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지체없이, 곧장. Without further ado ado 어두 without further​/​more ado 1 without any delay Without further ado, let’s begin the show. 2022. 5. 16.
irregular irregular ​‌ - 1 separated by periods of time that are not equal irregular heartbeats His breathing had become irregular. 1a happening or done at unexpected times I work irregular hours, so it’s hard to develop a routine. 2 not even, smooth, or straight in shape or appearance an irregular surface irregular patches of shade 3 not following the rules, laws, or usual ways of doing things highly irr.. 2022. 5. 12.
Interior minister 국내 현안 담당 장관. 내무부 장관. interior Minister . 인테리어 명사 의미. 국내 정치, 국가의 현안 내무부 장관. in​te​ri​or adjective in·​te·​ri·​or | \ in-ˈtir-ē-ər \ Definition (Entry 1 of 2) 1: lying, occurring, or functioning within the limiting boundaries : INNER //an interior point of a triangle 2: belonging to mental or spiritual life //a simple interior piety 3: belonging to the inner constitution or concealed nature of something //interior mea.. 2022. 4. 18.
motor. 차 (vehicle)를 운전하다. Motor . 운전하다. (동작 , 운동을 하게 만드는 것, 사람) 전기 에너지를 역학 에너지로 전환시키는 '회전하는' 기계. motor (Entry 1 of 3) 1: one that imparts motion (동작 , 운동을 하게 만드는 것, 사람) prime mover specifically : PRIME MOVER 원동기, 발전기, 견인차, 발의자, 2: any of various power units that develop energy or impart motion: such as a: a small compact engine b: INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE especially : a gasoline engine c: a rotating machine that transf.. 2022. 4. 11.
be all fur coat and no knickers - 외화내빈 外華內貧, 겉은 번지르르 하지만 알맹이가 없는. fur 퍼. 털.모피. 인조모피. knickers - 속바지. knickers = panties 니커스. underwear for the lower body, typically worn by women or girls. The American word is panties. ​‌be all fur coat and no knickers =Phrase to describe a showy and seemingly elegant woman who in reality is vulgar and sexually immoral. See her, don't be fooled, she's all fur coat and no knickers. INFORMAL to have an impressive appearance whil.. 2022. 3. 22.
flurry. 자연현상 (눈, 비, 바람), 소란 소동. 단기간 쏟아지는 불평,비난,비판. 사회적현상 (가격 폭등 하락). flurry. 활동의 단기간 a short period of activity or emotion There was a flurry of activity outside the university. 1a a series of things that happen suddenly a flurry of blows/punches. 2. 눈, 비, 낙엽 등의 소량. a small amount of snow, rain, or leaves blown around in a twisting movement. small flurries of snow flurry- 플러리 flurry (Entry 1 of 2) 1a: a gust of wind - 바람 묘사할 때. b: a brief light snowfall - 눈이 흩날릴 .. 2022. 3. 22.
up to snuff: of sufficient quality : meeting an applicable standard.자격(자질)이 충분한. 자격조건을 갖춘. 요구되는 척도나 기준에 맞는. up to snuff . 자격(자질)이 충분한. 자격조건을 갖춘. 요구되는 척도나 기준에 맞는. snuff noun (1) Definition of snuff (Entry 1 of 6) 1: the charred part of a candlewick 2aobsolete : UMBRAGE, OFFENSE bchiefly Scotland : HUFF snuff verb (1) snuffed; snuffing; snuffs Definition of snuff (Entry 2 of 6) transitive verb 1: to crop the snuff of (a candle) by pinching or by the use of snuffers so as to brighten the light 2a: to ext.. 2022. 3. 15.
tertiary 터셔리 tertiary education (colleges and universities) 대학 교육 . 3번째. 덜 중요한. 서비스 산업. 터셔리. tertiary 1 in the place or position counted as number three 2 relating to colleges and universities tertiary education 3, 덜 중요한, 중요도가 떨어지는. less important a tertiary problem/issue 4. 판매 혹은 상품 생산보다는 '서비스'를 제공하는 ​BUSINESS providing services rather than selling or making products tertiary industry 2022. 3. 15.
신중하게 생각하다 영어로. muse on (over) muse: 뮤즈. to think about something in a careful slow way muse on/about/over: He mused on his relationship with his own father. 1a TRANSITIVE to say something in a way that shows that you have been thinking carefully about it. Definition of muse (Entry 1 of 3) intransitive verb 1: to become absorbed in thought especially : to think about something carefully and thoroughly musing about what might .. 2022. 3. 11.
실무 능력. savvy.practical know-how. savvy 쌔비. the ability to understand and judge people and situations well He has a lot of political savvy. 지식 ,요령, 노하우, (상황이나 사람 파악 능력) = practical know-how. : having or showing perception, comprehension, or shrewdness especially in practical matters. It has a tech-savvy young generation who do not share the patriarchal views of their parents or their grandparents. 2022. 3. 9.
perseverance 퍼씨비런스. 인내와 인고 (忍苦) perseverance a determined attitude that makes you continue trying to achieve something difficult. perseverance-persistence in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success. "his perseverance with the technique illustrates his single-mindedness" perseverance-the quality that allows someone to continue trying to do something even though it is difficult His perseverance was rewar.. 2022. 2. 11.
uncanny - 신묘한, 묘한, 이상한. (약간 공포를 자아내는, 괴기스런) uncanny - 신묘한, 묘한, 이상한. 신묘한 능력 : strange or unusual in a way that is surprising or difficult to understand She had an uncanny resemblance to someone I had seen before. She has an uncanny sense of direction. an uncanny ability to predict the weather Full Definition of uncanny 1 a: seeming to have a supernatural character or origin : EERIE, MYSTERIOUS b: being beyond what is normal or expected : s.. 2022. 2. 9.
gag. 말 못하게 입을 틀어막다. 언론 출판 자유를 불허. 음식을 삼킬 수 없다. 간절히 원하다 1. 말을 못하게, 입에다 헝겁을 대서 막다. TRANSITIVE to tie a piece of cloth over someone’s mouth so that they cannot speak or make a noise They gagged him with his own silk tie. To tie up a person or animal. tie up gag chain 2​INFORMAL - 삼킬 수가 없다. (토할 것 같아서) to be unable to swallow because you feel as if you are going to vomit (=bring food back up from your stomach) Frank gagged on his seafood. 3. 입에 재갈을 물리다. .. 2022. 2. 7.
pop-hole - 빌딩 측면 구멍 (입구), 커버로 만들어짐, 적은 동물들이 건물을 들락날락할 수 있게 만든 '입구' pop-hole - 빌딩 측면 구멍 (입구), 커버로 만들어짐, 적은 동물들이 건물을 들락날락할 수 있게 만든 '입구' a hole in the side of building, usually with a cover that can be opened and closed, through which small animals go in and out of the building: The hens have access to the outside through pop-holes along the walls. Pop-holes make it easier to catch piglets for handling. Another requirement is the provision of pop holes (the way in.. 2022. 2. 3.
come up with X, 사람들이 필요로 하는 것을 제공/생산하다. 계획-생각-제안을 떠올리다 come up with X, 1. 사람들이 필요로 하는 것을 제공/생산하다. 2. 계획-생각-제안을 떠올리다 (come up with something) to produce or provide something that people want. We’re in big trouble if we don’t come up with the money by 6 o’clock. (come up with something) to think of something such as an idea or a plan . Is that the best you can come up with? 2022. 2. 3.
폰티피케이 pontificate. Pontiff 교황 (Bishop) , 자기 말이 절대적으로 옳다는 식으로 자기 말을 주장하다. 폰티피케이 pontificate. 의견을 말하는 방식, '내 말이 절대적으로 맞다, 상대방을 화나게 만들면서' to give your opinions in a way that shows you think you are definitely right, especially when this annoys other people. pontificate- to speak or express opinions in a pompous or dogmatic way He does not pontificate about whether one ought to choose, if forced to it, to betray one's country rather than one's friends … — Robin W. Winks .. 2022. 1. 31.
강추위 경보. 체감 영하 28도-33도. Hazards: Minimum temperatures of minus 21 to 27 degrees Celsius with wind chill values between minus 28 to minus 33. Extreme Cold Warning,Issued at 11:02 Tuesday 25 January 2022 A period of very cold wind chills is expected. Hazards:Minimum temperatures of minus 21 to 27 degrees Celsius with wind chill values between minus 28 to minus 33. When: Tonight through Wednesday morning. Discussion: Bitterly cold arctic air settles over the region once again. ### Extreme cold puts everyone at risk. Risks are greater fo.. 2022. 1. 26.
Logos 로고스 . (1) 우주원리들을 지배하는 이성. (2)우주와 삼라만상을 창조하고, 통치하고, 세상 사람들을 구원하는 신의,신적인 지혜. 보통 예수를 지칭. Logos- 로고스 기원. 그리스어 logike 로지케 (테크네 techne), logikos of speaking or reasoning 말하는, 추론하다. logos, a work, reckoning,thought 단어, 헤아리다, 생각하다, legein speak, choose, read 말하다, 고르다, 읽다. 라틴어 Legere, to collect 모으다. 신의 지혜 (창조, 정부, 세상 사람들을 구제,구원함에 드러난 지혜). 삼위 일체 트리니티의 두 번째 동일함 - 예수를 지칭. 1) 우주와 삼라만상을 창조하고, 통치하고, 세상 사람들을 구원하는 신의,신적인 지혜. 보통 예수를 지칭. 1: the divine wisdom manifest in the creation, government, a.. 2022. 1. 22.
개인, 조직, 민족에게 아주 고유한 태도, 신념 등. (기풍,풍조) ethos 이쏘스. 에토스 어원. ethic 한 집단의 윤리,도덕과 동일한 어원. the set of attitudes and beliefs that are typical of an organization or a group of people Working 12-hour days seems to be part of the company ethos. (하루에 12시간 일하는 것이 그 회사의 기풍처럼 보인다. 기풍인 것 같다) 개인, 조직, 민족에게 아주 고유한 태도, 신념 등. (기풍,풍조) the characteristic and distinguishing attitudes, habits, beliefs, etc, of an individual or of a group. 어원 Gr. ethos 에토스 , disposition (성향), character (성격, 특질,개성) see. .. 2022. 1. 22.
진리와 확률 시대. 진리론이 지난 2천년 넘게 논쟁해 오다가, 지금이야 확률 (probability)로 말하거나 그럴싸함 (고개를 끄덕이는 정도, 믿을만한 가치가 있는) 뜻인 plausible 정도로 합의를 하고 있다. 내 공부가 짧아서, 나 뿐만 아니라, 타인이 '고개를 끄덕일 정도'로 뭘 말하고, 만들어내는 것도 힘들다. 언제까지 , 아니 영원히 그럴 것 같다는 생각을 하니, 까마득하다. plausible 1: superficially fair, reasonable, or valuable but often specious a plausible pretext 2: superficially pleasing or persuasive a swindler … , then a quack, then a smooth, plausibl.. 2022. 1. 4.
bland comment p. 18. While Weber as a methodologist of value-free science would profess to have no argument agaisnt a political intellectual who had "demonically" settled on Marxism as the "value" of his preference, he could balndly engage in a study of Protestant ethics and shwo that certain religious convictions rather than the class sturggle palyed an important role in the foramtion of capitalism. Voegelin.. 2022. 1. 1.