국민의힘과 윤석열의 정치적 무능.
이준석의 오류.
이준석이 한국에서 태어나고 자랐고, 한국어로 소통에 큰 문제가 없는 인요한에게 공개석상에서 영어로 말한 것은 잘못이다. 충분히 한국말로 해도 의사소통이 될 수 있는데도, 영어로 한 것은 이준석의 '쇼'이기도 하고, 인요한에 대한 무시이기도 하다.
이준석의 영어는 알아듣기 힘들다. MBC 뉴스데스크에서 영어 해석을 자막처리했으나, 그 번역도 일부 부정확했다.
이준석의 영어 문장도 부정확하거나, 뭔가 하나씩 빠진 것도 있다.
[실제 이준석이 하고 싶은 말] 강서구 보궐선거에서 드러난 민심, "분노한 인민의 노래"를 들어라. 민심을 듣고 오늘 토크쇼에 왔어야 했는데, 민심을 경청하지 않는 인요한은 여기 올 자격이 없다.
You ‘re gonna (be) one of us. I say, You pay more attention to our democracy, that democracy you tried to defend in (at) your early age.
So I really hope, after today seminar, you and I can come (find) to common ground, some points,
Say, I mean, why don’t you learn (from) recent KangSeo(강서) election?
Have you tried to talk with 강서 people? Seriously,
If so, tell me please, you’ve learned from them,
Because uh, seriously, they are singing the songs (of) angry man here,
If you listen to them, all the answers are (right) there,
If you abide by their language, not dividing (?) them, then I (would) be more than happy to talk with you.
But as of now, as I told you, you failed to meet the prerequisites.
Please join us for the discussion,
But at the moment, I have not much to tell you at this point, I am really sorry,
You became one of us, but you don’t look like one of us,
Please be on our sides, please speak the same language,
Speak the language of democracy with us, please,
He is in Seoul(서울),
You gotta talk to him, he needs some help.
출처: https://futureplan.tistory.com/entry/이준석-인요한에게-영어-왜 [한국정치 노트 Notes on the Politics of Korea:티스토리]
You ‘re gonna (be) one of us. I say, You pay more attention to our democracy, that democracy you tried to defend in (at) your early age.
부정확하게 들림.
MBC 자막이 가정문처럼 써놨는데, 이준석이 무슨 가정문으로 말하는 것 같지 않음.
So I really hope, after today seminar, you and I can come (find) to common ground, some points,
이준석 "오늘 세미나가 끝나면, 당신과 내가 어떤 공통점을 발견했으면 좋겠다" 이런 의미.
come to common ground 도 쓸 수 있지만, find a common ground, reach a mutual agreement (consensus)를 씀.
I have to tell you (I’m a bit ) disappointed (with you), you've failed to meet the prerequisites for coming here.
프리레쿼짓츠. 필수(선행)조건이라는 뜻.
이준석이 앞뒤가 맞지 않음. 뒤에서는 인요한에게 오늘 토론에 참여하라고 말했는데, 여기에서는 '여기 오는 자격'이 없다고 말함.
MBC '다소 실망' 다소는 임의적으로 mbc 가 첨가.
이준석이 하고 싶은 말은 "you disappoint me 너가 나를 실망시켰다. 혹은 I'm disappointed with you"
Fail 단어 선택은 권장하고 싶지 않음.
Unfortunately I have to tell you, I am a bit disappointed with you, 'cuz it is unlikely (that) you have prerequisites for attending this seminar.
Say, I mean, why don’t you learn (from) recent KangSeo(강서) election?
Have you tried to talk with 강서 people? Seriously,
If so, tell me please, you’ve learned from them,
Because uh, seriously, they are singing the songs (of) angry man here,
If you listen to them, all the answers are (right) there,
If you abide by their language, not dividing (?) them,
(not dividing?) 부분은 뭔 말인지 모르겠음.
then I (would) be more than happy to talk with you.
But as of now, as I told you, you failed to meet the prerequisites.
Please join us for the discussion,
But at the moment, I have not much to tell you at this point, I am really sorry,
MBC '나줄 이야기' 아니라, '할 이야기'
'우리의 일원이 되었다'는 말이 애매함.
You became one of us, but you don’t look like one of us,
Please be on our sides, please speak the same language,
Speak the language of democracy with us, please,
He is in Seoul(서울),
You gotta talk to him, he needs some help.
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