몇가지 요점.
저학력층이 상대적으로 투표율이 낮다.
통계인자 공유집단(코호트 cohort) 설명 방식. 젊은 층 ‘물질적이고 전통적인 참여 가치’에서 ‘탈물질주의적이고 탈-전통적인 가치’ 성향으로 변화 (1977, Ingelhart 잉겔하트)
그러나 나이가 들어감에 따라, 육아,아이교육, 가계 채무, 재산, 세금 등에 대한 관심이 증가할수록 정치와 선거에 더 참여하게 된다.(Russell, 2002)
고학력층의 경우도 투표율이 낮은 경우, 그 고학력층이 사회,정부,선거제도에 엄청나게 비판적이기 때문.
남성보다 여성의 투표율이 낮은 이유 (정치 신뢰도, 정치 효능감, 관심, 만족도)
A multilevel analysis of social mechanisms behind
Andreas Hadjar and Michael Beck
Department of Sociology of Education, University of Berne, Berne, Switzerland
ABSTRACT: This paper focuses on the research question ‘Who does not vote
and why?’ regarding national elections in 24 European countries. We analyse
determinants of non-voting both on the individual and the societal level
employing a multilevel design. On the micro level, the sociological
determinants under consideration are education, cohort and gender.
Regarding psychological or motivational factors, we include in the analyses
political efficacy, political interest, political trust and satisfaction with
politics. On the macro level, we analyse characteristics of the electoral
system, including opportunities for ‘direct democracy’, maturity of
democracy, disproportionality factor, and if the participation in elections is
compulsory. The data source of the analyses is the European Social Survey
2006. A first main finding is the fact that the probability of non-voting is
higher among people with a low level of education and among younger
cohorts. The motivational factors have similar impacts on non-voting across
all analysed societies. Lack of political efficacy, lack of political interest,
lack of political trust and dissatisfaction with politicians and the political
system increase the probability of non-voting. Regarding macro influences,
countries with compulsory voting and ‘old democracies’ turn out to have a
lower rate of non-voting, although these effects vanish when simultaneously
modelled with the social psychological micro level indicators.
Key words: non-voting; education; cohort; multilevel analysis.
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