민주당 이재명 탈모 공약 말 그대로 포퓰리즘이고, 탈모 원인 제거도 처방도 틀렸다.
그러나 '탈모'로 마음 고생, 돈 쓰는 사람들이 늘어난 원인들, 특히 사회적 시선과 원인들에 대해서 논의하는 것은 필요하다. 내년에도 2030년에도 민주당이나 이재명이 '탈모'의 원인과 예방에 대해서 말한다면 그 진심은 믿어줄 것이다.
그러나 2022년에 나온 '탈모' 쇼는 원인 진단도 처방도 전혀 동의할 수 없다. 탈모를 비웃는 정도에 지나지 않는다.
왜 사람들이 탈모 걱정을 하는가? 그리고 왜 사람들이 돈을 많이 쓰고 있는가부터 말하라.
세월이 많이 흘렀다. 지금 민주당 안에 있는 사람들, 전두환을 '전대가리'라고 소심하게 놀리던 시절이 있었다.
남녀 모두 탈모로 고생하는 인구가 30만에 육박했고, 실제는 더 많을 것이다.
국가 재정이 풍부하고, '누진세' 제도가 지금보다 훨씬 더 강화된다면, 어디 '탈모' 진단 예방 100% 의보적용 뿐이겠는가,
연애로 상처받은 후, 심리치료가 필요한 사람들까지, 엄마 아빠랑 싸우고 지친 아이들 심리상담 비용까지 다 국가에서 무료로 해주고, 의료보험 처리가 되지 않겠는가?
Causes and treatments for hair loss
It is normal to shed a certain amount of hair every day. If hair falls out in more significant amounts than usual, it can cause distress and worry.
While male and female pattern baldness is a primary cause of hair loss, there is a range of other reasons. A doctor will want to explore these before recommending the appropriate treatment.
In this article, we look at the leading causes of hair loss, the treatment available, and home care tips for preventing further loss.
Causes of hair loss
Possible causes of hair loss include:
1. Androgenetic alopecia
Possible causes of hair loss include androgenetic alopecia, pregnancy, and telogen effluvium.
Androgenetic alopecia is another term for male or female pattern baldness. It is a very common cause of hair loss.
Both male and female pattern baldness is genetic. Males tend to lose hair from the temples and crown of the head. In females, hair usually becomes thinner all over the head.
Androgenetic alopecia is more likely to happen as a person ages but can start at any point after puberty. Many females who experience androgenetic alopecia develop it after going through the menopause. This means that hormones may have something to do with it.
It is possible to treat this condition with minoxidil, a medication for hair growth.
2. Pregnancy
Some women may experience excessive hair loss shortly after giving birth. This is due to a decrease in estrogen levels. This type of hair loss is a temporary condition and usually resolves within a year or sooner.
To help hair return to its normal condition, try:
using a volumizing shampoo and conditioner
using products designed for fine hair
avoiding intensive conditioners or conditioning shampoos as these can be too heavy for fine hair
applying conditioner to the ends of the hair, rather than the scalp, to avoid weighing hair down
3. Telogen effluvium
Telogen effluvium is a condition where the hair remains in the telogen (natural shedding) phase of the growth cycle. This causes more hair to fall out, sometimes in handfuls.
Telogen effluvium is usually a temporary condition that resolves over time. It is advisable to see a doctor to find out the cause.
Some possible causes include:
severe stress
rapid weight loss
thyroid problems
certain medications
A doctor will need to treat any underlying causes of telogen effluvium.
If a doctor suspects that specific medications are causing hair loss, they may change them.
4. Anagen effluvium
Anagen effluvium causes large amounts of hair to fall out rapidly during the anagen (growth) phase of the hair cycle.
The condition may cause hair to fall out from the head, as well as from other parts of the body, including eyebrows and eyelashes.
Causes of anagen effluvium include:
fungal infections
autoimmune disease
Treatment for this condition depends on the cause but can include a topical solution of minoxidil.
If a person has anagen effluvium as a result of undergoing chemotherapy, cooling the scalp during the procedure may help. Hair will often grow back 3–6 months after stopping chemotherapy.
5. Alopecia areata
Alopecia areata is an autoimmune condition that causes hair to fall out suddenly. The immune system attacks hair follicles, along with other healthy parts of the body.
Hair from the scalp, as well as eyebrows and eyelashes, may fall out in small chunks.
If a person has this condition, they should see a doctor. A doctor may prescribe medication to help the hair grow back.
6. Traction alopecia
Traction alopecia is hair loss due to pulling hair into tight hairstyles, which causes it to break and come loose. Hairstyles associated with this condition include:
tight buns or ponytails
If traction alopecia continues, a person may develop bald spots and thinning of the hair.
In terms of self-care, avoiding tight hairstyles will usually prevent further damage.
7. Medications
Certain medications have side effects that can cause hair to fall out.
Examples of such medications include:
blood thinners, such as warfarin
Accutane, to treat acne
antidepressants, including Prozac and Zoloft
cholesterol-lowering drugs, such as Lopid
If a person thinks hair loss may be due to a medication they are taking, they should consider seeing a doctor for an assessment. The doctor might be able to reduce the dosage or switch the person to a different medication.
8. Nutritional deficiencies
Nutritional deficiencies can cause hair to fall out. Extreme diets that are too low in protein and certain vitamins, such as iron, can sometimes cause excessive hair shedding.
A person should see a doctor for a blood test to check if they have a nutritional deficiency that could be causing their hair to fall out.
9. Birth control pills
People may experience hair loss while using birth control pills. Others might experience hair loss several weeks or months after they stop taking them.
If people are taking birth control pills, they can choose one that has a low androgen index. This may help to lower the risk of hair loss.
Examples of birth control pills with a lower androgen index include:
Ovral and Loestrin have a higher androgen index.
Other forms of birth control that affect the hormones, such as implants and skin patches, may also cause hair loss.
The American Hair Loss Association recommend that people who have an increased risk of genetic hair loss opt for a non-hormonal type of birth control.
10. Ringworm
Ringworm is a fungal infection that can cause hair loss. Ringworm on the scalp, or tinea capitis, can cause temporary bald areas on the head.
Symptoms include:
a small spot that gets bigger, causing scaly, bald patches of skin
brittle hair that breaks easily
itchy, red patches of skin in the affected areas
oozing blisters on the scalp
ring-like patches, with a red outside and the inside of the circle matching the skin tone
If ringworm does not heal by itself, then a doctor may prescribe an antifungal medicine. Alternatively, they may prescribe an antibiotic, such as Griseofulvin.
To prevent hair loss, people may want to try:
lifestyle changes to reduce stress
eating a nutritious diet that includes proteins, fats, and certain vitamins and minerals
The following may also help to stop further hair loss:
using a lightweight shampoo and conditioner to avoid weighing down the hair
avoiding tight hairstyles
limiting the use of heating processes that can damage the hair
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It is normal for a certain amount of hair to fall out every day. People usually lose up to 100 hairs each day.
If a person notices that they are losing more hair than usual, they may have an underlying condition. In that instance, they should see a doctor and seek advice on what the best treatment options are.
In many cases, a person’s hair will return to its normal state once a doctor has treated the underlying condition.
Last medically reviewed on November 14, 2019
Why is my hair falling out? 10 causes of hair loss
Hair loss can be an upsetting condition to deal with. We look at the various causes, treatment options, and practical tips for preventing further loss.
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