적색 왜성 KOI-3010은 거문고 자리 (리라 Lyra)에 위치해 있고, 지구로부터 1213 광년 거리에 있다.
139억년 된 행성.
따뜻한 수퍼 지구로 분류.
별을 한 바퀴 도는 궤도는 지구 60일 정도 걸려.
평균 온도는 19.6도. 반지름은 지구의 1.35배.
대기층의 구성에 대한 정보는 적지만, 지구와 거의 유사할 것으로 추정. 질량은 아직 잘 모름.
태양계 바깥 행성 KOI-3010.01 의 기후는 지구와 유사하고, 그 표면의 65%는 바다일 것이라고 추정하고 있다.
태양계 바깥 행성의 화학적 구성은 지구와 거의 유사할 것이라고 추정. 사람이 거주할 수 있는 영역이 존재하고, 지구와 유사성 지수가 0.84 (최대치가 1이라고 했을 때)이다.
과학자들은 KOI-3010.01 에 생명체가 살고 있을 것이라고 믿고 있다.
Exoplanet KOI-3010.01 is considered habitable with a probability of 84% – Highest EVER''
(Exoplanet 뜻 – 태양계 바깥 행성.
An exoplanet is any planet beyond our solar system. Most orbit other stars, but free-floating exoplanets, called rogue planets, orbit the galactic center and are untethered to any star.)
By admin | February 25, 20230 Comment
The Kepler mission discovered a planet orbiting the star KOI-3010 using the transit method.
Researchers are drawn to this world because it has traits that are similar to those found on Earth.
The red dwarf KOI-3010 is located in the constellation Lyra and is 1213 light-years away from us.
This is an ancient star, with a possible age of 13.9 billion years. The planet KOI-3010.01 (or KOI-3010 b) is classified as a warm super earth (it is more than Earth on a mass, but it is much inferior to gas giants). One orbit around the star lasts around 60 Earth days.
Diagram showing Kepler’s discoveries with radii less than twice that of the Earth as a function of mean stellar flux and the temperature of the star they orbit.
The green band shows the approximate limits of the habitable zone while the size of the planets is proportional to their measured radii.
Click on image to enlarge. (NASA Ames/N. Batalha and W. Stenzel)
The genesis and development of life on the planet are influenced by environmental factors. Its average temperature is 19.6 degrees Celsius. The radius is 1.35 times that of the Earth.
They know very little about the atmosphere’s makeup, yet it exists (there is an assumption that it is almost identical to the earth). The mass index has yet to be determined.
The researchers believe that the exoplanet KOI-3010.01 will have not just a temperate climate like Earth, but also a liquid ocean spanning approximately 65% of its surface.
It is thought that the chemical composition of exoplanets nearly totally converges with that of the Earth. It is worth noting that it is in the habitable zone, and its index of similarity to Earth is 0.84. (maximum – 1). As a result, researchers believe she has a good probability of having a life.
Category: Space
출처: https://bit.ly/3A1octq
Exoplanet KOI-3010.01 is considered habitable with a probability of 84% - Highest EVER
KOI-4878.01 is an unconfirmed exoplanet orbiting around KOI-4878, a G-type star located approximately 1135 que7 light-years away according to the Gaia mission.
The star's luminosity, higher than that of the Sun, makes its living area further away from the main star than in the solar system.
It's about 3 times larger than Earth, orbits around a G-type star (yellow dwarf) so it's presumed to be habitable and has life inside.
Distance from Earth: 1,134 light years.
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