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- 인간의 물 씀씀이와 소비 양태를 바꿔야 한다.
슈피겔지 "물없는 지구: 우리들의 값비싼 원재료를 함부로 낭비하고 있다"
가뭄 지역이 확산되고 있다.
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4년째 가뭄 지속
2016년 총선 및 동네 정치 주제: 물, 깨끗한 물을 마시자. 그리고 물을 아끼자. 물을 다시 쓰자. 상수도도 중요하지만 하수도도 중요하다. 물값보다 상하수도 관리비가 더 비싸다.
- 자기 동네 물지도를 그리자. (자연 물 + 인공 물 시설 등)
물의 중요성은 정치(政治)라는 한자어 단어 중에, 치자 자체가 '치수' 물관리를 의미하기 때문에, 과거 농경제 사회에서 논에 물대기와, 홍수 가뭄 대비는 밥줄과도 같았습니다. 이는 다 아는 사실입니다. 캐나다와서 깜짝 놀란 게, 캐나다 지인들이 수도꼭지 물을 바로 먹길래 "야 야 ...안돼" 나도 모르게 소리를 지른 적이 있습니다. 수도꼭지 물을 "탭 워터 tap water"라고 하는데, 그냥 그걸 마시는 녀석들을 보고, 서울오기 전에 잠시 어린시절, 작두 (샘터) 물 마시던 시절이 떠올랐습니다. 지하수였죠.
1) 비계급적 주제로서 '물' - 모든 국민들에게 다 해당하는 물, 안전성, 풍부함, 수도관의 안정성, 하수도 동네 시설.
2) 계급적 주제로서 '물' - 아마 대도시에서는 수도물을 직접 먹지 않을 것 같습니다. 동네 주민들이 계급 계층별로 어떻게 물을 얻고, 유통하고, 소비하는지를 조사할 필요가 있습니다.
3) 아파트, 학교, 공공 건물, 집단 거주 지역의 물 탱크 등 모든 물과 관련된 시설들에 대한 점검은 어떻게 누가 하고 있는가?
4) 동네 물을 어떻게 '재생'해서 동네 공동 '돈'을 만들 것인가? 진보좌파+생태의 실천은 물에서 시작하고, 물은 곧 동네 공동 자산이라는 정책을 제시한다.
참고 기사: 슈피겔 잡지.
인간 (소비 양태) 때문에 물이 점점 줄어들고 있다. 가용 물과 재생 물이 줄어들고 있다. 그 결과 인구 식수, 농업 용수, 산업 용수를 다 제공하는데 이제 물이 부족하게 생겼다. 주장: 인간의 물 씀씀이와 소비 양태를 바꿔야 한다.
California's historic drought appears to be matched by severe dry spells on three other continents. Brazil, North Korea and South Africa are bearing the brunt of much lower-than-average precipitation, wreaking havoc on millions of peoples' lives and livelihoods.
While the causes vary from country to country, the chance of more intense droughts in the future as a result of man-made climate change is only increasing as regional extremes of precipitation — both more and less — remain likely, according to the U.N.'s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
Every drought is unique, said Peter Gleick, president of the Pacific Institute, a global water think tank in Oakland. "The same drought in California would have very different impacts in other countries," he said.
What's considered a drought in Bali, Indonesia — where six days without rain is unusual — would certainly not be considered a drought in Libya — where annual rainfall is just 7 inches — the National Drought Mitigation Center reported.
In some parts of the world — such as the Middle East — drought is simply a permanent part of life because of the chronic lack of water, making desalination and the reuse of wastewater far more commonplace there, said Charles Iceland of the D.C.-based World Resources Institute.
Overall, tracking droughts globally is difficult: No country outside the U.S. has a comprehensive effort to monitor it, said climatologist Brian Fuchs of the National Drought Mitigation Center in Lincoln, Neb.
The South American nation's worst drought in 50 years is impacting a fifth of Brazil's 200 million people, including those in the megacities of Sao Paulo and Rio de Janiero. Brazil is "really suffering," Gleick said. "It's pushing its infrastructure to the limit," he said.
While Brazil has a decent system of dams and reservoirs, no human-built infrastructure is adequate if the drought is extreme enough, Gleick said. Sao Paulo, Brazil's largest city, is now running on emergency reserves of water and has started rationing because of the lack of precipitation, the Global Drought Information System reported.
Water in Brazilian cities and reservoirs is extremely polluted, Iceland said, meaning access to clean water even in rainy times is challenging. The drought makes that situation even worse.
What little water is left in the rivers and reservoirs is "just about unusable in its current state," Iceland said. "In Brazil, wastewater is not treated and just dumped into rivers, which are almost like open sewers."
The Golden State's massive water infrastructure system — the most extensive in the world — is being put to the test by the epic drought, Gleick said.
California's drought has brought unprecedented water shortages, increased threats to wildlife and crops, higher electric bills and huge economic losses.
As of Thursday's U.S. Drought Monitor, 97% of the state is enduring some level of drought. Each of the state's 12 reservoirs is at a level far below average, as are streams.
Above-average precipitation during the past 90 days in parts of central and southern California and the Sierra have not reduced the overall drought conditions in these areas because they are still so abnormally dry, the drought monitor reported.
The state is hoping that a predicted strong El Niño will deliver a blast of rain and snow to the state this winter, but too much too quickly can lead to flooding and mudslides as the water just runs off the rock-hard ground.
In Africa, drought continues to intensify in the equatorial region and remains entrenched in South Africa, which is seeing its worst dry spell in two decades, GDIS said. The United Nations said that this year's food production for much of central and southern Africa is likely to be far lower than last year because of the drought.
South Africa's government said parts of the country are seeing their worst drought since 1992. It said the eastern province of KwaZulu-Natal is in especially bad shape. Water shortages have reached "crisis levels," the government said in a statement.
The country has been forced to import corn (maize) this year, rather than export it as it usually does, the U.N. World Food Program reported. "South Africa, the largest producer in the region, accounting for more than 40% of regional maize output – has estimated a maize production fall of 32% below last year's harvest," WFP spokesperson Jane Howard said in an e-mail.
"There are concerns that there could be significant food supply shortages in coming months," she added.
Several dams are at critically low levels, forcing mandatory water cutbacks in some areas. Water is being supplied to some communities by water trucks.
"The situation we are facing is a very serious one," South African government official Nomusa Dube-Ncube said in a separate statement. "There are no signs of rain coming. We are praying."
The drought in North Korea is extremely difficult to track or verify, because of the lack of accurate information that comes out of the reclusive nation. The country said it is undergoing its worst drought in a century, and the U.N. is warning of mass starvation since many of the areas affected by the dry conditions produce staple food crops.
Deaths of young children increased markedly in the first six months of the year in the drought-affected provinces, the U.N. Children's Fund reported. "The situation is urgent," UNICEF Regional Director Daniel Toole said in a statement earlier this month. "But if we act now — by providing urgently needed expertise and prepositioning supplies — we can save lives."
The country is also experiencing electric shortages because the drought is reducing hydroelectric generation capacity, the Global Drought Information System reported.
Of all the countries in the world, North Korea is one of the least capable of dealing with drought, Gleick said. "The ability of a region to withstand drought depends on its connections with the rest of the world," he said.
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