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펌프에 마중물을 붓다. prime the pump . 경제 (경기 부양책)

by 원시 2022. 9. 8.

Prime 프라임. 동사. Prime the pump


원래 샘에서 물을 기를 때, 펌프에 물을 넣어 물을 끌어올린다. 마중물을 붓다.

경제 활동을 지원하다. 스타트업을 돕다.




to help a business or activity to be successful, especially by providing money at the start.


prime verb

primed; priming

Definition of prime (Entry 3 of 3)

transitive verb




2a: to prepare for firing by supplying with priming

b: to insert a primer into (a cartridge case)


3: to apply the first color, coating, or preparation to

prime a wall


4a: to put into working order by filling or charging with something


prime a pump with water


b: to supply with an essential prerequisite (such as a hormone, nucleic acid, or antigen) for chemical or biological activity


primed female mice with estrogen


5: to instruct beforehand : COACH

primed the witness



6: STIMULATE. 자극하다. 발전을 돕다. 육성하다. 촉진시키다. 학습 동기, 흥미를 유발시키다.


intransitive verb


: to become prime


prime the pump

: to take steps to encourage the growth or functioning of something