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트럼프 김정은 회담 장소는 풍계리에서 가까운 평양, DMZ 둘 중에 하나가 좋다.

by 원시 2018. 5. 1.

트럼프 김정은 회담 장소는 그 궁극적인 목표인 북미수교, 평화협정 체결, 북미를 포함한 한중러일북미 경제-안보 체제라는 동북아 신질서 체제를 형성하는데 가장 상징적인 장소가 되어야 한다.

 이런 관점에서 볼 때, 핵 실험장 풍계리에서 가장 가까운 평양을 트럼프가 방문하는 게 가장 좋다고 본다. 그리고 김정은 국무위원장이 미국 와싱턴 백악관을 답방하는 것이 북미수교의 순서에 부합한다.

극적인 반전과 승리의 쾌감을 즐기는 트럼프가 김정은을 만나는데 싱가포르나 몽고를 좋아할리는 없다.

트럼프의 속내는 평양이다. 그 다음 평양에서 회담을 하더라도, 비무장지대와 판문점을 트럼프가 방문할 수도 있다.

평양 회담을 마치고 나서,

판문점에서 자연스럽게 문재인 한국 대통령, 김정은 DPRK 국무위원장, 트럼프 미 대통령이 모여 이야기를 할 수도 있다.

트럼프 트윗 내용 - 

"김정은과 회담 장소로 몇 개 나라들을 생각하고 있다. 그러나 한국과 북한 경계선에 있는 평화의 집, 자유의 집이 제 3국보다는 더 대표성이 크고, 더 중요하고, 앞으로도 계속해서 회담을 이어나갈 수 있는(lasting) 장소이지 않을까? 어떻게 생각하시오들?"

# May 2.

북미회담 장소는 평양이 제일 바람직하고, 제 2차 북미회담은 와싱턴 D.C에서 개최하고, 그 이후 지속적인 회담들은 판문점 서울 평양 단둥 블라디보스톡이 좋겠다. 이번에 평양에 트럼프가 가고, 판문점을 통해 남쪽으로 내려오는 것도 좋겠다.

- 북미 회담을 우선 두 국가가 주인공이 되게 하는 게 문제해법 지름길이다. 

- 노무현 정부 당시 전 북한 유엔 대사가 어떤 발쵸장에서 한 이야기가 떠오른다. " 노무현 정부 들어서서 남북 관계가 과거보다 더 좋아졌죠?"라는 질문에, 그는 대답했다. "본질적으로 변화된 것은 없다. 조금 원활해졌다." 물론 12, 13년 전과 지금은 다르다. 다만 북한이 지금 바라는 바는 주권 유지이다. 이 전제 조건을 이번 회담 국면들에서 적극적으로 고려해야 한다.

판문점 이벤트들은 앞으로도 수없이 많을 것이기에, 실질적인 회담에 집중했으면 한다. 싱가폴은 좀 생뚱맞다.



Trump suggests meeting Kim on border as South Korean leader touts Nobel

President suggests summit at site of historic meeting last week

Moon Jae-in: ‘President Trump should win the Nobel peace prize’

Martin Pengelly, David Smith and agencies

Mon 30 Apr 2018 14.03 BST First published on Mon 30 Apr 2018 13.39 BST


 Kim Jong-un and Donald Trump. Photograph: Lucas Jackson/Reuters

Donald Trump on Monday tweeted a suggestion that his planned meeting with Kim Jong-un could take place at the Peace House on the border between North and South Korea, the same site as Kim’s historic meeting last week with South Korean president Moon Jae-in.

Moon, meanwhile, suggested that Trump should win the Nobel peace prize for his efforts to end the nuclear standoff with Pyongyang.

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“Numerous countries are being considered for the MEETING,” Trump wrote on Twitter, “but would Peace House/Freedom House, on the Border of North & South Korea, be a more Representative, Important and Lasting site than a third party country?

“Just asking!”

Later Trump gave the most detailed preview yet of potential venues for the talks. “We’re looking at various countries, including Singapore, and we are also talking about the possibility of the DMZ,” he told reporters in the White House rose garden.

“And there’s something that I thought was intriguing. I think that some people maybe don’t like the look of that and some people like it very much. I threw it out today as idea ... There’s something that I like about it because you’re there, you’re actually there, where if things work out, there’s a great celebration to be had on the site, not in a third-party country.”

Speaking at a joint press conference with Nigerian president Muhammadu Buhari, Trump made clear his appetite for spectacle and suspense. “I will say this, the good news, everybody wants us, it has the chance to be a big event ... The United States has never been closer to potentially having something happen with respect to the Korean peninsula that can get rid of the nuclear weapons, can create so many good things, so many positive things, and peace and safety for the world. So we’ll see what happens. I often say, who knows?”

He described Kim as having been “very open and very straightforward so far. I can only say again, so far.”

On Sunday, some of Trump’s key advisers counselled caution on North Korea, despite the historic events of last week and conciliatory messages coming out of Pyongyang about possible denuclearisation of the Korean peninsula, the expressed aim of the Trump administration’s “maximum pressure” policy.

The new national security adviser, John Bolton, a noted hawk, told CBS: “What we want to see from them is evidence that it’s real and not just rhetoric.”

The new secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, who as CIA director met Kim in North Korea at Easter, told ABC the administration would not be fooled.

 Peace House located on the southern side of the inter-Korean truce village of Panmunjom.

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 Peace House located on the southern side of the inter-Korean truce village of Panmunjom. Photograph: YONHAP/AAP

“We know the history, we know the risks,” he said. “We’re going to negotiate in a different way than before, we’re going to require steps that demonstrate denuclearization is going to be achieved. We’re not going to take promises or words, we are going to look for actions and deeds.”

At a rally in Michigan on Saturday night, Trump gave a hint about the timing of his possible meeting with Kim.

“I think we will have a meeting over the next three or four weeks,” he said. “It’s going be a very important meeting, the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula. But we’ll see how it goes. I may go in, it may not work out, I leave.”

Trump’s words were greeted with chants of “Nobel! Nobel!”

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South Korea’s president agrees. Moon told a cabinet meeting the American president should win a Nobel peace prize, a South Korean official said on Monday.

“President Trump should win the Nobel peace prize,” Moon said, according to a presidential Blue House official who briefed media. “What we need is only peace.”

On Friday, Moon and Kim pledged to end hostilities between the two countries and work towards the “complete denuclearization” of the Korean peninsula in the first inter-Korean summit in more than a decade.

Trump’s meeting with Kim was the main subject of a private walk and chat Kim and Moon had during their meeting at the border, the South Korean official said.

In January, Moon said Trump “deserves big credit for bringing about the inter-Korean talks. It could be a resulting work of the US-led sanctions and pressure.”

The president’s breezy tweet about his meeting with Kim followed on the heels of a tweet in which he complained about a comedian’s routine at the White House correspondents’ dinner in Washington on Saturday. The event was “a total disaster and an embarrassment” he wrote, adding: “FAKE NEWS is alive and well and beautifully represented.”