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칼 막스 딸, 예니 율리아 엘레아노. 1855 년 1월16일 출생.Jenny Julia Eleanor "Tussy" Marx - Karl Marx’s youngest daughter, was born in London.

by 원시 2024. 1. 17.


인터내셔널 활동도 같이 함.


1898년 우울증으로 자살. 43세.





출처 페이스북.



16th January 1855, Jenny Julia Eleanor "Tussy" Marx - Karl Marx’s youngest daughter, was born in London.




"Tussy was a precocious youngster who showed an early interest in politics including writing to major political figures around the world as a child. Eleanor and her two sisters grew up with their father’s story-telling and immersed in literature.


Tussy began a life-long love of books and theater. She would later translate several works of literature as well as become a stage actress.



Once engaged to Prosper Lissagary, she met Edward Aveling in 1883 and they would live together in common law for the reminder of her life.


They became members of the Democratic Federation led by Henry Hyndman in the early 1880s.


Tussy wrote in the draft of the program that the needed change in society will be a revolution. "The two classes at present existing will be replaced by a single class consisting of the whole of the healthy and sane members of the community, possessing all the means of production and distribution in common...".


The Democratic Federation, later renamed the Social Democratic Federation broke up in 1884 over personality problems and the issue of internationalism.


The Avelings and William Morris formed the Socialist League which published a monthly paper called Commonweal.


In this vehicle Tussy wrote several articles and reviews on women’s and other issues as well as a pamphlet entitled The Woman Question.


In 1886 Tussy toured in the U.S. along with Wilhelm Liebknecht fundraising for the German Social Democratic Party and in support of the Haymarket affair.


Along with continuing work translating literature and acting, she became very involved in organizing, writing, record-keeping and speaking for militant trade union such as the Gasworkers, and the Dockers Union and their struggles.


In 1889 she was a delegate in Paris for the founding of the Second International.


Later in her life, Tussy became very involved in organizing the part of her father’s papers left to her after the death of Engels, as well as continuing her own work.


During a period of depression in 1898, she commit suicide at the age of 43."


👉 Eleanor Marx, 1855-1898