라이센스 (허가증, 면허증)과 같은 어원, 라틴어 리첸치아 (licentia). “행동할 자유” “통제되지 않은 행동” licentia 는 그 동사 ‘허락,허가하다’ 뜻의 리체레 (licere).
1(법 혹은 도덕적 제약이 없는) 특히 성적 제약(통제)을 무시하는.
: lacking legal or moral restraints
especially : disregarding sexual restraints
licentious behavior
licentious revelers (흥청망청 노는 파티를 즐기는 사람) revelry=noisy partying or merrymaking
2 (도덕적 올바름) 엄격한 규칙을 무시하는.
: marked by disregard for strict rules of correctness
licentiously adverb
licentiousness noun
The Shared Roots of License and Licentious
라이센스 (허가증, 면허증)과 같은 어원, 라틴어 리첸치아 (licentia). “행동할 자유” “통제되지 않은 행동” licentia 는 그 동사 ‘허락,허가하다’ 뜻의 리체레 (licere).
License and licentious come ultimately from the same word in Latin, licentia, whose meanings ranged from "freedom to act" to "unruly behavior, wantonness." The Latin noun was itself derived from the verb licere "to be permitted." Though we are likely to associate license with the card that grants freedom or permission to operate a motor vehicle and licentious with sexual wantonness, in actuality, there is considerable semantic overlap between the two words.
Poetic license refers to deviation from a (usually) literary norm for some purposeful effect.
A person who takes license with something (or someone) engages in "abusive disregard for rules of personal conduct."
Hence, the semantic range of license in English mirrors that of its Latin antecedent, suggesting either permission or transgression, depending upon the context.
Licentious, on the other hand, always implies excessive, transgressive freedom, as is true of its immediate Latin source, licentiosus "unrestrained, wanton" (literally, "full of freedom").
a(행동할 허가)
: permission to act
b .행동할 자유
: freedom of action
a 사업 혹은 직업 관련한 '자격증' '허가증', 합법적인 허가 지칭.
: a permission granted by competent authority to engage in a business or occupation or in an activity otherwise unlawful
a hunting license (사냥할 허가증)
: a document, plate, or tag evidencing a license granted
c(특허, 저작권) 소유자가 승인해주는 것.
: a grant by the holder of a copyright or patent to another of any of the rights embodied in the copyright or patent short of an assignment of all rights
3 (무책임한 자유)
: freedom that allows or is used with irresponsibility
Freedom of the press should not be turned into license.
b 개인 행동의 척도에 대한 무시. Licentiousness (통제,제약이 없는)
: disregard for standards of personal conduct : LICENTIOUSNESS
4 (작가) 시적 허용, 예술가의 허용. 시인이나 예술가가 표현의 극적 효과를 노리기 위해 (사실, 형식, 규칙으로부터 벗어나는) 일탈
: deviation from fact, form, or rule by an artist or writer for the sake of the effect gained
poetic license
2 of 2
variants or less commonly licence
licensed also licenced; licensing also licencing
transitive verb
: to issue a license to
: to permit or authorize especially by formal license
: to give permission or consent to : ALLOW