images
Even though the Lithuanian Parliament had declared its independence from the USSR in March 1990, Soviet Forces moved into the centre of Vilnius in Januray 1991, killing 13 people and injuring many more.
In Bulgaria, protesters set fire to the Communist party headquarters during a demonstration on 26 August 1990.
Photograph: Reuters
In Bulgaria, protestors set fire to the Communist Party headquarters during a demonstration on August 26, 1990.
Gorbachev is booed during the May Day parade in 1990. Popular among reformists, his policies have split the country and greater freedoms allow regular demonstrations by opponents.
Photograph: Andre Durand/AFP/Getty Images
Popular amongst the reformists, Gorbachev had split the country and his acceptance of greater press freedoms and the citizens' right to protest, allowed for regular demonstrations against Gorbachev's policies. During the May Day Parade in 1990 Gorbachev was booed by opposition protestors.
Anti-reform hardliners stage a military coup while Gorbachev is on holiday in Crimea, culminating in the early hours of 20 August 1991 when tanks are sent into central Moscow.
Photograph: Alexander Nemenov/AFP/Getty Images
Hardliners, strongly opposed to Gobachev's proposal of a voluntary federation staged a military coup and tanks were sent into central Moscow in the early hours of August 20, 1991.
Rallies in support of Gorbachev and against the coup plotters, the State Committee on the State of Emergency (known as the Gang of Eight), are held across Russia, including in Leningrad.
Photograph: Alexander Demianchuk/Reuters
People rallied in support of Gorbachev and against the State Committee on the State of Emergency across Russia, including Leningrad.
In Moscow, pro-democracy demonstrators try to turn the army.
Photograph: Dima Tanin/AFP/Getty Images
In Moscow a pro-democracy demonstrator took the fight to the army.
A Soviet soldier joins the demonstrators against the coup and salutes from his tank in front the Russian White House.
Photograph: Alexander Nemenov/AFP/Getty Images
A Soviet Army soldier joined the demonstrators against the coup and salutes from his tank in front the Russian White House
Three people die during the three-day coup and their funeral is attended by thousands.
Photograph: Dimitri Korotayev/AFP/Getty Images
Three people died during the three day coup and their funeral was attended by thousands of people.
Gorbachev’s then ally, Boris Yeltsin, has set himself up in the White House, seat of the Russian government. He helps defeat the coup by leading the Moscow protests and calling for a general strike.
Photograph: Andre Durand/AFP/Getty Images
It was Boris Yeltsin who defeated the coup by calling for a general strike in support of Gorbachev.
Gorbachev, who has been forced to remain at his dacha in the Crimea, returns to Moscow.
Photograph: Stephane Bentura/AFP/Getty Images
Gorbachev, who had been held at his dacha in the country returned to Moscow after the coup failed.
Although he survives the August coup, Gorbachev’s political career is over. On 25 December 1991 he announces his resignation on television and by the end of the year the USSR has collapsed. Yeltsin, his former friend turned nemesis, remains as head of the Russian Federation.
Photograph: AFP/Getty Images