중국 군사전문가 량 팡 (Liang Fang) 주장 "중국은 적어도 6개 항공모함을 건함해야 한다."
중국 국내 해외 안보를 위해 중국은 적어도 6대의 항공모함을 보유하고 있어야 한다.
지리적 근거로 든 것이 중국 해안가가 길기 때문에, 이를 감당하기 위해서는 6대의 항공모함이 필요하다.
2035년까지 중국은 군대 현대화를 완성할 예정이다.
중국은 현재 2대의 항공모함 보유하고 있다.
제 1호는 구 소련 항공모함을 개축한 것이다. (2012년)
제 2호는 가칭 "Type 001A ' 이고, 중국 자체 생산 1호 항공모함이다. (2018년)
건함 주체: 532 기업체 참여, 조선업 기술 발전, 항공모함 제조 기술을 민간 부문에도 응용할 예정이다.
1. 기사
Expert says China needs to build at least six aircraft carriers
By Zhang Huan (People's Daily Online) 17:11, May 22, 2018
At least six aircraft carriers need to be built by China to safeguard national security and protect interests overseas, said Chinese military expert Liang Fang, after China's second aircraft carrier completed initial sea trials on May 18.
China's second aircraft carrier in sea trials The aircraft carrier, which is the first to be built domestically, returned to dock at Dalian Shipyard in northeast China's Liaoning Province on May 18 after the five day trial.
Liang disclosed that based on the development of the aircraft carrier, it won't be long before another is developed by China.
Liang pointed out that as China has a long coastline, the country needs to build at least six aircraft carriers along with several aircraft carrier battle groups to safeguard national security and protect interests overseas.
Although there is still a long way for China to go in terms of building a world-class army, the country will spare no effort to complete modernization of national defense and armed forces by 2035, said the expert.
2018년 4월 16일 대련 항구, Type 001A 중국 자체 생산 1호 항공모함
China’s new aircraft carrier ranks among world’s most advanced warships (People's Daily Online) 17:34, May 14, 2018 China's first domestically designed aircraft carrier left a Dalian Shipbuilding Industry's shipyard to begin its maiden trial at sea last Sunday.
China’s first domestically designed aircraft carrier, which displaces 50,000 metric tons, leaves the Dalian Shipbuilding Industry’s shipyard in Liaoning province on Sunday.LI GANG / FOR CHINA DAILY
The new aircraft carrier ranks among the world’s most advanced warships, said Hu Wenming, chief of the new carrier program, during an interview with China Central Television (CCTV).
Hu, also the chairman of China Shipbuilding Industry Corp, parent of the Dalian Shipbuilding Industry, told CCTV that the construction of the vessel will further improve the country’s research and development regarding aircraft carriers.
According to Hu, most of the world’s medium-sized aircraft carriers, which have a displacement of 40,000 to 60,000 tons, are conventionally powered vessels, except for France’s nuclear-powered surface vessel Charles de Gaulle.
China’s new carrier is in a leading position in regards to technology, he added. Hu stated that a total of 532 suppliers were involved in the research and development of the new aircraft carrier, 412 of them without any military background, including SOEs, private enterprises, scientific institutions and universities.
Such integration of the military and non-defense enterprises not only facilitates the application of the country’s manufacturing and research abilities, but also in turn enhances the development of suppliers. The new technologies achieved will also be used in civil sectors, the chairman noted. “We can say it proudly that we have acquired the most advanced technologies regarding ship-building,” Hu said.
2. https://www.cnn.com/2018/05/12/asia/china-aircraft-carrier-trial-intl/index.html
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