otorhinolaryngology1 Otolaryngology – 오토 러런걸러지. 이빈후과 영어표현 .Otorhinolaryngology [oto (ear 귀) + rhino (nose) 코뿔소 + laryngo (windpipe) 호흡기관 + logos (science) 학문] Otolaryngology – 오토 러런 걸러지. 이빈후과 oto (ear 귀)rhino (nose) 코뿔소laryngo (windpipe) 호흡기관logos (science) 학문.학. nounoto·lar·yn·gol·o·gy ˌō-tō-ˌler-ən-ˈgä-lə-jē -ˌla-rən-: a medical specialty concerned especially with the ear, nose, and throat and related parts of the head and neck The word otorhinolaryngology or its shorter form, otolaryngology, is derived from the Greek root words: otos (ear), .. 2024. 6. 8. 이전 1 다음 반응형