relic 뜻. (성인,순교자) 존경 대상. 기억의 대상. 시체. 시체. 과거 구시대의 흔적.
by 원시
2023. 10. 29.
except for Palestine, where the British Government , anxious for International Jewish support during the war (WW I), had incautiously and ambiguously promised to establish 'a national home' for the Jews. This was to be another problematic and unforgotten relic of the First World War. (Hobsbawm 1994.p.32)
Eric Hobsbawm, Age of Extremens - the Short 20th Century 1914-1991, 1994
Relic, (성인,순교자) 존경 대상. 기억의 대상. 시체. 시체. 과거 구시대의 흔적.
1 (성인 혹은 순교자와 연관된 존경과 존중의) 대상 ; 기억 추억의 대상
: an object esteemed and venerated because of association with a saint or martyr
2. 시체
relics plural : REMAINS, CORPSE
3 부패, 해체, 소멸 이후에 남은 생존자, 혹은 잔여물.
: a survivor or remnant left after decay, disintegration, or disappearance
4. 과거, 구시대 관행, 관습, 신념의 흔적(유산)
: a trace of some past or outmoded practice, custom, or belief
Examples of relic in a Sentence
a crude stone ax and other relics of the Neanderthals
in my grandparents' attic are many “groovy” relics from the 1960s
Recent Examples on the Web
Of course, Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein was written at the dawn of the age of technological advancement, while James Cameron’s Terminator is a relic of the blockbuster 1980s, but both tell similar tales of technology turning against its human master.
—Paige Hagy, Fortune, 16 Oct. 2023
The Charles, which burned down in 1988, was a rundown relic of Springfield’s glory years, with a grandiose lobby, mildewed burgundy carpeting, cheap food and flat beer.
—Daniel Golden, ProPublica, 14 Oct. 2023
The mid-budget movie was already becoming a relic at that point.
—Brian Davids, The Hollywood Reporter, 27 Sep. 2023
Word History
Middle English relik, from Anglo-French relike, from Medieval Latin reliquia, from Late Latin reliquiae, plural, remains of a martyr, from Latin, remains, from relinquere to leave behind — more at RELINQUISH