한겨레 신문 이건희 삼성회장 사망 보도, 조선일보와 큰 차별성도 없었다. 삼성 노조 파괴, 삼성전자 반도체 산업재해 희생자들, 국정농단의 뿌리와 이건희 전 삼성회장과의 관계를 조명하지 못했다.
최순실-박근혜 국정농단 사건의 공모자 이재용은 사회적 법률적 비판을 받아야 한다. 이건희 전 삼성회장 사망 이후, 보통 노동자 시민의 신문이라던 한겨레 신문 1면 기사가, '이재용 부회장 언제 회장직 오를까'였다. 삼성 이건희와 이재용에 대한 한겨레 정치적 사회적 관점이 조선일보와 큰 차이가 없다. 한겨레 관점은 왜 이렇게 보수화되었는가, 무슨 이유에서일까?
요즘 썩 진보적이지 않은 영국 BBC 조차도, 이건희가 누구인가 보도하고, 그에 대한 비판 평가도 실었다. '2차 세계대전 이후 한국 재벌들이 한국경제 구조를 환골탈태시키는데 일조했지만, 부도덕하고 부정직한 정경유착을 일삼아 많은 비판을 받아왔다. Chaebols helped to drive South Korea's economic transformation after World War Two, but have long been accused of murky political and business dealings.'
'이건희는 1968년 삼성 경영 시작, 1987년 회장이 되었다.
노태우 대통령 시절 두 차례 뇌물죄, 2008년에는 세금 탈루와 횡령으로 회장직 사퇴했다. 탈세죄로 3년 집행유예 선고를 받았으나 대통령 사면으로 풀려났다.
2009년 삼성 무역상사에서 삼성 보험, 삼성 조선 삼성전자 210억 달러, 한국 최고 부자 이건희 사망 원인 밝히지 않았다. ' 고 bbc 는 보도했다.
한겨레 신문 1면 제목이 '이재용 부회장은 언제 회장직에 오를까?', '2등은 아무도 기억하지 않는다. 이건희, 글로벌 삼성을 키워온 힘'이다. (두번째 기사 제목도 문제가 많다. 이 기사에서 구본권 기자가 삼성-검찰 뇌물 등 삼성 범법을 언급하긴 했으나, 이재용 회장직 언제 오를까를 1면에 내건 바람에, 리드를 잘못 뽑아서, 구 기사의 의미도 퇴색되었다)
1. bbc
Samsung Group titan Lee Kun-hee dies aged 78
Samsung Group Chairman Lee Kun-hee
Lee Kun-hee, the chairman of South Korea's largest conglomerate, Samsung Group, has died aged 78.
Mr Lee helped to grow his father's small trading business into an economic powerhouse, diversifying into areas like insurance and shipping.
During his lifetime, Samsung Electronics also became one of the world's biggest tech firms.
He was the richest person in South Korea, according to Forbes, with a net worth of nearly $21bn (£16bn).
Samsung said Mr Lee died on Sunday with family by his side, but did not state the exact cause of death. A heart attack in 2014 had left him living in care.
"All of us at Samsung will cherish his memory and are grateful for the journey we shared with him," the firm said in a statement.
Mr Lee was the third son of Lee Byung-chul, who founded Samsung Group in 1938. He joined the family firm in 1968 and took over as chairman in 1987 after his father's death.
At the time, Samsung was seen as a producer of cheap, low-quality products. But under his leadership radical reforms were introduced at the company.
Mr Lee became famous for telling employees in 1993: "Let's change everything except our wives and kids." The firm then burned its entire mobile phone stock, consisting of 150,000 handsets.
An undated handout photo made available by Samsung Group on 25 October 2020 shows Chairman Lee Kun-hee (C) as a child together with his parents, in South Korea
image captionMr Lee, pictured with his parents as a child, was the third son of Lee Byung-chul, who founded Samsung Group
Mr Lee rarely spoke to the media and had a reputation for being a recluse, earning him the nickname "the hermit king".
Samsung is by far the largest of South's Korea's chaebols - the family-owned conglomerates that dominate the country's economy.
Chaebols helped to drive South Korea's economic transformation after World War Two, but have long been accused of murky political and business dealings.
Mr Lee was twice convicted of criminal offences, including the bribing of former President Roh Tae-woo.
He stepped down as Samsung chairman in 2008 after he was charged with tax evasion and embezzlement. He was handed a three-year suspended jail sentence for tax evasion but was given a presidential pardon in 2009 and went on to lead South Korea's successful bid to host the 2018 Winter Olympics.
He returned as chairman of Samsung Group in 2010, but was left bedridden by the 2014 heart attack.
Mr Lee's son, Lee Jae-yong, has served jail time for his role in a bribery scandal which triggered the ousting of then-President Park Geun-hye from office in 2017. Last month, prosecutors laid fresh charges against him over his role in a 2015 merger deal.
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2. cnn
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