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이스라엘 네탄야후 총리, 레바논 헤즈볼라 공격 이유 - 미 대선 시기 활용, 국내 정치적 목표

by 원시 2024. 9. 25.

네탄야후의 목표.

1. 이스라엘 자국내 인기 하락에 대한 대책.

2. 미국 강경파와 이스라엘 강경파.
미 대선 국면 활용

3. 이란 입장. 사우디와 이란.
4. 러시아 우크라이나 전쟁.

국제전쟁 상황을 활용. 이란이 전면전을 꺼리는 상황을 이용.



Seraj Assi 기고문 요약.



이스라엘 공습. 월요일 화요일.
558 명 레바논 시민 사망.
1835명 부상.

이스라엘의 폭격. 레바논 남부. 베카 계곡. 58개 마을 공습.

2) 레바논 보건부 당국 입장. 이스라엘이 주거 의료센터 앰뷸런스,탈출하는 시민들 저격 등. 전쟁 범죄이다.

3) 미국 태도. 

미 국방장관. 로이드 오스틴 입장. 이스라엘 지역에 추가 파병. 목적은 레바논 헤즈볼라가 이스라엘을 공격하는 것을 막기 위함. 미국은 이스라엘의 자위권을 옹호.


4) 네탄야후 입장

이스라엘 네탄야후 입장. 레바논 헤즈볼라에 대한 선제 공격 preemptive attack .

5) 레바논 수상. 나지브 미카티 주장. 이스라엘의 공격은 인종청소에 해당.

6) 헤즈볼라가 반격을 가하다. 이스라엘 북부에 로켓 발사. 그러나 이스라엘의 인명 피해는 없어.

7) 이스라엘과 레바논 헤즈볼라 무력 비교 

이스라엘 공습으로 레바논 30명 사망 (금요일) 헤즈볼라 고위 사령관 사망.

8) 학살 역사. 
월요일 학살은 사브라,샤틸라 학살 기념일에 발생.
1982년 이스라엘 군대가 베이루트에 있는 사브라와 샤틸라 난민 캠프를 공격, 비무장 팔레스타인 수천명을 학살함. 이스라엘 군대는 PLO 를 공격한다는 명분으로 팔레스타인 난민들을 학살함.

1996년 4월 18일. 이스라엘 군대는 카나 Qana , 남부 레바논 지역으로 당시 이스라엘이 장악하고 있었음, 거기에 있던 유엔 건물을 폭격. 거기에 거주하던 800명 레바논인들 중 106명이 사망함. 이스라엘 작전명. 존 스타인벡 소설 '분노의 포도' 인용함. 

Israel / Palestine Lebanon
War and Imperialism
Israel Is Extending Its Genocidal War to Lebanon

Seraj Assi

With US arms continuing to flow to Israel as it slaughtered more than 500 people in Lebanon since yesterday, Benjamin Netanyahu seems to have few qualms about igniting a full-blown regional war — and US officials aren’t stopping him.

레바논 500명 사망.
네탄야후의 목표는 무엇인가?

Paramedics working through the night to rescue people from under rubble after an Israeli attack in Beirut, Lebanon, on September 20, 2024. (Courtney Bonneau / Middle East Images / AFP via Getty

Israel has unleashed hell in Lebanon.

On Monday, waves of Israeli air strikes that by Tuesday morning had killed 558 people in southern and eastern Lebanon, including women and children, while displacing thousands others who fled north for safety following Israel Defense Forces’ (IDF) warnings to evacuate. At least 1,835 civilians have been reported wounded.

이스라엘 공습. 월요일 화요일.
558 명 레바논 시민 사망.
1835명 부상.

Footage shows Israeli forces carpet-bombing civilian homes across Southern Lebanon and the Bekaa Valley, hitting at least fifty-eight towns and villages.

이스라엘의 폭격. 레바논 남부. 베카 계곡. 58개 마을 공습.

레바논 보건부 당국 입장. 이스라엘이 주거 의료센터 앰뷸런스,탈출하는 시민들 저격 등. 전쟁 범죄이다.

According to Lebanon’s health ministry, the Israeli bombing has targeted homes, medical centers, ambulances, and the cars of people trying to flee. Entire Lebanese families have been wiped out. Horrific footage shows children trapped under the rubble.

This is a blatant war crime.

The assault on Monday comes amid fears of a looming Israeli ground invasion in Lebanon, which threatens to escalate into a full-blown regional war.

In a CNN interview on Sunday, UN secretary-general António Guterres warned that all-out war would risk “the possibility of transforming Lebanon into another Gaza,” which he said would be “a devastating tragedy for the world.”

But a regional war is precisely what Israel wants. Armed with a bottomless supply of US weapons, Israel is extending its genocidal war to Lebanon with clear intent on a regional escalation that could directly implicate the United States.

Following the Monday massacre, the Pentagon dispatched additional troops to the region in anticipation of a wider conflict. The assault also comes just hours after US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin expressed his “support for Israel’s right to defend itself from Lebanese Hezbollah attacks.”

미 국방장관. 로이드 오스틴 입장. 이스라엘 지역에 추가 파병. 목적은 레바논 헤즈볼라가 이스라엘을 공격하는 것을 막기 위함. 미국은 이스라엘의 자위권을 옹호.

Taking a page from its Gaza script, the Israeli military has characterized the massacre as an “extensive” assault on Hezbollah, while parroting the genocidal logic that there are no civilians in Lebanon.

Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu signaled on Sunday that the IDF assault on Lebanon is just beginning, boasting that “over the past few days, we hit Hezbollah with a series of blows it hadn’t imagined.”

In a video posted to social media that Monday, an IDF spokesperson described the bombing as a preemptive attack launched amid “indications that Hezbollah was preparing to fire towards Israeli territory.” Another Israeli official described the assault as “de-escalation through escalation.”

이스라엘 네탄야후 입장. 레바논 헤즈볼라에 대한 선제 공격 preemptive attack .

Lebanon’s caretaker prime minister Najib Mikati on Monday called Israel’s wave of air strikes an act of genocide, declaring: “The continued Israeli aggression on Lebanon is a WAR of GENOCIDE in every sense of the word, and its goal is to DESTROY Lebanese VILLAGES!”

레바논 수상. 나지브 미카티 주장. 이스라엘의 공격은 인종청소에 해당.

Meanwhile, the Lebanese government has requested an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council following the latest Israeli strike in Beirut, accusing Israel of carrying out acts “akin to genocide” on Lebanese soil.

Israeli ministers themselves have been openly calling for genocide in Lebanon, while others are now calling on the IDF to “take over” and establish a “buffer zone” in Southern Lebanon.

In response to the Israeli attacks, Hezbollah has fired a barrage of rockets into northern Israel, which have been mostly intercepted and caused no casualties. (Hezbollah has repeatedly pledged to stop its attacks on Israel if there is a cease-fire in Gaza.)

헤즈볼라가 반격을 가하다. 이스라엘 북부에 로켓 발사. 그러나 이스라엘의 인명 피해는 없어.

The Monday massacre comes shortly after Israeli intelligence services launched a mass terrorist attack inside Lebanon, causing thousands of electronic devices to detonate remotely, killing at least forty and wounding and maiming thousands of others, while “unleashing widespread fear, panic, and horror among people in Lebanon,” to cite a top UN official.

It follows the deadly Israeli air strike in Lebanon on Friday, which killed over thirty civilians, along with a high-ranking Hezbollah commander.

이스라엘 공습으로 레바논 30명 사망 (금요일) 헤즈볼라 고위 사령관 사망.

Israel has a long history of carrying out civilian massacres in Lebanon. The Monday massacre coincides with the anniversary of Sabra and Shatila massacre.

월요일 학살은 사브라,샤틸라 학살 기념일에 발생.
1982년 이스라엘 군대가 베이루트에 있는 사브라와 샤틸라 난민 캠프를 공격, 비무장 팔레스타인 수천명을 학살함. 이스라엘 군대는 PLO 를 공격한다는 명분으로 팔레스타인 난민들을 학살함.

In September 1982, IDF forces invaded the Sabra and Shatila refugee camp in Beirut, allowing Maronite Phalangists to enter the camp and massacre thousands of defenseless Palestinian refugees in cold blood, mostly women and children.

The massacre took place even after the camp had surrendered to the Israeli forces and Palestine Liberation Organization members had left Beirut.

On April 18, 1996, Israel carried out a horrific massacre near Qana, a village in then Israeli-occupied Southern Lebanon, where the Israeli military bombarded a United Nations compound, which was sheltering over 800 Lebanese civilians, killing at least 106.

1996년 4월 18일. 이스라엘 군대는 카나 Qana , 남부 레바논 지역으로 당시 이스라엘이 장악하고 있었음, 거기에 있던 유엔 건물을 폭격. 거기에 거주하던 800명 레바논인들 중 106명이 사망함.

An Amnesty International report later concluded that “the IDF intentionally attacked the UN compound.” The Qana massacre was hailed by Israel as “Operation Grapes of Wrath,” in reference to the novel by US author John Steinbeck.

당시 이스라엘 군대는 카나 폭격을 "분노의 포도 "작전이라고 명했음.

Under the guise of fighting terrorism, Israel continues to act with impunity in the region, emboldened by US unconditional support and unceasing flow of arms shipments.

For twelve months, the United States has manufactured and shipped while Israel delivered the bombs that have massacred over 40,000 Palestinians in Gaza, and nearly one thousand civilians in Lebanon. (According to the nonprofit organization Armed Conflict Location and Event Data (ACLED), Israel has launched over 8,000 attacks in Lebanon since last October.) Since the start of its genocidal war in Gaza, Israel has committed war crimes nearly every day, and every war crime bears the undeniable imprints of US complicity.

Following the Monday massacre in Lebanon, a group of US lawmakers have urged the Biden administration to halt arms supplies to Israel. Rep. Rashida Tlaib wrote on social media: “It’s easier to stop sending Israel government weapons to conduct its genocidal wars than it is to evacuate every American in Lebanon.”

Without an immediate halt to US arms to Israel, it’s hard to see why Israel should stop slaughtering civilians in Gaza and Lebanon, while threatening to ignite a full-blown regional war that would be “a devastating tragedy for the world"

Seraj Assi is a Palestinian writer living in Washington, DC, and the author, most recently, of My Life As An Alien (Tartarus Press).

세라즈 아씨. 팔레스타인 저자.


글 출처. https://jacobin.com/author/seraj-assi


Seraj Assi

Articles by Seraj Assi.






뉴스 보도. 알자지라.


출처. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/9/25/lebanons-hezbollah-says-senior-leader-killed-amid-israeli-bombardment


Lebanon’s Hezbollah says senior leader killed amid Israeli bombardment

Lebanese armed group confirms death of Ibrahim Muhammad Qubaisi hours after Israel said he was targeted in air strike.



