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BBC 보도, 일본 후쿠시마 강진 규모 7.3 발생

by 원시 2016. 11. 22.

일본 동쪽 후쿠시마 지역  규모 6.9 강진 발생. 3 미터 높이 쓰나미 경고.

아직까지 피해 보고는 없지만 도쿄 부근에서도 지진이 감지되고 (tremors: small earthquake),

후쿠시마 해안가 거주자들은 신속히 대피하고 있다. 

- NHK 방송 보도, 현재 후쿠시마 소재 오나하마 항구 근처 60 cm 높이 파도. 아직도 더 큰 파도 위험성 잔존.

- 미국 지질 관측 연구소 처음에는 규모 7.3에서 지금은 6.9로 낮춤.

- 일본이 지진이 잦은 이유

  :  전 세계에서 규모 6.0 이상 지진  20%가 일본에서 발생하고 있다. 

- 2011년 쓰나미 피해 규모: 1만 8천명이 죽거나 다치고 행방불명되었다.

지진 발생 -> 쓰나미 형성 -> 원전 파괴 -> 대규모 피해 발생 

A 6.9 magnitude earthquake off eastern Japan near Fukushima prefecture has prompted a tsunami warning of possible 3m (10ft) waves.

The quake struck on Tuesday morning at about 06:00 local time (21:00 GMT, Monday), the Japan Meteorological Agency said.

The depth of the quake was estimated to be around 11km (7 miles).

In 2011, a large tsunami caused by a quake destroyed the Fukushima nuclear power plant.

Broadcaster NHK said Tokyo Electric Power was checking the plant for damage.

The tsunami warning was issued for an area including the site of the Fukushima nuclear plant

There were no immediate reports of damage or casualties but tremors were felt in Tokyo and residents were urged to evacuate some coastal areas.

Ships could be seen moving away from the coast of Fukushima prefecture.

So far, a wave of 60cm (2ft) has arrived in Onahama Port in Fukushima, NHK reported, but the warning of possible larger waves remains in force.

Map showing location of Fukushima

The US Geological Survey initially put the magnitude at 7.3 but later downgraded this to 6.9.

The Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan, 18 November 2016

Japan lies in a particularly seismically active region and accounts for around 20% of quakes worldwide of magnitude 6.0 or more.

At least 50 people died in two quakes in the southern Kumamoto prefecture in April.

More than 18,000 were killed or reported missing following the 2011 Fukushima disaster.