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존 볼튼 누구인가? 트럼프 정부하에서 존 볼튼의 역할 May 1 at 7:14pm · (견해) #미국판_홍준표_존_볼튼 임명 당시에 언급한대로, 볼튼의 훼방작전은 이번 흐름에서 큰 효과를 발휘하지 못할 것이다. 왜냐하면 외교적 성과를 가장 크게 또 쉽게 낼 수 있는 북핵 문제를 트럼프가 놓쳐 버린다면, 노벨 평화상도 날아갈 뿐더러, 미국내 불안정한 트럼프 입지가 흔들릴 수 있기 때문이다. John Bolton's boss is Trump. 그런데 왜 트럼프는 전쟁광이라고 손가락질 받는 볼튼을 임명했는가 ? 한국언론과 지식계가 간과하고 있는 미국 엘리트 백인 남성 프라터니티(fraternity) 문화도 한몫 했다고 본다. 단순화시키면 트럼프와 볼튼 관계는 조폭보다 더 강한 위계질서로 움직인다. 좋은 의미건 나쁜 의미건 '관계 network:relation' .. 2018. 5. 10.
Can the euphoria of the Korean summit last? Despot meets democratCan the euphoria of the Korean summit last? Moon Jae-in and Kim Jong Un seem to have got on like a house on fire AsiaApr 27th 2018 | GOYANG IT WAS easy to forget that this was a man who has threatened the world with nuclear war, used summary executions and foreign hit jobs to eliminate his rivals and presided over some of the worst human-rights abuses in recent history. Kim .. 2018. 4. 29.
Summit trivia 김정은 경호 12인 Posted at6:1727 AprSummit trivia On a day this historic, everything gets noticed. Here are some of the more unusual aspects picked up by BBC Monitoring.Jogging bodyguardsWhen Mr Kim headed back into North Korea for lunch following his first, brief talks with President Moon, 12 bodyguards flanked his Mercedes Benz, jogging alongside in formation.HeightAs Mr Kim smiled and greeted Mr Moon with a s.. 2018. 4. 29.
CNN 보도, 김정은 문재인 정상회담 Kim Jong Un calls for 'new history' as Korean peace summit kicks offBy Ben Westcott and James Griffiths, CNNUpdated 10:42 PM ET, Thu April 26, 2018Moon: The masterful dealmakerFinding art on the edge of the DMZHow close are China and North Korea?Truce Village: Where two Koreas face offNow PlayingWatch Kim Jong Un cross the line at DMZWill Kim Jong Un ever give up his nukes?What's bringing Kim Jo.. 2018. 4. 27.
트럼프 북미 회담 가능성 Possible progress being made in talks with North Korea 트럼프 트위트 3월 6일 Possible progress being made in talks with North Korea. For the first time in many years, a serious effort is being made by all parties concerned. The World is watching and waiting! May be false hope, but the U.S. is ready to go hard in either direction!9:11 AM - 6 Mar 2018 . 2018. 3. 7.