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initiative 이니셔티브 뜻. 착수 단계. 주도권. 실천력 행동력. 입법 (발의)권리. (1605) free initiative 자유로운 (독립적인) 주도권.

by 원시 2024. 3. 6.

free initiative 자유로운 (독립적인) 주도권.

외부의 간섭, 통제,명령없이 자기 스스로 주도권을 갖고 실천하다.



브리티시 영어사전.



in British English
(ɪˈnɪʃɪətɪv IPA Pronunciation Guide, -ˈnɪʃətɪv IPA Pronunciation Guide )

어떤 문제 첫번째 단계 혹은 행동. 행동 개시.
1. the first step or action of a matter; commencing move
he took the initiative - 그가 주도권을 갖다.
a peace initiative  - 평화를 위한 행동 개시. 평화를 위한 첫발, 개시.

2. the right or power to begin or initiate something  - 어떤 것을 시작할 권력 혹은 권리. 사업 착수 권리와 권한. 재량권.
he has the initiative

3. the ability or attitude required to begin or initiate something

4.  government  - 정부 (행정부)

a. the right or power to introduce legislation, etc, in a legislative body

입법 도입 권력 혹은 입법권리. (의회 내부)
b. the procedure by which citizens originate legislation, as in many American states and Switzerland

미국 주들, 혹은 스위스에서, 시민들이 법안을 제출하는 절차. 법안 발의.

5.  See on one's own initiative - 외부 개입이나 간섭없이, 자기 힘으로.


미국 웹스터 영어사전.




Initiative – 도입 단계. 소개단계.


행동 개시에 나타난 에너지 혹은 능력. 대단한 능력과 에너지를 보여주다.

입법권 (국민투표. 발의)



take the initiative - 주도권을 갖다. 주도적으로 일을 처리하다.


If you take the initiative in a situation, you are the first person to act, and are therefore able to control the situation.


We must take the initiative in the struggle to end the war.

She knew she had to take the initiative and maintain an aggressive game throughout.



1 of 2


ini·​tia·​tive i-ˈni-shə-tiv   also  -shē-ə-tiv

Synonyms of initiative


: an introductory step

현안을 해결하기 위해 첫발을 떼다.

took the initiative in attempting to settle the issue


2. 행동 개시에 나타난 에너지 혹은 능력. 대단한 능력과 에너지를 보여주다.

: energy or aptitude displayed in initiation of action : ENTERPRISE

showed great initiative


3. 입법 행동을 하는 권리.법안 발의 절차.


: the right to initiate legislative action

b. 한 절차 (유권자가 청원서를 작성해서, 법을 제안, 선거구에 제출, 혹은 입법부에 승인을 요구). 국민투표 의미 1.

: a procedure enabling a specified number of voters by petition to propose a law and secure its submission to the electorate or to the legislature for approval


 compare REFERENDUM sense 1



initiative. 형용사. 도입부의, 서문의.


2 of 2


: of or relating to initiation : INTRODUCTORY, PRELIMINARY



외부의 영향 혹은 통제 없이 독립적으로. 자기 스스로 재량권을 발휘하여.

on one's own initiative

: at one's own discretion : independently of outside influence or control















Examples of initiative in a Sentence


on the day before their Club Med flight she took the initiative of telephoning Franco from work, ostensibly to tell him that she had really admired his new place …

John Barth, Atlantic, March 1995

Following initiatives begun before the First World War, thirty-four states instituted or expanded workers' compensation laws in the 1920s.

Mary Beth Norton et al., A People and a Nation, 1988

Since the social victim has been oppressed by society, he comes to feel that his individual life will be improved more by changes in society than by his own initiative.

Shelby Steele, Harper's, June 1988

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Recent Examples on the Web


For instance, the Sustainable South Bronx initiative has transformed vacant lots into green spaces.

Monica Sanders, Forbes, 29 Feb. 2024

Jones and Shabazz's efforts got a boost last school year through a partnership with a city-wide initiative, the Alexandria Community Remembrance Project, to take 32 students to Montgomery, Alabama to visit historic sites linked to America's history with racial terror.

Shelby Hawkins, NPR, 29 Feb. 2024

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These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'initiative.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.



Word History




see INITIATE entry 1




see INITIATE entry 1


First Known Use



1793, in the meaning defined at sense 1




1605, in the meaning defined above


Time Traveler


The first known use of initiative was in 1605

See more words from the same year