독일 제국주의와 소련 팽창주의에 고초를 겪은 동유럽, 중유럽 국가들에 대한 재평가는 필요하다. 이야기가 길어지니 다음에 '1968년 프라하의 봄' 을 언급할 때 자세히 하기로 한다. 한국 좌파나 진보의 정서는 서유럽 좌파 지식인들보다 동유럽,중유럽의 반체제 인사의 정서와 오히려 비슷한 측면이 더 많기 때문이다.
IQ 검사 기원은, 1차 세계대전 당시 미국군대를 유럽에 파병할 때, 그 자격을 심사할 요량으로 미군부가 실시한 시험이었다. 또한 지능검사 IQ 시험을 제국주의와 식민지 사람들의 차별을 정당화하는 도구로 활용했다. 내 주변에는 IQ 160 인 사람도 있고, 나도 한 때 IQ 높다고 형제들 사이에서 괜히 한번 거들먹거린 적도 있었는데, 부끄러운 과거 아닐 수 없다.
나치 히틀러와 하인리히 힘러. '레벤스본 Lebensborn(생명의 기원, 원천)' 프로그램과, 노르웨이 태생 프리다가 스웨덴 '아바' 멤버가 되기 까지.
할머니 '아니'는 독일 점령군이 물러가자, 자기 딸 '지니'가 독일군인 딸을 낳았다 동네 사람들의 비난을 피하고자 스웨덴으로 피란갔다.
프리다의 출생 역시 '우월한 유전자'와 연관이 있다.
프리다는 독일 패망 후, 1945년 11월에 태어났다. 프리다의 엄마 '지니'는 당시 19세였고, 프리다의 독일 이름은 '티스커바나스 Tyskerbarnas' 였다. 프리다 본명은 아니 프리드 룅스타 (Anni Frid Lyngstad)인데, 엄마 지니 성을 따랐다.
독일군이 노르웨이에서 물러가자, 독일군 하제 사이에 낳은 아이 때문에 '조국의 배신자'라는 사회적 지탄과 비난을 우려한 프리다 할머니 '아니'는 프리다를 데리고 스웨덴으로 먼저 도피했다.
히틀러와 힘러의 '우생학' 집착은 우수종자 돼지, 강아지처럼 '접 붙이기'를 넘어서, 직접 아이들을 납치했다. 1939년 이후 하인리히 힘러는 아리안 종족처럼 생긴 아이들을 여러나라에서 직접 납치해 왔다. 폴란드, 유고슬라비아, 러시아, 우크라이나, 체코슬로바키아, 루마니아, 에스토니아, 라트비아, 노르웨이 등. 폴란드, 러시아를 비롯 동유럽 국가들에서 20만명 아이들이 납치당했다.
이런 비극적 사실을 고려하면, 전 세계적 밴드가 되고 스웨덴을 상징하는 '아바'의 프리다는 운이 좋았다고 할까? 프리다 할머니 '아니'가 하인리히 힘러가 그렇게 선호했던 노르웨이를 필사적으로 탈출해 스웨덴에 정착했기 때문에 아바 '프리다'의 성공은 가능했다.
(프리다와 그 아버지 알프레드 하제. 1978년 네덜란드 매거진 '팝 포토'에 실림Frida and her father Alfred Haase in 1978 article from the Dutch Magazine Pop Foto.)
Adolf Hitler envisioned a perfect world filled with perfect people. He took drastic measures to eliminate those who did not fit in with his vision via the “Final Solution.”
However, German citizens who did fit in with his view of perfection were bestowed with another fate.
Hitler enacted programs to streamline racial purity by forcing Jews, homosexuals and the disabled into concentration camps, sterilization and euthanasia.
But for blonde-haired blue-eyed German women who were deemed “racially pure”, they were given another “privilege.”
It was known as Lebensborn, a selective breeding camp to increase the birth rates of the Aryan race during the war years. Women were screened by doctors to ensure their Aryan heritage all the way up through their grandparents.
Qualifying women were required to be free of disabilities or mental illness.
Members of the SS were encouraged to participate in fathering the children at Lebensborn facilities.
There was also evidence of kidnapping children who looked close enough to the Ayran requirements and adopted by German families.
In total there were over 8,000 Lebensborn children brought into the world. It was another example of German eugenics and the architects of the program were placed on trial for war crimes following the war.
This video goes deeper into the dark history of Nazi Germany’s Lebensborn babies.
What History Didn’t Tell Us about the Nazi “Super Baby” Breeding Program
If there was one subject that could ever truly capture my attention at school, it was the monster story that was Adolf Hitler’s Nazi regime.
I’ve admittedly always been a ‘bad reader’, but outside of class I devoured books on the war as a teenager and still to this day, there seems to be no end to its disturbing secrets buried beneath history’s hidden rocks.
Today, I fell into another dark pool of World War II’s repressed footnotes by discovering the details of the Lebensborn breeding program … a story that I would only recommend for those who, like myself, have that insuppressible desire to learn history’s most uncomfortable truths.
Lebensborn, meaning “fount of life” was an SS-initiated program that encouraged anonymous births by unmarried “racially pure” women who were selected to breed with Nazi officers and secure the future of a “super race” for the German Reich.
The program expanded into several Nazi occupied countries including Norway, France and Belgium, resulting in a shameful post-war ostracism of surviving Lebensborn mothers and the mistreatment of their displaced children across Europe after Germany lost the war.
An estimated 8,000 children were born in Lebensborn institutions in Germany, up to 12,000 children in Norway and countless others across occupied countries where “super babies” had been selected become part of the German master race.
(왼쪽에서 세번째가 프리다)
The most famous of the surviving Lebensborn children is Frida Lyngstad of the iconic Swedish pop band, ABBA (pictured third from left).
With their blue eyes and blond hair, Norweigans were regarded by the Nazi regime as especially Aryan.
Heinrich Himmler, the head of the SS and the creator of the Lebensborn, favoured Norwegian women for his perverted program and set up the majority of its institutions in Nazi occupied Norway.
독일 소녀 리그.
To counteract falling birth rates in Germany, and to promote Nazi eugenics, leaders of the League of German Girls were also instructed to recruit young women with the potential to become good breeding partners for SS officers.
Young women who could prove their Aryan ancestry were given incentives for bearing Aryan children, including financial support and privileged treatment in maternity homes. For many Norwegian women, it became a survival strategy during the war, when their country was one of the poorest places in Europe.
At a time when abortion was illegal, they could also have the option of leaving or donating their children in the Lebensborn’s special homes, where the child would receive special nutrition and an upbringing and education which reflected the Nazi way of thinking. The Iron Cross award was given to the women who bore the most aryan children.
Due to destruction and widespread cover-up of Lebensborn records, it cannot be confirmed whether young girls were forced to mate with Nazi officers, despite strong suggestion that they were (sexual assault was almost official policy within the Third Reich).
The program was undoubtedly however, a system of supervised selective breeding, and recently discovered records show that “some SS men did sire children in Himmler’s Lebensborn program”.
Just to remind us, I took the liberty of pulling up the definition of ‘sire’ : the male parent of an animal, especially a stallion or bull kept for breeding.
In 1939, membership of the Lebensborn stood at 8,000, of which 3,500 were SS leaders.
On 13 September 1936, Heinrich Himmler had written the following to members of the SS:
The organisation “Lebensborn e.V.” serves the SS leaders in the selection and adoption of qualified children. The organisation “Lebensborn e.V.” is under my personal direction, is part of the Race and Settlement Central Bureau of the SS, and has the following obligations:
1. Support racially, biologically and hereditarily valuable families with many children.
2. Placement and care of racially, biologically and hereditarily valuable pregnant women, who, after thorough examination of their and the progenitor’s families by the Race and Settlement Central Bureau of the SS, can be expected to produce equally valuable children.
3. Care for the children.
4. Care for the children’s mothers.
It is the honorable duty of all leaders of the central bureau to become members of the organisation “Lebensborn e.V.”. The application for admission must be filed prior to 23 September 1936.
Relationships between German soldiers and Nordic women in occupied countries were strongly encouraged, provided both parents were proven to be “racially valuable”. The program also accepted women of Aryan descent who were already pregnant or had already given birth and were in need of aid. About 60% of the mothers were unmarried and the Lebensborn allowed them to give birth secretly away from home without social stigma. In most of these cases, the mothers agreed to adoption, but not all were informed that their children would be sent abroad to Germany.
The first of more than 20 Lebensborn homes opened in 1936, in a tiny village near Munich in 1941, the first institution abroad was opened in Norway.
In northern France, a home was opened in the town of Lamorlaye in 1944 where an estimated 200 children were born. The building (pictured above) now houses a branch of the Red Cross. The Lebensborn facilities included an on-site orphanage and offered adoption services. They were often established in confiscated houses and former nursing homes owned by Jews.
While the program initially excluded children born to foreign women and common (non-SS) soldiers for reasons of racial purity, the Lebensborn later expanded into countries with Germanic populations where parents and children were usually examined by SS doctors before admission.
But in an even darker twist to the Lebensborn program, the strict requirements of racial purity were practically abandoned altogether by Heinrich Himmler when he took his mission to unimaginable extremes…
In 1939, under Himmler’s direction, Nazis began kidnapping thousands of children regarded as “Aryan-looking” from foreign countries, most notably Poland and Yugoslavia, but also from Russia, Ukraine, Czechoslovakia, Romania, Estonia, Latvia, and Norway – for the Lebensborn program.
Himmler reportedly said, “It is our duty to take [the children] with us to remove them from their environment… either we win over any good blood that we can use for ourselves and give it a place in our people or we destroy this blood”.
The policy of the Lebensraum had essentially given birth to the Nazi ideology of German expansionism and the regime’s plan for the genocide and ethnic cleansing on a vast scale. This was the real crime of Lebensborn, a seemingly helpful, almost innocent welfare solution for struggling women. How easily evil can disguise itself…
An estimated 200,000 children were stolen from their parents in Poland, Russia and several Eastern European regions for the purpose of ‘Germanization’.
They were categorised into groups from the “most desirable” to the least Aryan-looking. If they couldn’t be of use to help build Hitler’s master race, they were discarded and sent off to concentration camps. If a child was considered “acceptable” they would begin indoctrination, spending time at ‘re-education camps’ before being fostered out to German families or boarding schools where they could become culturally German. They were given new German names and forced to forget their birth parents and ancestry. Any children who fought against their indoctrination or resisted, met a tragic fate.
All records of these mass kidnappings were destroyed in the final stages of the war, which made it near impossible to locate and identify children or even know exactly how many were taken. The Polish government has claimed that less than 15% of 10,000 children were returned to their biological parents.
Of the Norwegian children that were born into or indoctrinated under the Lebensborn program, the Norwegian government was able to recover all but 80 after the war. Local communities who had lived in starvation for most of the occupation, sought revenge on both the mothers and children of the Nazi maternity homes where members had received the best treatment available.
The press reported on the unusually well-fed “super babies” that had received two baths a day. Lebensborn mothers were publicly beaten, shamed, ostracized and often sentenced to slave labour.
The “superior” children who had effectively become German under the Third Reich’s program, were considered outcasts and placed in orphanages or even in insane asylums where they would be relentlessly bullied and abused. The Norwegian government itself even attempted (unsuccessfully) to deport the Lebensborn children to Germany, Brazil, and Australia.
Sweden took in several hundred unwanted children from Norway, including future ABBA singer Anni-Frid Lyngstad, whose father was a German sergeant. Her widowed Norwegian mother escaped persecution after the war and took Anni-Frid to Sweden, where their personal history could not be traced.
In 2008, a group of survivors brought a case before the European Court of Human Rights to fight the Norwegian government into admitting complicity in their mistreatment, revealing shameful details of the program’s aftermath. The case was dismissed with a compensation offering of £8,000 from the Norwegian government.
Associations have since been formed to help survivors identify their origins through documents administered by the International Tracing Service and the German Federal Archives.
There are so many facets of war that have been under-reported, swept under the carpet and left out of the history books, in large part due to the fact that we find them uncomfortable to talk about. I consider this sort of taboo historical knowledge as further education; a most fundamental one, that can help us identify dangerous patterns in society and recognise early on when history might be dangerously close to repeating itself.
Archive image sources: Histomill, Bytes Daily, DW.com.
Victims of Hitler's plan for a master race
![German nurses take babies out for fresh air in the grounds of a former hotel in the Bavarian resort of Bad Wiessee in June 1945](https://i.guim.co.uk/img/static/sys-images/Guardian/Pix/pictures/2006/11/06/germ372.jpg?width=445&quality=85&auto=format&fit=max&s=15dc7e06aacd9531993eaf0e2cc50307)
The Lebensborn Kinder - a long hushed-up aspect of Nazi history - were born in special maternity homes, places where mostly unmarried women and the wives of SS men gave birth to children with "good Aryan" blood.
Now in their 60s, a group of these children met this weekend in the eastern German town of Wernigerode, telling their stories in the hope of quelling the taboos and flamboyant myths about the murky Nazi institutions.
"It's high time to tell the truth," said Gisela Heidenreich, one of the 37 Lebensborn (source of life) children who travelled to the quiet town.
"There's been too much talk about Nazi babies, women being kept as SS whores and tall blond people being bred."
The assembled group, who have travelled from far and wide, are notable for their diversity - a far cry from stereotypes of any unified Nazi master race. While a few have light blond hair, most are now grey.
Walking down the leafy streets after visiting Wernigerode's Lebensborn home, Gisela described the confusion she and her peers have suffered.
Her eyes blazed as she spoke of the web of lies that dominated her childhood.
First she was led to believe that her birth mother was an aunt. She was later told that her father, a married SS officer, was dead. She woke up to the fact that all was not as it seemed when she was four and heard her uncle refer to her as "an SS bastard".
"That was the first time that my world fell apart.
My second shock came when I was a teenager and found out through mere coincidence that my father was alive," the tall, blond woman explained.
"I've learnt that this feeling of deep uncertainty about my identity is typical of us Lebensborn children. So many felt that something was wrong before they discovered the truth."
For decades after the second world war a climate of shame suppressed discussion of the social impact of the Third Reich.
That meant that many Lebensborn children only recently discovered their roots - especially those who grew up in the former communist east.
Among those, some were astounded to read about their background in their Stasi secret service files, which were made public after the reunification of Germany in 1990.
The children represented a traumatic chapter in 20th century history and were often shunned by society.
Kikki Skjermo, a lively woman who travelled here from Norway, described being stigmatised as a "Nazi child" during her childhood in a Norwegian children's home.
When she later found her own mother she also met a wall of coldness. "She only touched me once, gently on the nose. I can remember that day so clearly," Kikki said.
The weekend meeting of the group called Lebensspuren (traces of life), is full of similarly painful stories.
Since its creation four years ago, its members swap stories about tracing relatives and dealing with rejection and lies.
There is the odd happy tale of reunited families, but for many it has been a battle against taboos and misinformation.
Folker Heinecke was only two years old when he was kidnapped in what is now Ukraine by Nazis because of his Aryan looks.
He thinks his real name is Aleksander Litau. After growing up in East Germany, he was only able to search for his family when the wall came down.
He travelled to the rural town in Ukraine where records suggest he was found. "I walked around and, even though I have no memories of living there, it somehow felt strangely comfortable to me. I was sent to some houses where children were meant to have been kidnapped - but no one knew anything," the smartly-dressed 66-year-old said. "I'll keep looking."
Hartmut Mueller, who is sitting in front of him, nods and reaches over to hold Folker's hand. "I know what that's like. I know I've got two other siblings but I just can't find them anywhere."
In Wernigerode, the Lebensspuren organisers want to create a museum in the inconspicuous cream-coloured house that was formerly a Lebensborn home. The last Lebensborn baby was born there in 1945.
It was kept as a maternity clinic for years afterwards - partly because the Nazi era equipment had been state of the art. When the home was cleared out in 1990, books were found listing the births which had taken place there.
Standing on its front lawn, a member of the Lebensspuren board stresses how important it is to document what happened, but always with a nod to the larger tragedy of Hitler's regime. The museum must remind future generations, "but certainly not stand as any sort of memorial", he says. "That is the crux of the dilemma for this generation. They are victims but at the same time, the children of criminals".
This unwieldy historical baggage impels Gisela to take her story to pupils in schools and colleges.
"We all need to be aware of what happened, especially the younger generations," she said at the meeting.
"The story of Lebensborn is so important because it's about families; mothers, fathers, children, it's something they can empathise with."
And for her - as with others gathered in the room - telling the truth is all-important. As she gives an impassioned speech to the crowded room, it is clear how her ruptured history has dominated her life. And her chosen career comes as little surprise - family therapy.
Lebensborn, which means "source of life", was a programme created by Heinrich Himmler, Adolf Hitler's right-hand man.
It was designed to boost the German population by encouraging citizens, especially SS members, to have more children.
SS officers came under pressure to have four children, inside or outside marriage.
Ten maternity homes were set up across Germany where 8,000 to 12,000 Lebensborn Kinder were born.
Some stayed with their mothers, but many were adopted by families of SS officers. About 60% were born to unmarried mothers, the rest to wives of SS men.
As the Third Reich expanded, Lebensborn homes were set up across Europe.
In Norway some 10,000 babies were born, most fathered by SS officers to Norwegian mothers.
There were also cases of children with "Aryan" characteristics being kidnapped from their homes in occupied territories.
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