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김정은 국무위원장과 문재인 대통령은 풍계리 핵시험장 폐기 취재에, 일본도 초청해야 한다.

by 원시 2018. 5. 13.

문재인 대통령과 김정은 국무위원장은 풍계리 핵시험장 폐기를 취재할 국제기자단에 일본 언론인들도 초청하는 것을 재검토해야 한다. 그 이유는 일본에는 45만 한국계 (민단) 재일동포와 3~4만 북한(총련)계 재일동포가 살고 있기 때문에, 냉전체제 해체와 동북아 평화체제 형성과정에서, 일본을 배제하지 말고 이 과정에 참여시켜야 한다. 

일본에 거주하고 있는 남북한 재일동포 50만이 일본 시민권과 영주권을 자유로이 획득하고 일본인들과 동등한 정치 권리를 갖게 만들어야 한다. 북일수교도 역시 북미수교만큼 중요한 현안으로 곧 떠오를 것이기 때문에, 지금부터 일본과 두 코리아 사이의 모든 정치적 문화적 역사적 갈등들을 해결할 준비를 해야 한다.


자료 1. 북한 출처: DPRK 외무성:

조선로동당 중앙위원회 제7기 제3차전원회의 결정에 따라 핵무기연구소를 비롯한 해당 기관들에서는 핵시험중지를 투명성있게 담보하기 위하여 공화국 북부핵시험장을 폐기하기 위한 실무적대책을 세우고있다.

핵시험장을 페기하는 의식은 5월 23일부터 25일사이에 일기조건을 고려하면서 진행하는것으로 예정되여있다.

핵시험장페기는 핵시험장의 모든 갱도들을 폭발의 방법으로 붕락시키고 입구들을 완전히 페쇄한 다음 지상에 있는 모든 관측설비들과 연구소들,경비구분대들의 구조물들을 철거하는 순차적인 방식으로 진행된다.

핵시험장페기와 동시에 경비인원들과 연구사들을 철수시키며 핵시험장주변을 완전페쇄하게 된다.

이와 관련하여 조선민주주의인민공화국 외무성은 위임에 따라 다음과 같은 결정사항들을 공보한다.

첫째,당중앙위원회 제7기 제3차전원회의 결정에 따라 진행되는 북부핵시험장페기를 투명성있게 보여주기 위하여 국내언론기관들은 물론 국제기자단의 현지취재활동을 허용할 용의가 있다.

핵시험장이 협소한 점을 고려하여 국제기자단을 중국,로씨야,미국,영국,남조선에서 오는 기자들로 한정시킨다.

둘째,국제기자단 성원들의 방문 및 취재활동과 관련하여 다음과 같은 실무적조치들을 취하게 된다.

1)모든 국제기자단 성원들이 베이징-원산항로를 리용할수 있도록 전용기를 보장하며 령공개방 등 필요한 조치들을 취하게 된다.

2)국제기자단 성원들을 위하여 원산에 특별히 준비된 숙소를 보장하며 기자쎈터를 설치하여 리용하도록 한다.

3)원산으로부터 북부핵시험장까지 국제기자단 성원들을 위한 특별전용렬차를 편성한다.

4)핵시험장이 인적이 드문 깊은 산골짜기에 위치한 점을 고려하여 국제기자단 성원들이 특별전용렬차에서 숙식하도록 하며 해당한 편의를 제공한다.

5)국제기자단 성원들이 핵시험장폐기 상황을 현지에서 취재촬영한 다음 기자쎈터에서 통신할수 있도록 필요한 조건을 보장하고 협조한다.

조선민주주의인민공화국은 앞으로도 조선반도와 세계의 평화와 안정을 수호하기 위하여 주변국들과 국제사회와의 긴밀한 련계와 대화를 적극화해나갈것이다.

주체107(2018)년 5월 12일

평 양(끝)

참고자료 2. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-44094740

North Korea says it will begin dismantling its nuclear test site in less than two weeks in a ceremony attended by foreign journalists.

Pyongyang said it was taking "technical measures" to carry out the process between 23-25 May, North Korean state news agency KCNA reported on Saturday.

Scientists previously said the site may have partially collapsed in September.

The move is due to take place three weeks before US President Donald Trump meets North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.

In April, South Korean officials said Mr Kim had stated he "would carry out the closing of the nuclear test site in May", adding that nuclear experts from South Korea and the US would be invited to watch.

Their comments came after talks between Mr Kim and South Korea's President Moon Jae-in.

However there was no mention of allowing foreign experts access to the site in Saturday's statement from North Korea.

What will the pledged ceremony include?

The dismantling of the Punggye-ri site, the exact date of which will depend on weather conditions, will involve the collapsing of all tunnels using explosives and the removal of all observation facilities, research buildings and security posts.

Journalists from South Korea, China, the US, the UK and Russia will be asked to attend to witness the event.

North Korea said the intention was to allow "not only the local press but also journalists of other countries to conduct on-the-spot coverage in order to show in a transparent manner the dismantlement of the northern nuclear test ground".

The reason officials gave for limiting the number of countries invited to send journalists was due to the "small space of the test ground... located in the uninhabited deep mountain area".

What do we know about the test site?

Situated in mountainous terrain in the north-east, the Punggye-ri site is thought to be the North's main nuclear facility.

Nuclear tests have taken place in a system of tunnels dug below Mount Mantap, near the Punggye-ri site.

Six nuclear tests have been carried out there since 2006.

After the most recent test, which took place in September 2017, a series of aftershocks hit the site, which seismologists believe collapsed part of the mountain's interior.

Will North Korea really denuclearise?

Pyongyang's professed commitment to "denuclearisation" is likely to differ from Washington's demand for "comprehensive, verifiable and irreversible" nuclear disarmament.

On a recent visit to North Korea, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo stressed that any such claim would require a "robust verification" programme by the US and other nations.

North Korea has also reneged on a number of promises made in previous years.

In 1994, then-US President Bill Clinton made plans to attack sites in North Korea based on intelligence that the state had begun shipping fuel rods that could be used to produce plutonium to its main nuclear facility, the Yongbyon complex.

The threat of US strikes at the time, along with an offer from the Clinton administration to help boost the state's struggling economy, led to an agreement with the North Koreans.

The US provided fuel to an energy-starved economy, and North Korea agreed to freeze its programme. But Pyongyang later breached the agreement and the deal fell apart in 2002.

In 2007, Pyongyang announced that it had shut its Yongbyon reactor as part of a disarmament-for-aid deal. The following year it demolished the facility's cooling tower in a symbol of its commitment to ending its nuclear programme.

Then, in 2013, North Korea said it would restart operations at the Yongbyon site - a move that was later confirmed by experts.

How important is the Trump-Kim meeting?

Mr Trump and Mr Kim are due to meet in Singapore on 12 June. It will be the first time a sitting US president has ever met a North Korean leader.

The key issue expected to be discussed is North Korea's nuclear weapons programme, over which the two leaders furiously sparred in 2017.

The US wants Pyongyang to give up its weapons programme completely and irreversibly.

Confirmation of the meeting between the two men came after landmark talks between North and South Korea.

Mr Trump announced the date and place of the summit earlier this week, hours after he welcomed home three US detainees released from North Korea.

"We will both try to make it a very special moment for World Peace!" he tweeted.

Is North Korea opening up?

There is a "sense of optimism" among North Korea's leaders, the head of the UN's World Food Programme (WFP) said on Saturday after enjoying what he said was unprecedented access to the country.

David Beasley spent two days in the capital, Pyongyang, and two outside it, accompanied by government minders.

He said the country was working hard to meet nutritional standards, and hunger was not as high as in the 1990s.

Mr Beasley's visit, from 8-11 May, included trips to WFP-funded projects - a children's nursery in South Hwanghae province and a fortified biscuit factory in North North Pyongyan province.

"I didn't see starvation like you had in the famine back in the 1990s, that's the good news. But is there a hunger issue, is there under-nutrition? There's no question about it," he told the BBC.

"There is a sense of turning a new page in history," he said.