By Mohammed Hussein and Mohammed Haddad
Published On 12 Dec 2023
12 Dec 2023
Basil Suleiman Abu al-Wafa wanted to go out and play with his friends. The 15-year-old from the occupied West Bank city of Jenin was described by his uncle as a simple child who was dedicated to his schoolwork and friends.
Also playing in the streets of Jenin was eight-year-old Adam Samer al-Ghoul.
On November 29, during a seven-day pause in fighting in Gaza, both of them were shot and killed by Israeli forces. Basil was shot in the chest and died in hospital, while Adam was shot in the head. Their killings were captured on video.
Basil and Adam are among at least 275 Palestinians, including 63 children, killed by Israeli forces or armed settlers in the occupied West Bank since the surprise Hamas attack on October 7.
In Gaza, Israeli air raids and artillery fire have also killed 18,000 people during this period, including at least 7,700 children.
Since the start of 2023, at least 483 Palestinians have been killed and more than 12,769 injured by Israeli forces and settlers in the occupied West Bank.
Here are their names and some of their stories:
Know their names: Palestinians killed by Israel in the occupied West Bank
Even before October 7, the year 2023 was the deadliest on record for Palestinians in the occupied West Bank.
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