How Your Body Changes During Pregnancy
By Wendy Wisner Updated on October 26, 2021
Medically reviewed by Leah Ansell, MD
Illustration of bodily changes during pregnancy
Verywell / Bailey Mariner
Table of Contents
Endocrine System
Taste and Smell
Weight and Fluid Retention
Blood Volume and Circulation
Breasts, Uterus, and Cervix
Hair and Nails
Musculoskeletal System and Joints
Other Changes
During pregnancy, our bodies undergo some pretty major changes in order to gestate and grow our babies. You likely know you will be flooded with hormones and your skin and muscles and organs must stretch and grow to accommodate your growing baby.
But you might not be prepared for how almost every one of your bodily systems changes and has a role to play when you become pregnant. Some of these changes may be more pronounced than others—and the intensity (and comfort) can vary considerably from one pregnant person to another.
Still, even when the changes aren't the most pleasant (hello, hemorrhoids and constipation!), it can be gratifying to know that your body knows exactly what to do to help guide your baby safely into the world. Here are all the different ways your body and its systems, senses, processes, and more are learning to support your pregnancy.
Your Pregnancy Week by Week
How Will Pregnancy Change My Body?
Your Endocrine System
The first thing you may notice, before you sense many other physical changes, is what happens to your mood and energy levels. The hormonal rush that happens in early pregnancy can be pretty overwhelming.
You may feel highly emotional, moody—and utterly exhausted. And yes, those pesky hormones are part of what make you sick to your stomach in early pregnancy.
Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), human placental lactogen (hPL), estrogen, and progesterone are the main hormones that predominate during pregnancy.
HCG: A hormone produced by the placenta and helps prepare and support your body for implantation and gestation. It decreases after the first trimester, and may be responsible for making you feel nauseous during your first trimester.
hPL: A hormone produced by the placenta. hPL also stimulates the growth of milk gland in your breasts, to prepare you for breastfeeding.
Estrogen: A hormone produced in Increased amounts in the placenta to help support your pregnancy.
Progesterone: A hormone that increases substantially during pregnancy and helps with implantation. It contributes to the loosening of your joints so that your body can accommodate your growing uterus and prepare to give birth.
Taste and Smell
It’s not your imagination—your senses of taste and smell change significantly during pregnancy.
You may become a bloodhound, able to smell pleasant (and not so pleasant) smells from a mile away. Foods that once tasted great to you may taste awful—and you may crave foods you’ve never craved before. Some pregnant people also report a “metallic” taste in their mouth during the first trimester.
Blame this all on the changing hormones of pregnancy. Experts surmise that these changes may have a protective effect, as your senses before more fine-tuned and protect you from ingesting anything that may make you sick or endanger your fetus.
These Are Smells Pregnant Women Hate
Weight and Fluid Retention
No doubt, you can expect to gain some weight during pregnancy—anywhere from 25–35 pounds is normal. Usually, the majority of weight gain happens in the second and third trimester.
Most of us don’t have much problem putting on the appropriate amount of weight, as our hunger and need for calories increases. Although you shouldn’t diet during pregnancy, experts recommend you focus on nutritious choices as much as possible.
Some of the weight gain—especially during the third trimester—is from water retention. It’s common to have swelling in your hands, feet, and ankles, especially if you are pregnant during the summer. Like everything else, this discomfort will pass, but it can help to put your feet up, rest, and keep yourself cool and hydrated.
Blood Volume and Circulation
Your blood volume will increase significantly to help support your pregnancy and your baby. This means your need for iron rich food will increase to prevent pregnancy anemia. This increased blood volume also means that your kidneys and urinary system will have to work extra hard to process increased waste.
The increased blood volume also can cause your veins to enlarge in size, increasing your propensity to experience varicose veins as well as hemorrhoids.
Changes in your circulatory system and blood pressure can also make you more susceptible to dizziness and fainting during pregnancy. This may also be due to your expanding uterus putting pressure on your blood vessels as well as appetite and metabolism changes.
Make sure to stay off your feet when needed, eat and drink frequently, stay out of the heat when possible, get up slowly from sitting, and wear loose-fitting clothes.
The hormonal changes you experience can cause nausea, vomiting, food aversions, and food cravings. But hormones aren’t the only things that change how your body handles and processes food during pregnancy. Your digestive system experiences major changes as well.
You may notice constipation, in part to the added weight of your growing uterus on your intestines. The hormones of pregnancy also tend to slow down digestion.
You may also notice an uptick in indigestion and heartburn, especially as you enter the third trimester and your growing baby pushes on your stomach. Eating smaller, more frequent meals can help.
You can talk to your doctor about pregnancy safe antacids and other medication that can relieve some of the more unpleasant digestive symptoms.
Your Breasts, Uterus, and Cervix
One of the most obvious (and sometimes welcome) changes that happen during pregnancy involves your breasts. It’s all in the name of preparing your body to breastfeed your little one.
In the first trimester, your breasts will feel sore and even grow a little. Inside your breasts, milk glands and milk ducts are forming and growing. You may notice more prominent veins as well.
By the end of pregnancy, your breasts will have grown about one cup side. You may notice a whitish/yellowish fluid leaking out of your breasts in mid to late pregnancy. This is called colostrum, and will be your baby’s “first milk.” Make sure to wear a supportive bra as your breasts enlarge.
Your uterus and cervix will also change significantly during pregnancy. Your uterus will increase in size and weight, from the size of your fist in early pregnancy, up to the size of a watermelon by the time you are ready to give birth. Don’t worry—your uterus will shrink back to its original size within a few weeks of giving birth.
During pregnancy, your cervix will thicken and form a mucus plug. By the end of pregnancy, your cervix will soften considerably as it gets ready to thin out and dilate for pregnancy.
You may also notice a thick discharge from your cervix—perhaps tinged with blood—as labor and delivery draw closer. This is often referred to as “losing your mucus plug,” or your “bloody show.”
What Is the Mucus Plug?
Hair and Nails
Be prepared for quite a few changes in the hair and nail department—most of which may make you happy. Due to the hormones of pregnancy, you will likely have a much fuller mane of hair than usual.
You may also notice that your nails grow faster than usual. However, be prepared, because a few weeks into your postpartum period, you may notice that your hair falls out in pretty significant amounts. This is normal, though, as your hair growth is just doing the job of evening itself out.
What Is Lanugo?
You can also expect some pretty major changes in your skin. First, there’s the “pregnancy glow” that many experience—likely due to hormones and increased blood volume.
You may also notice that your nipples become darker as your breasts undergo changes, or they may look more veiny. You may develop a line from your belly button to your pubic hairline, called the linea nigra. This is normal and will fade after delivery.
There are also some less pleasant changes that happen to your skin. You may notice darker patches of skin on your face called melasma.
You may also experience stretch marks, as your abdomen and breasts grow. Stretch marks during pregnancy are usually found on the belly, breasts, thighs, and buttocks. They start out red, pink, or brown. Within a few months, they will fade to a light pink or silver.
Your skin may also feel extra dry and itchy. This can be normal. However, see your doctor if you experience excessive itchiness in late pregnancy, as it may indicate a serious issue called cholestasis of pregnancy, which can be harmful to your fetus.
How Women Have a Different Skin Changes During Pregnancy
Your Musculoskeletal System and Joints
Due to loosening joints (caused by the hormone relaxin), weight gain, and your expanding uterus, you are likely to experience quite a few aches and pains in pregnancy. Here are the most common ones:
Back Aches
General back aches and pain are very common in pregnancy. Gentle massage can help with this. Getting regular exercise, but keeping it gentle, can also help. Using a maternity support belt can help distribute your abdominal weight more evenly and ease off your back pain.
Round Ligament Pain
As your belly and uterus expand, you may experience pain in your ligaments, known as round ligament pain. This pain can come on suddenly and feel like pulsating, shooting pain. It is not harmful but can be very uncomfortable. Talk to your doctor about pregnancy-safe painkillers. Using a maternity belt can help, as can heat treatments.
When your uterus and growing baby put pressure on your sciatic nerve, it can cause a lot of discomfort. Sciatic feels like a shooting pain and tingling down one of your hips and legs. The sensation can be felt all the way to your feet!
Usually sciatica resolves after your baby is born, but you can ask your doctor what comfort measures may be helpful to you. Sometimes massage or even a chiropractic adjustment can help.
Leg Cramps
Leg cramps during pregnancy are common, but they can come on suddenly, and surprise you. They are often experienced first thing upon waking or at night. They feel like an intense spasm in your leg muscles.
These cramps are thought to be due to the way your body processes calcium during pregnancy, and relief may come with gentle massage, heat, and increasing calcium in your diet.
Other Changes
If that wasn’t enough, there are several other small changes that you may notice as you progress through pregnancy. For example, you may notice:
Your vision gets poorer or becomes blurred during pregnancy.
Numbing or tingling sensations in your hands and feet.
Your nose is more stuffy, with increased nasal secretions.
Nosebleeds may be more frequent during pregnancy.
You have to urinate more during pregnancy and may even leak pee more frequently.
Your gums may bleed more frequently during pregnancy and your teeth may feel more sensitive.
You may be more prone to urinary tract infections and yeast infections.
You may find that you overheat easily.
You may become dehydrated and famished more easily, as you need more calories and liquids during pregnancy.
You may be more exhausted during pregnancy, yet you may have more trouble sleeping. Consider investing in a body pillow and sleeping on your left side.
A Word From Verywell
As completely exhausting and uncomfortable as most of these pregnancy bodily changes are, they are common—and most importantly, they don’t last forever.
However, you should bring up any concerning changes you may be experiencing to your doctor or midwife. Most changes you experience will be minor, normal, and harmless. But sometimes, the changes might indicate a more serious problem or even a medical emergency.
Emergency signs to watch for in pregnancy include:
Excessive bleeding
Muscular convulsions
Sudden changes in vision
Unusual stomach aches
Extreme headaches
Excessive vomiting
Decrease in baby’s movements
Any thoughts of harming yourself or your baby
Besides these emergency indicators, anytime your gut tells you something is wrong or feels “off,” you shouldn’t hesitate to contact your medical providers. That’s what they are there for.
The good news is that these bodily changes, especially the more uncomfortable ones, are “only for now.” Almost all of them disappear within a few days or weeks of giving birth. And as unsightly, nauseating, painful, and downright maddening some of these changes are, keep in mind that they are all happening in the name of helping to gestate your baby and usher them into the world.
여성 우울증. 생리-임신-출산… 호르몬따라 감정이 흐른다
2011.06.13 00:00
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[동아일보] 우울증이 여성에게 많은 이유는…
여 성은 호르몬에 민감하다. 생리주기 변화, 임신, 출산, 폐경이 모두 호르몬에 관련된다. 남성보다 여성에게 우울증이 더 많은 이유도 호르몬에 따라 감정 기복이 심해지기 때문.
특히 무덥고 습한 날씨 탓에 식욕을 잃고 무기력해지기 쉬운 여름엔 호르몬 관리에 각별히 신경 써야 한다. 신정호 고려대 구로병원 산부인과 교수는 “월경부터 출산, 폐경에 이르기까지 다양한 호르몬의 변화로 우울증을 겪을 때는 방치하지 말고 전문의와 상담해서 호르몬의 안정을 찾는 것이 좋다”고 말했다.
여성의 생애주기에 따른 호르몬 변화와 우울증의 관계에 대해 살펴본다.
○ 10대 초경, 너무 이르면 우울증 많아 영국 브리스틀대 캐럴 조이슨 교수팀의 연구결과에 따르면 초경을 11.5세 이전에 겪으면 13, 14세 때 우울하다고 느낄 확률이 높다.
사춘기는 성호르몬의 분비가 늘어 초경 등의 신체적 변화와 함께 정신적 변화가 이루어지는 중요한 발달시기인데 초경이 너무 빨리 오면 심리적으로 부정적인 영향이 나타날 수 있다.
10대 소녀에게 초경은 다른 사람에게 알리고 싶지 않은 비밀이다. 평생 생리를 해야 한다는 심리적인 부담감도 생긴다. 실제로 사춘기 소녀의 20%는 우울증을 경험하는데, 또래보다 초경을 빨리 시작한 여자아이는 우울증에 걸릴 위험이 1.9배 높다.
이른 초경으로 인한 심리적 문제를 줄이기 위해서는 무엇보다 가족과 학교의 관심과 보호가 필요하다. 갑작스러운 초경에 당황할 수 있으나 진정한 여성이 되는 첫걸음이라는 의미를 바로 알려줘 당당함과 자신감을 심어줄 필요가 있다. 이때 올바른 성교육도 중요하다.
○ 20대, 생리주기마다 찾아오는 월경전증후군 20대 여성의 절반가량에서 찾아오는 우울증 증세가 월경전증후군(PMS)이다. 생리가 시작되기 5∼10일 전부터 다양한 신체적 감정적 변화가 나타난다.
대개 유방통, 두통, 부종, 하복통 같은 신체적인 증상과 심한 감정기복, 우울함, 집중력 저하, 피로감, 불안함 같은 감정적인 증상이 나타난다.
대부분의 여성은 이를 당연하다고 여기지만 불안함이 계속되면 월경전증후군을 의심해야 한다.
한 달에 한 번 생리기간마다 일주일에서 열흘가량 남모르게 신체적 증상과 감정조절의 어려움을 겪는다면 보다 적극적인 치료를 받아야 한다. 의사의 처방을 받아 복용할 수 있는 먹는 피임약도 증상 호전에 도움을 준다.
○ 30대, 산모를 괴롭히는 산후우울증 산모의 50∼80%가 출산 후 일시적으로 우울한 기분을 경험한다.
뚜렷한 이유 없이 기분이 침체되고 불면증, 불안한 심리적 상태와 함께 식욕이 떨어지거나 몹시 피곤한 신체적 증상이 동반된다. 대개 분만 후 첫 주에 발생한다.
심리적 원인보다는 호르몬 변화가 주원인으로 알려져 있다. 임신 중에는 여성호르몬인 에스트로겐과 프로게스테론이 다량 분비되는데, 출산 후 분비량이 급격히 줄어들면서 산모의 감정에까지 영향을 미칠 수 있다.
산후에 며칠 정도 우울한 상태가 지속되는 현상은 정상적이다. 하지만 매년 출산 여성의 10∼15%는 정도가 심한 산후우울증을 겪는다.
산후우울증을 적절히 치료하지 않으면 엄마와 아이 간의 관계뿐 아니라 아이의 인지 능력과 감정 발달에 부정적인 영향을 줄 수 있다. 출산 후 정상적인 ‘산후우울’과 질환의 일종인 ‘산후우울증’을 구분하기는 쉽지 않다. 예방적 차원에서 산모에게 자신의 감정을 표현하도록 하는 식으로 마음의 안정을 찾아주는 일이 중요하다.
○ 40∼50대, 폐경기 여성, 우울증 발생빈도 높아 폐경기는 성숙기와 노년기의 중간에 있는 중년기에 찾아온다.
인생의 전환점을 겪으면서 신체 변화 이외에 자녀의 결혼과 같은 사회, 심리적 요인으로 다양한 변화에 적응하면서 자신과 인생을 재평가하는 시기. 다른 연령대보다 중년 여성의 우울증 빈도가 가장 높은 이유도 이런 요인 때문이다.
일부 폐경기 여성은 난소 기능의 저하와 여성 호르몬 분비 감소로 자아, 자존심, 가족 및 사회적 관계에 부정적인 영향을 받는다.
폐경기 우울증이나 폐경 증후군은 부족한 에스트로겐을 보충해 주는 호르몬 요법으로 일부 해소할 수 있다. 호르몬 치료를 받지 않은 여성은 폐경 이후 우울증이 심해졌다는 연구 결과도 있다.
호르몬 요법은 갱년기 증상인 안면홍조나 식은땀 등 혈관운동신경계 증상이나 불면증, 의욕상실, 감정 변화, 신경과민 같은 정신적인 증상을 완화시킨다. 암을 발생시킨다는 막연한 두려움으로 호르몬 요법을 꺼리는 경우도 있다.
하지만 단기적으로 받는 대체호르몬 요법은 암의 발병 원인과 직접적인 상관관계가 거의 없다.
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