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노트르담 성당 화재, 트럼프 트위터 문제점, 물폭탄은 산불 진압용, 문화재를 파괴시킬 위험.

by 원시 2019. 4. 16.

물 폭탄을 떨어뜨리라는 트럼프의 화재진압 방식 제안은 오히려 노트르담 성당 건축물 전체를 파손시킬 수 있다. 

1. 미국 트럼프가 프랑스 파리 노틀담 성당 화재 진압을 희망하며 남긴 트위터

" 파리 노트르담 성당에 불을 보는 게 끔찍하다. 물탱크를 실은 비행기로 성당 화재를 진압해야 할 것 같다. 신속하게 화재를 진압하라"

2. 비행기에서 물을 쏟아 붓는 물폭탄식 화재 진압을 하게 되면, 오히려 노트르담 성당 건축물이 더 큰 훼손을 입게 된다. 물 무게 때문에 건축물이 휘거나 파손당할 수 있다. 비행기에 물을 실어 날라 화재를 진압하는 (flying-water-tankers) 방법은 산불이 난 경우에 사용된다.

3. 프랑스는  수백명의 소방관들을 투입해서 노트르담 성당 화재를 진압하고 있다. 

- 정치는 선한 동기로만 할 수 없다. 물을 다스린다는 '치수'는 문제 해결에 필요한 구체적인 탁월한 능력이었다. (virtue)  


Notre-Dame blaze: Flying water tankers 'could lead to collapse'

Ludovic Marin, AFP | Aerial water tankers will not be used in fight against Notre-Dame fire. The weight of the water could cause the 12th centure structure to collapse, explained French civil protection service on Monday night.

The use of flying water tankers to extinguish the fire at Notre-Dame Cathedral is not an option, French officials said on Monday night. The weight of the water could cause the entire structure to collapse.

US President Donald Trump on Monday called the blaze engulfing Notre-Dame cathedral in Paris "horrible" and suggested the deployment of flying water tankers, before being told by French authorities that this wouldn't work.

"So horrible to watch the massive fire at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris. Perhaps flying water tankers could be used to put it out. Must act quickly!" Trump tweeted.

Not an option

Following Trump's tweet, the French civil protection service responded that the one thing it was not contemplating was using aerial tankers, which dump enormously heavy loads of water, usually on wildfires.

"Hundreds of firemen of the Paris Fire Brigade are doing everything they can to bring the terrible #NotreDame fire under control," the civil protection service said in a statement.

"All means are being used, except for water-bombing aircraft which, if used, could lead to the collapse of the entire structure of the cathedral."

Later, while in Minnesota for a speech on the economy, Trump called the fire "one of the true catastrophes" and said "the television images he'd watched during his flight were "a terrible sight to behold."

"It was burning at a level you rarely see a fire burn," he told the crowd.

"It's a part of our culture, it's a part of our lives."

The fire spread rapidly through a major portion of the magnificent Gothic cathedral in the heart of Paris, causing a spire to collapse and raising fears for the building.

The cause of the blaze was not immediately confirmed, but the cathedral had been undergoing intense restoration work.

(FRANCE 24 with AFP)


Donald J. Trump

So horrible to watch the massive fire at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris. Perhaps flying water tankers could be used to put it out. Must act quickly!

1:39 PM - 15 Apr 2019

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Jeff Tiedrich



 1h1 hour ago


Replying to @realDonaldTrump

"must act quickly," what awesome advice! oh my god, it's a good thing you mentioned that because otherwise the fireman would have lollygagged their way to the fire while smoking cigarettes and carrying baguettes in a little net tote as French firemen usually do. GOOD THINKING SIR

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Jeffrey Guterman


He should just STFU.


Charly M.


Can you please teach us how to put a fire out ? We the French have no clue, we're currently blowing on it but it doesn't work. Please help us o mighty world ruler.




We love u president trump


Jack Posobiec  🇺🇸-

And during Holy Week-


FIREMAN: Chief we just got a emergency call, the Notre Dame Cathedral is on fire, should I send all our TRUCKS??

FIRE CHIEF: No, not yet. First - somebody get on Twitter and check Donald Trump's Twitter feed, he may have the answer, but be quick with it, there isn't much TIME!!!


Trump is apparently an expert at fighting Cathedral fires overseas, but when it comes to natural fires in American forests, he wants nothing to do with them.


You said exactly what I was thinking.  It's almost like we are twins or something.