폰티피케이 pontificate.
의견을 말하는 방식, '내 말이 절대적으로 맞다, 상대방을 화나게 만들면서'
to give your opinions in a way that shows you think you are definitely right, especially when this annoys other people.
pontificate- to speak or express opinions in a pompous or dogmatic way He does not pontificate about whether one ought to choose, if forced to it, to betray one's country rather than one's friends … — Robin W. Winks What these interviews generally come down to is an invitation to writers to pontificate upon things for which it is either unseemly for them to speak (the quality of their own work) or upon which they are unfit to judge (the state of the cosmos). — Joseph Epstein 2a: to officiate as a pontiff b: to celebrate pontifical mass
pontiff-교황 pontiff 1: PONTIFEX 2: BISHOP specifically, often capitalized : POPE sense 1