중국 철도 연결망 (CRN) 이 어떻게 발전해왔는가?
철도 여객 수송량 변화 (재래식 + 고속철도) 이용객
1999년 10억
2019년 37억 ~38억명 여객 수송
몇 가지 표.
재래식 철도 (회색), 고속 철도 (분홍색) 1999-2019년
1999년 고속철도 미건설
2009년 고속철도 건설
파랑색. 재래식 철도
분홍색. 고속철도
철도 여객 수송량 변화.
2019년 37억 ~38억명 여객 수송
1999년 10억
The Evolution of China’s Railway Network (CRN) 1999-2019:
Urbanization Impact and Regional Connectivity
Wei Wang 1 • Wenbo Du 1 • Kun Liu 2 • Lu Tong 3
R-Accepted: 18 April 2022 / Published online: 23 June 2022
Ó The Author(s) 2022
Abstract With the rapid development of China’s economy annd society, China’s railway transportation system has
been dramatically improved in terms of its scale and operational efficiency. To uncover the underlying rela-
tionship between urbanization and railway network structure, this paper examines the evolution of China’s railway
transportation system from 1999 to 2019 by applying complex network theory.
The results show that China’s railway network (CRN) has become more connected, more ‘‘small-world’’ and more heterogeneous since the begin-ning of the twenty-first century. Based on the train flow and train travel distance, the evolutionary course of CRN is found to undergo two apparent stages, with a turning point in 2007. By calculating the regional railway connection index (RRCI), it is revealed that the planned core cities in different regions act as bridges connecting the regions to the rest of the whole network
서로 다른 지역들에 '핵심 도시들'을 계획했고, 이 중추도시들이 지역들과 전체 철도 연결망 나머지와 연결해주는 역할을 함.