김정은이 '비핵화'에 대한 암시를 줬다.
김정은은 문재인에게 "이제 아침 잠을 설치지 않도록 하겠습니다"라고 말했다.
이 말은 핵실험과 미사일 실험을 의미한다.
문재인 한국 대통령은 김정은 노동당 위원장을 청와대로 초청했고, 김정은은 이 초대를 수락했다.
문재인은 남북 정상 회담을 평양에서 다음에 개최하자고 했고,
김정은 "자주 만납시다"라고 화답했다.
Kim hinted at denuclearisation
Seoul says Kim Jong Un told Moon he “won’t interrupt your early morning sleep anymore,” referring to nuclear missile tests.
According to South Korean news, Moon said there had been “very good discussion today”
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16m ago
A briefing of the events of the morning by President Moon’s spokesperson Yoon Young-chan gives the impression it was a very convivial meeting between the two leaders.
He said that Moon has invited Kim to the South Korean Presidential house, an offer that Kim has accepted. Moon also said he hoped the summit would lead to future meetings in Pyongyang, a proposal supported by Kim who said “let’s meet often.”
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