subtle. 미묘한 미세한. 티내지 않는. 은근한. 정교하고 복잡한
by 원시
2022. 7. 13.
1. 명료,명확하지 않아서 알아채기가 힘들다. 미묘한 . 미세한. 은근한
not obvious, and therefore difficult to notice
. a subtle scent of lilacs
I detected a subtle change in his attitude towards us.
2. 직접적이지 않고 간접적으로, 에둘러서, 그래서 '무엇을 하려고 하는 것'을 알아채지 못하는.티내지 않는.
indirect in a way that prevents people from noticing what you are trying to do
He was being so subtle, I didn’t realize he liked me.
3. (다른 사람들은 잘 못하거나 알아채지 못하는데) 아주 적은 것을 이해하거나 알아채는 능력을 보여주는.
미세한 감지 능력을 의미.
showing an ability to notice and understand small things that other people do not
미세한 정교한 관찰. .subtle observations 미세한 감지 능력
It’s a subtle argument, but very convincing when you think about it.
4. 정교하고 복잡한 (매력적인 방식으로)
delicate and complicated in an attractive way
intricate and subtle patterns
복합하고 정교한 유형 (패턴)
1a: 정교한.미묘한.은근한.포착하기 힘든 (그 무언가) DELICATE, ELUSIVE
a subtle fragrance
His eyes had a peculiar, subtle ray in them—not a gleam.
— Theodore Dreiser
The peppers also have a pleasant hint of sweetness, which gives dishes featuring them a subtle richness.
— Kim Marcus
… flowering kale is the chic caterer's dream, its subtle hues and fluffy forms ideal for filling out table displays …
— Elizabeth Schneider
b: 이해하기 힘든. 파악하기 힘든. 불명료한. 불투명한. difficult to understand or perceive : OBSCURE sense 1c
a subtle truth. (아주 이해하기 힘든 진리,진실)
a subtle change. 미세한 변화 (알아채지 못할 정도로)
subtle differences in sound (음색에서 미묘한 차이. 소리의 미세한 차이)
The drafters of the bill had made a subtle but important error …
— Jonathan Mahler
Unlike wolves, who seem in some subtle way to choose their prey for pursuit, cougars wait in hiding to make a short rush at any animal that happens by.
— Chris Bolgiano
Many grammarians have made subtle distinctions between these two words …
— Charles Einstein
c: 영리하고 간접적인. 목적이나 의도를 숨긴. clever and indirect : disguised in purpose
She turned to me and began asking questions, ignoring my subtle hints that I was busy.
— Clay Smith
The negative labels [given to young people] are not-so-subtle propaganda.
— David Lipsky et al.
2 예민한 , 예리한, 명민한 감각 혹은 통찰력: having or involving keen perception or insight
a subtle scholar. 예리한 학자.
the writer's subtle ear for dialogue. 대화에 필요한 작가의 예민한 청취력
a subtle understanding of human nature. 인간 본성에 대한 예리한 이해.
The success of many of the new vegetarian dishes depends on the heightened culinary intelligence, subtle sense of taste, and well-honed cooking skills that the current generation of hobby chefs has developed over the past decade.
— Jinx Morgan
3 아주 기술이 좋은. 전문가의. 숙련의 a: highly skillful : EXPERT
a subtle craftsman. 숙련공.
The discoveries do not mean that hackers have a free ride into a Web developer's system … . Even in the case of the most serious flaw, it would take a subtle hacker to exploit it …
— Jeremy Carl
b: cunningly made or contrived : INGENIOUS (기발한, 독창적인,재간이 많은)
… a remarkably subtle portrayal of a nation overtaken by an Orwellian nightmare.
— Joan Podhoretz
4: ARTFUL, CRAFTY (교묘한, 교활한, 탁월한)
This little knot of subtle schemers will control the convention, and, through it, dictate to the party.
— Nathaniel Hawthorne
… they will all imagine you are engaged in a subtle plan … to cheat them.
— Dennis Joseph Enright
5: operating insidiously
subtle poisons
Ah, shallow as it is, yet, how subtle a thing is suspicion, which at times can invade the humanest of hearts and wisest of heads.
— Herman Melville
Insidious. 어떤 것이 해롭지 않거나 중요하지 않지만, 실제로는 해를 끼치고 손해를 입힌다. something that is insidious is dangerous because it seems to be harmless or not important but in fact causes harm or damage
the insidious effects of gossip.
insidious-insidious 1 점진적이고 누적적인 결과(효과)를 지니는. a: having a gradual and cumulative effect : SUBTLE. the insidious pressures of modern life (현대 생활의 미묘한 압력)
b.병의. 질병이 점차적으로 발전되어, 명백해지기 전 단계..of a disease : developing so gradually as to be well established before becoming apparent
2a: awaiting a chance to entrap : TREACHEROUS .
b: harmful but enticing : SEDUCTIVE. insidious drugs
해롭지만 유혹하는.
artful-artful 1: performed with or showing art or skill an artful performance on the violin.
2a: using or characterized by art and skill : DEXTEROUS an artful prose stylist
b: adroit in attaining an end usually by insinuating or indirect means : WILY an artful cross-examiner
3: ARTIFICIAL trim walks and artful bowers — William Wordsworth
The two prints are subtly different.
He subtly mentioned his sister was looking for a job.