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Tweak. 조금 고치다 (향상시키다). 약간 부상당하다. 몸을 꼬집다. 화나게 만들다. 심하게 비판하다. 자동차 튜닝.

by 원시 2022. 7. 13.



Tweak. 조금 고치다. 약간 부상당하다. 몸을 꼬집다. 화나게 만들다. 심하게 비판하다. 자동차 튜닝.


tweak (Entry 1 of 2)

transitive verb


1: to make usually small adjustments in or to

tweak the controls

especially : FINE-TUNE


2: to injure slightly


3: to pinch (a person or a body part) lightly or playfully


4: to pinch and pull with a sudden jerk and twist : TWITCH

tweaked a bud from the stem




tweaking the establishment


b: to criticize especially in a sly or sharp manner


c: to poke fun at




intransitive verb




2: to make small adjustments





tweak noun



plural tweaks

Definition of tweak (Entry 2 of 2)


1: a small change or adjustment


We made a few tweaks to the original recipe.

Jellyfish collects information about what's happening behind the scenes and rushes it to its corporate clients so they can make investments based on things like forthcoming regulations or tax code tweaks.

— Tim Murphy

They'd try making helpful tweaks to the way my chair faced the computer …

— Lucette Lagnado



2: a sharp pinch or jerk


a tweak of the nose


Archie laughed, and Rose, seeing a merry blue eye winking at her from behind two brown hands, gave Charlie's ear a friendly tweak …

— Louisa May Alcott


3: a slight injury causing pain


… it's worth remembering that Pryor is a more dangerous runner than passer, so even a slight tweak of the leg or ankle could be a significant blow to the offense at State College.


— Bob Hunter

Examples of tweak in a Sentence



 We just wanted to tweak his original idea a bit.


 He tweaked his ankle playing soccer.


 My brother hates it when our grandmother tweaks his cheek.


