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subtle. 미묘한 미세한. 티내지 않는. 은근한. 정교하고 복잡한 1. 명료,명확하지 않아서 알아채기가 힘들다. 미묘한 . 미세한. 은근한 not obvious, and therefore difficult to notice . a subtle scent of lilacs I detected a subtle change in his attitude towards us. 2. 직접적이지 않고 간접적으로, 에둘러서, 그래서 '무엇을 하려고 하는 것'을 알아채지 못하는.티내지 않는. indirect in a way that prevents people from noticing what you are trying to do He was being so subtle, I didn’t realize he liked me. 3. (다른 사람들은 잘 못하거나 알아채지 못하는데) 아주 .. 2022. 7. 13.
Kid cooperation. How to stop yelling, nagging and pleading. 잔소리하다 nag. 바가지를 긁다. nag 1. Verb (계속) 잔소리를 하다[바가지를 긁다] (=pester) 2. Verb 계속 괴롭히다 3. Noun 구식 비격식 말(horse) Nag. 어떤 사람에게 그들이 원치 않는 것을 하라고 자주 요구하다. 바가지를 긁다. to frequently ask someone to do something that they do not want to do. Stop nagging! nag someone to do something: My mum keeps nagging me to tidy my room. to frequently criticize someone, often for qualities or habits that are difficult to change nag someone about s.. 2022. 7. 10.
recusant. 레큐전트.recusancy 레규전시. 잉글랜드 국교를 거부한 카톨릭 신자. 셰익스피어 집안 내력. 종교의 의미와 지속성, 변천사. 잉글랜드 레큐전트 (국교 거부자) - 브라이언 매기 저서. THE ENGLISH RECUSANTS A Study of the Post-Reformation Catholic Survival and the Operation of the Recusancy Laws . by BRIAN MAGEE Recusancy.잉글랜드 역사. 레큐전트 recusant. 잉글랜드 국교 기피자. 복종 거부자. 당시 법적 처벌을 받음. 1570년부터 1791년까지 시기에, 잉글랜드 국교를 거부하고 카톨릭 신자를 고수한 사람들. 확대된 뜻. 기득권, 기성권력에 순종하지 않는 사람들. 거부자. 저항자. 1: an English Roman Catholic of the time from about 1570.. 2022. 7. 10.
redeem 뜻. redeemer (예수-구세주, 저당물을 되찾는 사람, 죄를 씻는 사람. 빌린 돈을 갚는 사람 = 상환자. ) redeemable. irredeemable. 교환 불가능한. 더 향상될 수 없는. 구제-구원이 불가능한. 속죄가 불가능한. irredemmable -impossible to change or make better. irredeemable sinners. (참고, beyond, without redemption) redemptive. redemption. the redemption of his reputation (그 명예.이름의 복구, 회복) a sinner's search for redemption (죄인이 명예회복을 위해 애쓰다. 속죄하다) Redeem. 동사. 약속이나 의무를 이행하다. redeem a promise/an obligation PHRASE ​FORMAL DEFINITIONS 1 to do something that you pro.. 2022. 7. 10.
wax eloquent(wax lyrical, wax emotional) 어떤 상태나 성질이 되다. = become. wax and wane (달이 차고 기울다) wax eloquent(wax lyrical, wax emotional) 어떤 상태나 성질이 되다. = become. - to talk a lot in a way that expresses emotion or enthusiasm. wax (Entry 1 of 5) 밀납 (蜜蠟 = beeswas), 밀초. 1: a substance that is secreted by bees and is used by them for constructing the honeycomb, that is a dull yellow solid plastic when warm, and that is composed primarily of a mixture of esters, hydrocarbons, and fatty acids : B.. 2022. 7. 10.
punt (명사. Br. 사각형 평저선. 펀트배.) 내기. 도박. 펀트배를 타다. 미식축구 (공을 펀트하다. 손에서 떨어뜨린 공을 차다) ... money, banking and debt, ordinary punters were sleepwalking into a crisis. (Ann Pettifor, The production of Money - How to break the power of bankers, preface.) 펀터. 경마에서 돈을 거는 사람. 경마 (경륜) 마권업자에 반대로 돈을 거는 사람. one that punts: such as a chiefly British : a person who gambles especially : one who bets against a bookmaker. b: a person who uses a punt in boating c: a person who punts a ball punt -.. 2022. 7. 10.
cavil.중요하지 않은 디테일에 대해 논쟁하고, 시비를 걸다, 트집을 잡다. 트집쟁이 caviler cavil.중요하지 않은 디테일에 대해 논쟁하고, 시비를 걸다 .to argue or protest about unimportant details. cavil-: to raise trivial and frivolous objection . The author caviled about the design of the book's cover. transitive verb : to raise trivial objections to. He caviled the conditions of the agreement. He often cavils at others' faults. (다른 사람 흠을 잡다) Caviler. cavil 하는 사람. 트집쟁이. 2022. 7. 8.
Postulate, 어원 postulare (assume) 토론을 시작할 목적으로 실제 진리 입증을 끝내지 않은 어떤 생각이나 이론이 ‘진리’ 참이라고 가정하다, 주장하다. Postulate. 파스출레잇. 토론을 시작할 목적으로 어떤 생각이나 이론이 ‘진리’ 참이라고 가정하다, 주장하다. 라틴어 어원, postulare, 뜻은 ‘가정하다, 전제하다’ - 실제 진리인지 입증되지 않는 상태에서 '참' '진리'라고 가정하다. Latin postulare, meaning "to assume." postulate verb PAHSS-chuh-layt What It Means To postulate means to assume or claim something (such as an idea or theory) as true especially for the purposes of starting a discussion. // The famous science-fiction author .. 2022. 7. 8.
intern 뜻. 정치적 이유로 투옥 (감옥에 가두다)시키다. intern. 동사. to put someone in a prison without officially accusing them of a crime, especially for political reasons intern. 견습생으로 일하다. 인. to work in a job in order to get experience, often for low or no pay intern at: I have no income to speak of, as I’m interning at a law firm that pays nearly nothing. 2022. 7. 6.
contrarian ​컨트레리언. 반대의견자, 역투자자 contrarian ​ 컨트레리언. /ˌkɒnˈtreərɪən/ DEFINITIONS 2 1 someone who often has the opposite opinion to most other people low-profile 로우 프로파일 deliberately not attracting public attention It’s been a relatively low-profile campaign. not as high or wide as other things of the same type low-profile tyres high-profile often seen in public, mentioned in newspapers, or appearing on television a high-profile.. 2022. 7. 5.
pull off 뜻.어려운 일 (임무)을 성공시켜내다.자동차를 운전하다가 길 가에 주차시키다, 정차시키다. pull off PHRASAL VERB TRANSITIVE 1. 어려운 일 (임무)을 성공시켜내다 to succeed in doing something that is difficult Hanley pulled off a surprise victory in the semi-final. pull it off (=to succeed at what you are trying to do): They nearly managed to get the loan but just failed to pull it off. \ To succeed in doing something succeed manage pull off . 2. 자동차를 운전하다가 길 가에 주차시키다, 정차시키다. (pull (something) off so.. 2022. 7. 1.
work like a beaver 비버처럼 열심히 일하다. work like a beaver 비버처럼 열심히 일하다. eager beaver beaver a: either of two large semiaquatic herbivorous rodents comprising a family (Castoridae including Castor canadensis of North America and C. fiber of Eurasia), having webbed hind feet and a broad flat scaly tail, and constructing dams and partially submerged lodges b: the fur or pelt of the beaver 2a: a hat made of beaver fur or a fabric imitati.. 2022. 6. 30.
profound knowledge 깊은, 심오한, (매우 커다란, 매우 심각한) Profound. 1 very great – 매우 커다란, 엄청난 규모의, 차이가 크다. a profound change in the climate of the Earth. 지구 기후에서 대변화 The difference between the beginners and the intermediate class was profound. This is a scientific discovery of profound significance. a profound effect/influence/impact: My grandfather’s death had a profound effect on my father. - Nouns frequently used with profound consequence effect im.. 2022. 6. 30.
salient. 가장 먼저 눈에 띄이는, 현저한, 특질적인, 핵심적인 salience. the quality or state of being salient The theme of identity has salience in her novels. salient. a salient fact, issue, or feature is one that is especially noticeable or relevant. The report covered all the salient points of the case. 라틴어 saliens, prp Of salire, to leap. 1. leaping,jumping, or capering, 도약하는 , 도약하는, 뛰는 b)gushing or jetting forth. 분출하는, 튀어오르는 2. Pointing outward, jutti.. 2022. 6. 30.
Prominent. 어원. to project (Prominere) 앞으로 툭 튀어나온 외적 대상에 대한 묘사 (앞으로 툭 튀어나온), 사회적으로 뜻으로 확대. '탁월한, 다른 사람들 눈에 쉽게 띄이는' noticeable 유사어들. Prominent. 프로미넨트. 라틴어 prominens, p게.of prominere, to project. Pro + minere, to project 1. Sticking out; projecting (돌출 턱) a prominent chin. 앞으로 쭉 뻗어나온. 돌출, 돌기같이 생긴. 앞으로 툭 튀어나온. 2.noticeable at once 한 눈에 알아볼 수 있는. 눈에 띄이는, 현저한 ; conspicuous [prominent markings] 3.widely and favorably known. 널리 잘 알려진. 탁월한. (a prominen.. 2022. 6. 30.
가뭄 이후, 찾아온 무더위. humidex values. Air quality health index humidex values. Air quality health index low, mid, high thirties. ALERTS IN EFFECT Heat Warning Issued at 09:51 Sunday 26 June 2022 Heat event continues today then ends this evening. Maximum temperatures may reach the low thirties once again today. Humidex values this afternoon are expected to be in the mid to high thirties. Considerably cooler and less humid air will arrive this evening in the .. 2022. 6. 27.
machete -머쉐티 machete - 1 a large knife with a long wide blade, used as a weapon or tool 2022. 6. 13.
sumptuous. 호화사치, 엄청 비싼, sumptuous -썸츄어스. 호텔 주택 등 (magnificent or splendid, as in furnishings, etc.) involving great expense; costly; lavish. adjective What It Means Sumptuous is used to describe things that are extremely costly, rich, luxurious, or magnificent. // The hotel's most sumptuous suite overlooks the lush gardens and includes a palatial marble bathroom with a spa and a commodious, intricately tiled walk-in sh.. 2022. 6. 7.
Ostentation- a show of something such as money, power, or skill that is intended to impress people Ostentation- a show of something such as money, power, or skill that is intended to impress people vanity fair : a scene or place characterized by frivolity and ostentation First Known Use of vanity fair 1754, in the meaning defined above History and Etymology for vanity fair. after Vanity-Fair, a fair held in the frivolous town of Vanity in Pilgrim's Progress (1678) by John Bunyan. vanity.the f.. 2022. 6. 5.
catch someone off guard (also catch someone by surprise) [1]Unfazed. Faze. to make someone feel confused, shocked, or upset . My friend was unfazed. [2]My friend’s quandary Quandary. Perplexing situation. Dilemma, uncertainty. My second conclusion was that men were leery of confession. When they enter the adolescent world of competition, males grow cautious about showing their feelings [3] Leery. On one’s guard. Wary, suspicious, “xix. Yet in general .. 2022. 6. 5.
indoctrinate - 17세기에는 '가르치다' 정도였다가 19세기에는 '강도'가 세져 '특정 조직(단체)의 사상, 견해, 주장, 믿음체계를 완전히 받아들이도록 만들다' 뜻으로 정치조직이나 정당에서 주의해야 할 문제들 - 선배들의 오류들 중, 가장 흔한 오류들 중에 하나. 실천과 행동은 하나여야 하지만, 사고와 기획은 늘 다양해야 한다. 그렇지 않으면 맹목적인 광신도와 본질적으로 차별이 없어진다. 인독트리네이트 indoctrinate 뜻 - 특정 조직(단체)의 사상, 견해, 주장, 믿음체계를 완전히 받아들이도록 만들다. 17세기에는 '가르치다' 정도였다가 19세기에는 '강도'가 세져 '특정 조직(단체)의 사상, 견해, 주장, 믿음체계를 완전히 받아들이도록 만들다' 뜻으로 to teach someone a set of beliefs so thoroughly that they do not accept any other ideas. Indoctrinate means "to teach.. 2022. 5. 19.