casus belli (전쟁을 정당화하는 행동, 사건)
유엔 헌장에 따르면, 승인받을 수 있는 캐서스 벨리는 자기방어(자위)일 때문이다.
라틴어 어원. casus 카수스 '경우, 상황, 사례 case, occasion' + belli 전쟁
캐서스 벨리.casus belli 개전의 이유가 되는 사건, 사태. 전쟁을 정당화하는 사건 혹은 행동. (kay" suhs BEL igh; kuh" suhs BEL ee) (s) (noun), casus belli, casus bellis (pl)
1. A situation, or event, that causes, or is the pretext for starting, a war or other conflict: In Medieval times, throwing down a gauntlet before your enemy was often seen as a casus belli or an insult which usually resulted in a battle.
2. An act, or event, that provokes or is used to justify a war or which brings about a declaration of military action: The two countries, which thought of themselves as being powerful, frequently invented or caused casus belli in order to provoke the other into an attack that could lead to an armed conflict.
3. Etymology: from Latin casus, "occasion" + belli, bellum, "war".
Latin: cause, or ground, of war. In international law, a situation put forward by a state as justification for war. According to the UN Charter the only recognized casus belli , apart from those authorized by the Security Council or General Assembly, is self-defense.
Scruton, Roger. The Palgrave Macmillan Dictionary of Political Thought, Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2007. ProQuest Ebook Central,
Created from york on 2023-10-28 15:21:46.
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