현재 상황 - 알 자지라 기사 요지.
10월 4일 월요일 (미국-캐나다 ) 페이스북, 인스타그램,왓스앱 접속 중단. 접속중단 추적 웹사이트 다운디텍터에 5만건 신고접수. 미국,캐나다,유럽, 아프리카, 중동 등 페이스북 접속 중단.
접속 중단 이유는 아직까지 모름. 전 세계적 접속 중단되고 있고, 2019년보다 장시간 지속.
페이스북 (인스타그램,왓스앱) 회사 입장. “뭔가 잘못되었다. 원인 파악 중이고 신속하게 고치겠다”
페이스북-인스타그램 논란 중. 상원 청문회 열린 예정.
인스타그램 때문에, 10대 여자들이 자기 얼굴, 외모 등에 대해 스스로 불만족을 표시하고, 불행해한다는 연구조사가 발표됨. 페이스북(인스타그램) 회사가 내부 조사를 이미 알고 있으면서 조치를 취하지 않았다는 미국내 불만이 터져나옴.
이런 내부 조사 내용이 바깥으로 알려진 이후, 페이스북에 대한 미국인들의 압박이 커지고 있을 때 페이스북 접속 중단 사태가 발생했음.
월 스트리트 저널 보도. 10대, 특히 10대 여자들이 인스타그램을 하면서 자기 얼굴이나 정체성에 대해서 ‘기분 나쁘고, 언짢아 하고, 불만을 터뜨리고’ 있다는 조사 결과를 페이스북 회사가 알고 있었음. 그런데도 페이스북 회사는 연구조사를 왜곡했다고 월 스트리트 기사를 무시함.
내일 화요일, 전 페이스북 직원이었던 프란시스 호젠 (Frances Haugen)이 상원 무역-통상-비지니스 (commerce) 분과 위원회에서 페이스북과 인스타그램이 청소년에게 미치는 영향에 대한 청문회에 참석해 증언할 예정.
참고 - outage tracking website Downdetector.com.
Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp down in global outage
Outage is affecting tens of thousands of users across social media platforms, according to an outage tracking website.
Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp down in global outage
Outage is affecting tens of thousands of users across social media platforms, according to an outage tracking website.
Facebook says it is aware some users are having difficulty accessing its apps, but it has not confirmed what exactly is causing the outage [Justin Sullivan/Getty Images via AFP]
4 Oct 2021
Facebook Inc has said it is working to restore access to its social media platforms, including photo-sharing platform Instagram and messaging app WhatsApp, after an apparent global outage.
The platforms were down for tens of thousands of users on Monday, according to outage tracking website Downdetector.com.
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The website was showing outages in heavily populated areas like Washington, DC, and Paris, with problems being reported from about 15:45 GMT.
“We’re aware that some people are having trouble accessing our apps and products,” Facebook said on Twitter. “We’re working to get things back to normal as quickly as possible, and we apologize for any inconvenience.”
A similar message confirming the outage also was posted on WhatsApp’s Twitter account.
Al Jazeera could not independently confirm what was affecting the platforms, while Facebook did not immediately respond to requests for comment from the Reuters and AFP news agencies on the outage.
WhatsApp was down for more than 35,000 users, Reuters reported on Monday afternoon, and Facebook Messenger was also down for nearly 9,800 users.
Al Jazeera’s Alan Fisher, reporting from Washington, DC, said users in the US, Europe, Africa and the Middle East have reported outages.
“This seems like a global outage, and it’s already gone on a lot longer than the 2019 shutdown which lasted for about an hour, which was caused by technical problems, according to WhatsApp then,” Fisher said. “This is obviously very concerning,” he added.
The error message appearing on Facebook.com throughout the day read: “Sorry, something went wrong. We’re working on it and we’ll get it fixed as soon as we can.”
The message suggested a Domain Name System (DNS) error, Reuters reported.
DNS allows web addresses to take users to their destinations. A similar outage at cloud company Akamai Technologies Inc took down multiple websites in July.
Downdetector, which only tracks outages by collating status reports from a series of sources, including user-submitted errors on its platform, showed there were more than 50,000 incidents of people reporting issues with Facebook and Instagram.
But the outage might be affecting more users.
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Ian Sherr, editor-at-large at CNET, told Al Jazeera that judging by early reporting and the error messages users received on Monday, it appears most likely that “something is configured incorrectly”.
“My bet is that someone pushed a button wrong, or a cord got unplugged, which seems very minor but the reality is that we’ve seen these things before where suddenly something is configured incorrectly and entire swaths of the internet are not available,” Sherr said.
The outage comes as Facebook is facing mounting pressure in the US, after a leaked internal investigation showed the social media giant was aware of how its Instagram app harmed the mental health of teenagers.
In a series of articles, the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) newspaper reported that Facebook knew its Instagram platform caused some teenagers, girls in particular, to feel bad about their self-image. The company has rejected the reports as a distortion of the probe’s findings.
“We care deeply about the safety and security of the people on our platform,” Facebook’s Head of Global Security, Antigone Davis, said during a Senate subcommittee hearing last week. “We have put in place multiple protections to create safe and age-appropriate experiences for people between the ages of 13 and 17.”
On Tuesday, former Facebook employee Frances Haugen will testify at another hearing of the Senate Commerce subcommittee about Facebook and Instagram’s impacts on young users.
Democratic Senator Richard Blumenthal, chair of the subcommittee, said the testimony is “critical to understanding what Facebook knew about its platforms’ toxic effects on young users, when they knew it, and what they did about it”.
Last week, Instagram announced it was pausing plans to launch a platform for children, saying the move aimed to give the company “time to work with parents, experts, policymakers and regulators, to listen to their concerns, and to demonstrate the value and importance of this project for younger teens online today”.
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