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방크시(Banksy:방씨)의 그림. 언덕배기 집 벽화 제목이 "에취 Aachoo"

by 원시 2020. 12. 13.

방크시의 그림. 언덕배기 집 벽화 제목이 "에취 Aachoo" 

Banksy - 발음이 '방씨'에 가까움. (방크시, 뱅크시)


앞마당과 뒤안이 있는 집에 모든 한국인이 살 그럴 날을 꿈꾸다. 지금으로서는 유토피아 개꿈이지만, 꼭 불가능한 꿈만은 아니다. 


"에취" 벽화, 할머니에게는 미안한 감정이 살짝 들지만, 밉지 않다. 그 이유는 '인간의 한계'를 '누구나 다 그럴 수 있어'라는 정서를 자아냈기 때문에, 그냥 인간적이다. 


너무 높지 않은, 아파트의 날카로운 직각만 있지 않은 그런 집들로 이뤄진 마을이나 시는 우리들에게는 불가능할까? 잠시 생각해보다. 아마도 한국도 60년 후에는 달라질 것이다. 이렇게 높은 아파트를 더 이상 짓지 않아도 되는 그런 시절은 곧 올 것이다. 방크시의 벽화 "에취"를 보다가 문득 든 생각이다. 


잉글랜드 길거리 '익명' 화가, 방크시가 재밌고 재치있는 벽화를 마을 사람들에게 선물로 남겼다. 한 할머니가 재채기를 하고 있는데 틀니가 쏘옥 빠져나가는 광경이다. 

이 벽화가 있는 곳은, 잉글랜드 브리슬 , 토터다운의 베일 스트리트에 있는 한 집의 벽이다.


이 동네는 잉글랜드에서 경사 각도가 22도로 가장 가파른 동네라고 한다.

방크시가 저 벽화를 그리는 것을 목격한 동네 사람이 있는가 하면,

작품으로 남긴 이후, 프레스 어소시에이션에서 아크릴 판을 들고 와서 방크시 그림 "에취"를 덮어서 보호하는 중이라고 함.


이 벽화가 그려진 집 가격은 72억 (500만 파운드)이라는 설도 나오고 있으나, 실제 집주인 마킨씨네는 방크시가 벽화를 그리기 이전에 집을 팔려고 내놓음. 


마킨씨네 가족은 이 집을 원래 4억 9천만원 (34만 파운드)에 팔려고 내놓은 상태고, 애초 이 계획을 철회할 생각이 없다고 발표. 다만 이 그림은 보호되어야 한다고 주장함.


방크시의 재치란, 일상에서 사람냄새에서 나오는 것 같다. 



몇 가지 사진 소개.



















사진 : 트리스탄 케이 








지난 4월 22일 자,

방크시의 벽화에다, 누가 마스크를 그려넣음.


벽화도 마스크를 써야 하는 상황.

-영국 브리쓸

- 작가 (거리 화가) 방크시가 그린 그림 위에다, 누군가 마스크를 그려놓고 감.





관련 기사



Banksy sneezing woman artwork appears on Bristol house


2 days ago





image captionThe new Banksy work appeared on a house in Totterdown in Bristol

A piece of street art by elusive graffiti artist Banksy has appeared on a house in Bristol.



The creation entitled "Aachoo!!" on the side of a semi-detached house in Totterdown, depicts a woman in a headscarf sneezing and her dentures flying into the air.


Resident Dale Comley, said he saw a "bulky guy in a high vis jacket" early on Thursday who he thinks was Banksy.


The artist has since authenticated the work on his website and Instagram page.


It is understood the art, on a house on the corner of Vale Street and Park Street, was covered up before being revealed early on Thursday morning.


Mr Comley, 27, who lives on the street, said he was making coffee at around 07:00 GMT and looking out the window when he saw a man he thought "was a really keen scaffolder".


"I saw a man in a high vis jacket leaning against the railings opposite - he was looking at the wall the whole time," he said.


"Then about an hour later I looked out and saw loads of people in the street."



image captionThe work was authenticated on Banksy's website earlier


image captionLocal resident Dale Comley, said he saw a "bulky guy in a high vis jacket" in the early hours who he thinks was Banksy


Vale Street, in the city's aptly named Totterdown suburb, is one of the steepest streets in the country.


Each year the 22-degree gradient slope attracts crowds with its Easter Sunday egg rolling contest.

The artwork, which has appeared at the bottom of Vale Street, has attracted much attention locally.

Tom, 34, said he changed his jogging route so he could come and admire the artwork.

"I saw people talking about it on Twitter, I think it's pretty good - it's certainly topical," he said.

Jason Bartlett, 47, who grew up nearby, said he did not think Banksy had created work in the area before.

He said: "I heard it on the news and I thought I've got to go and take a look. I've always been a big fan of his.

"It's going to get interesting for whoever owns the house I suppose."


image captionThe artwork has attracted local attention

Fred Loosemore, 28, a furniture maker who rented a room in the property until recently, told the Press Association he was going to screw a piece of clear acrylic over the artwork to protect it.

"We wanted to come up because people will deface it, and luckily we've got a workshop and a massive piece of acrylic we've got left over," he said.

"The artwork is so nice. It's so relevant, isn't it?."


image captionA temporary plastic covering is being put over the work to try and protect it

In October, a Banksy artwork depicting a girl hula-hooping near a real bicycle with its back wheel missing appeared in Nottingham.


While in July, a pandemic-inspired piece by Banksy encouraging people to wear face masks was stencilled on a Tube train in London.


In September, Art Attack presenter Neil Buchanan dismissed rumours Banksy was his secret alias.

Banksy began spray-painting trains and walls in his home city of Bristol in the 1990s, and before long was leaving his artistic mark all over the world.


He is famed for poking fun at big companies and sending political messages through his work.