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Hubris – 오만. 과장된 자긍심,자신감. exaggerated pride or self-confidence

by 원시 2024. 4. 26.

Hubris – 오만.자신감이나 자긍심이 너무 지나치다.

18세기에는 자주 쓰인 단어지만, 최근에는 많이 쓰지는 않는 단어.


exaggerated pride or self-confidence




borrowed from Greek hýbris "arrogance, abuse, violence, outrage," of uncertain origin


NOTE: A. Nikolaev ("Die Etymologie von altgriechischem βρις," Glotta, 80. [2004], pp. 211-30) connects hýbris with Greek hbē "youth, vigor of youth, sexual maturity" (see HEBEPHRENIA) taken as descending from Indo-European *(H)i̯ēgwh2-eh2; after a series of assumptions a derivative *Hi̯o/a(h2)gw-ri- becomes *hogwri-, which by Cowgill's Law (*o > *u between a resonant and a labial consonant) results in hýbris.


On the semantic side Nikolaev has to assume that hýbris originally meant something like "physical strength," with no negative connotation;

this he attempts to demonstrate in passages from Homeric epic and Hesiod. Nikolaev's etymology is roundly rejected by R. Beekes (Etymological Dictionary of Greek, Brill, 2009).


Older etymologies proposing that hy- represents a prefix approximately equivalent to epi- "on, upon" are now generally in disfavor.


First Known Use

1884, in the meaning defined above