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꿀벌의 수명. 40일 . 벌 한 마리 40일간 꿀 한 숟가락 채취하다.

by 원시 2024. 10. 12.

Bees have two stomachs—one for eating and the other for storing nectar, which they transform into honey, also known as "piq."

- A bee lives for less than 40 days, visits at least 1,000 flowers, and producs less than a teaspoon of honey in its lifetime. For us, it's just a spoonful of honey, but for the bee, it's the story of its entire life.


Dr. Adarsha Gowda,

Chairperson of Entrepreneurship & Consultancy

Head, Dept of Food Science,

Dept of Food Processing,

St Aloysius (Deemed to be University)