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안쓰면 자주 까먹는 영어 단어 notwithstanding (= despite) ~ 불구하고. 전치사임 notwithstanding 1 of 3 preposition not·​with·​stand·​ing ˌnät-with-ˈstan-diŋ -wit͟h- Synonyms of notwithstanding : DESPITE notwithstanding their inexperience, they were an immediate success —often used after its object the motion passed, our objection notwithstanding notwithstanding 2 of 3 adverb : NEVERTHELESS, HOWEVER notwithstanding 3 of 3 conjunction : ALTHOUGH Synonyms Preposition despite r.. 2023. 11. 9.
linchpin 뜻. 바퀴멈추개 (비녀장), 체계나 집단의 핵심 인물(중핵). Linchpin 린치핀. less commonly lynchpin 1. 바퀴 멈추개. 바퀴의 비녀장 .비녀장(수레의 굴레머리에서 내리질러 바퀴가 벗어져 나가지 않게 하는 쇠) : a locking pin inserted crosswise (as through the end of an axle or shaft) 2. (하나의 통일체로서 기능하는) 부분,요소들을 하나로 묶어주는 것 : one that serves to hold together parts or elements that exist or function as a unit the linchpin in the defense's case (방어에서 부분요소들을 하나로 묶어주는 것) 체계나 집단에서 가장 중요한 사람이나 구성요소. 부분요소들이나 구성원들.. 2023. 10. 30.
relic 뜻. (성인,순교자) 존경 대상. 기억의 대상. 시체. 시체. 과거 구시대의 흔적. except for Palestine, where the British Government , anxious for International Jewish support during the war (WW I), had incautiously and ambiguously promised to establish 'a national home' for the Jews. This was to be another problematic and unforgotten relic of the First World War. (Hobsbawm 1994.p.32) Eric Hobsbawm, Age of Extremens - the Short 20th Century 1914-1991, 1994 Relic, (성인,순교자) 존경 .. 2023. 10. 29.
pale 뜻. 울타리. 경계. 구역. pale 3 of 5 noun 1. (비난으로부터 자유로운) 특권을 누리거나 보호를 받는 영역 혹은 범위. : an area or the limits within which one is privileged or protected (as from censure) conduct that was beyond the pale (범위 바깥에, 넘어서는) 2. 울타리, 울짱. (엔클로저) a : a space or field having bounds : ENCLOSURE The cattle were led into the pale. b 특정 법률 하에 있거나 범위 안에 있는 영토, 경계, 경내. : a territory or district within certain bounds or under a particul.. 2023. 10. 28.
faze 뜻. 고요함, 평정심을 깨뜨리다. unfazed (당황하지 않고, 침착하게) faze transitive verb : to disturb the composure of : DISCONCERT, DAUNT Nothing fazed her. Criticism did not seem to faze the writer. 어원. Etymology alteration of feeze to drive away, frighten, from Middle English fesen, from Old English fēsian to drive away First Known Use 1830, in the meaning defined above Time Traveler The first known use of faze was in 1830 See more words from the same year. Y.. 2023. 10. 25.
Adjudicate 뜻.(어주디케잇) 분쟁중인 사안에 대해 누가 옳았는지를 판단하다. 법적으로 평결하다. Adjudicate (어주디케잇) Adjudicate 뜻.(어주디케잇) 분쟁중인 사안에 대해 누가 옳았는지를 판단하다. 법적으로 평결하다. 판사로서 행동하다. verb ad·​ju·​di·​ cate ə-ˈjü-di-ˌkāt adjudicated; adjudicating Synonyms of adjudicate transitive verb : to make an official decision about who is right in (a dispute) : to settle judicially The school board will adjudicate claims made against teachers. intransitive verb : to act as judge The court can adjudi.. 2023. 10. 19.
sanctuary 뜻. 쌩츄어리. 성소. 성스런 장소. 예루살렘에 있던 고대 히브르 사원. 예배보는 장소. (난민) 보호소. 피난처. sanctuary sanctuary 뜻. 쌩츄어리. 성소. 성스런 장소. 예루살렘에 있던 고대 히브르 사원. 예배보는 장소. (난민) 보호소. 피난처. 1 of 2 noun sanc·​tu·​ary ˈsaŋ(k)-chə-ˌwer-ē pluralsanctuaries Synonyms of sanctuary 1 : a consecrated place: such as a : the ancient Hebrew temple at Jerusalem or its holy of holies b (1) : the most sacred part of a religious building (such as the part of a Christian church in which the altar is placed) (2) : t.. 2023. 10. 19.
atrocious 뜻.유엔 규정 잔혹 범죄 (atrocity crime) 4가지. 1) 집단 학살 ,전쟁 범죄 , 반인륜적 범죄, 침략(공격) 범죄 Atrocious (아주) 사악한, 잔혹한, 잔인한. 소름끼치는. 아주 끔찍한. 혐오스러운. 매우 저질의. 어-트로우셔스. atrocity. atrocities. adjective atro·​cious ə-ˈtrō-shəs Synonyms of atrocious 1 : extremely wicked, brutal, or cruel : BARBARIC prisoners subjected to atrocious treatment 2 : APPALLING, HORRIFYING the atrocious weapons of modern war an atrocious accident 3 a : utterly revolting : ABOMINABLE atrocious working conditions atrociou.. 2023. 10. 15.
tantamount 뜻. 가치, 중요성, 효과에서 동등한, 대등한, 동일한. ~ 하는 것이나 다름없다. ~과 같다. tan·​ta·​mount ˈtan-tə-ˌmau̇nt 가치, 중요성, 효과에서 동등한, 대등한, 동일한. ~ 하는 것이나 다름없다. ~과 같다. ~에 비견된다. 비견하다 比肩하다 verb 서로 비슷한 위치에서 견주다. 또는 견주어지다. 비교하다. (비 - 두 사람이 나란히 서 있는 모양을 본 뜬 글자. 상형문자) 견 (어깨) 지게 호 + 몸 육. 텐터마운트. : equivalent in value, significance, or effect a relationship tantamount to marriage Did you know? Although tantamount (from the Anglo-French phrase tant amunter, meaning “to amount to as much”) .. 2023. 10. 15.
Hardscrabble. 가난한. 겨우 먹고사는. 겨우 경작가능한. Hardscrabble. 가난한. 겨우 먹고사는. 겨우 경작가능한. Israeli defense minister Yoav Gallant announced "a complete siege" of the Gaza Strip that would sever electricity, gas and even food and water supplies - to an already hardscrabble place. 1 (토지,농장) 겨우 경작가능한 토지. : being or relating to a place of barren or barely arable soil a hardscrabble farm hardscrabble prairies b. 겨우겨우 풀칠하면서 살아가는. : getting a meager livin.. 2023. 10. 15.
무료 표 (complimentary tickets) - 예의 혹은 친분을 표시하면서 '무료'로 주는. Complimentary. 칭찬 혹은 존경을 표하는. 호평. 무료(표) 1 a : expressing praise or admiration : expressing or containing a compliment a complimentary remark b : FAVORABLE the novel received complimentary reviews 2 : given free as a courtesy or favor complimentary tickets 2023. 10. 14.
palm 뜻. 팜. 손바닥. 야자수 나무. 승리,번영의 상징. 손 안에 숨기다. palm 1 of 3 noun (1) ˈpäm ˈpälm ˈpȯm, ˈpȯlm Synonyms of palm 1 : any of a family (Palmae synonym Arecaceae) of mostly tropical or subtropical monocotyledonous trees, shrubs, or vines with usually a simple stem and a terminal crown of large pinnate or fan-shaped leaves 2 : a leaf of the palm as a symbol of victory or rejoicing also : a branch (as of laurel) similarly used 3 : a symbol of triumph .. 2023. 10. 1.
쿠민과 커큐민의 차이 cumin , curcumin (강황) Cumin and curcumin are often mistaken for each other, however they are completely different. Curcumin is the principle compound that is found in turmeric, which has natural antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Cumin is derived from a flowering plant and the cumin seed is contained within the fruit. curcumin : an orange-yellow crystalline compound C21H20O6 that constitutes the chief colo.. 2023. 9. 5.
it's worth a shot ; give it a shot it's worth a shot - ATTEMPT, TRY give it a shot 2023. 9. 5.
staid 뜻, 심각한, 지루한, 구식인. the staid apparatus of policymaking and global forum. staid. marked by sedated. sedatedness prim self-restraint ( sober. grave) If you say that someone or something is staid, you mean that they are serious, dull, and rather old-fashioned. ...a staid seaside resort. 2023. 8. 15.
seep into 뜻 seep into. flow. enter slowly. 서서히 유입되다. 퍼져나가다. get diffused or spread. 2023. 8. 15.
taper (규모,크기,양,수) 점진적 감소. (강수량) 감소. (금융 경제) 점진적 양적 긴축 (반대어, 양적 완화 QE). 양초. Active Alerts Toronto, ON Special Weather Statement Issued at Mon 2:48 AM Jun. 12 Issued by: Environment and Climate Change Canada Description Rain, heavy at times, is expected to continue today. Timing: Continuing early this morning and ending this afternoon. Hazard: Rainfall amounts of 30 to 50 millimeters with locally higher amounts possible. Discussion: Rain associated with a low pressure sy.. 2023. 6. 12.
prosaic 의미 adjective 형용사 factual everyday. ordinary. not all of this went into cutting-edge technologies; a chunk was spent on prosaic fare,such as warehouses, office buildings and data centers. 일상. 보통. 평범한 heroic characters wasted in prosaic lives. Kirkus Review 영웅적 소질을 가진 사람이 평범한 일상을 살아가느라 그 소질을 썩혔다. 영웅적 성격이 일상에서 썩고 있었다. 2023. 6. 8.
좋은 피자, 나쁜 피자 구별 1.좋은 피자 정백하지 않은 '통밀' 사용해야 함. 채소를 첨가한 피자를 먹을 것. 피자 영양소가 충분한가? 토마토 산화(노화)방지 리코페네 함유. Lycopene. 정백하지 않은 '통밀' 사용해야 함. 채소를 첨가한 피자를 먹을 것. 2. 나쁜 피자. There are many ways to boost the nutrition content of your pizza. Choosing whole-grain crust, adding vegetables and practicing portion control are just a few ways to make it healthier. Pizza is healthy Pizza can help you absorb the antioxidant Lycopene. Ly.. 2023. 5. 16.
palliate 팰리에잇. 병의 고통을 완화시키다. palliate - 나쁜 것을 덜 심각하게 만들어주다. 병을 완전히 완치해주는 것은 아니지만 병의 고통을 경감시켜주다. Hospice – 호스피스. 1 : a lodging for travelers, young persons, or the underprivileged especially when maintained by a religious order 2 : a program designed to provide palliative care and emotional support to the terminally ill in a home or homelike setting so that quality of life is maintained and family members may be active parti.. 2023. 4. 17.
Know-all, know-it-all 뭐든지 다 아는 체 하는 사람 Know-all, know-it-all 뭐든지 다 아는 체 하는 사람 someone who is annoying because they always think that they know everything. 2023. 4. 15.