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amaryllis 아머릴리스, 남 아프리카에서 가을에 피는 꽃. 봄에 꽃이 피는 남 아메리카 둥글납작한 약초과.

by 원시 2023. 12. 10.

am·​a·​ryl·​lis ˌa-mə-ˈri-ləs


amaryllis 아머릴리스, 남 아프리카에서 가을에 피는 꽃. 봄에 꽃이 피는 남 아메리카 둥글납작한 약초과. 겨울에 실내에서 기름. 빨강, 분홍,흰색,연어색깔, 트럼프 모양의 꽃. 백합을 닮음.  



: an autumn-flowering South African bulbous herb (Amaryllis belladonna of the family Amaryllidaceae, the amaryllis family) that is grown in gardens for its clusters of large, fragrant, usually white or pink flowers which resemble lilies and are borne on long, solid, leafless stems : BELLADONNA LILY


: any of various usually spring-flowering cultivars of a closely related chiefly South American bulbous herb (genus Hippeastrum) that are widely grown indoors in wintertime for their clusters of large, typically red, pink, salmon, or white, trumpet-shaped flowers which resemble lilies and are borne on long, hollow, leafless stems