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the bajau . 바다 속 20미터 잠수가 가능한 바자우 족, 물고기 서식처 산호를 보호하는 이유.

by 원시 2023. 3. 18.

바다의 집시라고 불리는, 바자우 족, 해상 생활 - 인도네시아 필리핀 말레이시아 등 배 위에서 1000년 이상 살아오고 있다. 인도네시아의 경우  5군데 바자우 족 생활터전이 있다고 함. 바다 위의 배 가옥의 이름은  'vintas 빈타스'이다. 


바다 속 잠수를 많이 하는 바자우 족의 비장은 다른 사람들에 비해  50% 더  발달되어 있다.


바자우 족 언어. '사마 Sama'라고 부름. 말라요-폴리네시안 언어임. 내부에도 방언들이 있지만 서로 소통이 가능함.


바자우 족은  식량과 물을 얻기 위해 바다에서 물고기를 잡아다 육지에  내다 판다.



생태 운동에서 중요성. 바자우 족 생활터전 보호.


물고기가 알을 낳고 서식하는데 도움을 주는 '산호 corals'를 인간이 파괴하고 있다. 산호가 소멸되면 물고기가 줄어들고, 바자우 족의 생계는 어려워진다. 바다를 보호하고 싶다는 바자우족의 말이 소중하게 다가온다.



최근 바자우 족 아이들이 초등학교 교육을 받고 있다고 함. 




(비장 spleen )의 역할.


"왼쪽 갈비뼈 아래, 위의 뒤쪽에 위치하는 기관으로 인체에서 가장 큰 림프기관입니다. 비장은 면역세포의 기능을 돕고 우리 몸에 있는 세균이나 항원 등을 걸러내며, 노화된 적혈구를 제거하는 역할을 합니다. 왼쪽 갈빗대가 끝나는 곳에 있으며 명치 및 위의 뒤에 있고 등에 붙어 있습니다."
















600여종 넘는 생물의 서식처인 산호초







다이빙 능력



사진 출처








관련 다큐멘타리.





바자우 족 관련.


Not only are they adept sailors, but they've also evolved to hold their breath longer and dive deeper than most other humans. A 2018 article in The Atlantic, reported that the Bajau are genetically connected to their environment. Their spleens are up to 50% larger than other homo sapiens.


The Bajau have lived for more than 1000 years on house boats in the waters around Malaysia, the Philippines, and Indonesia.


The Bajaus speak a Malayo-Polynesian language which they themselves call 'Sama'. The 'Sama' language is spoken in the Philippines and Malaysia. The Bajau language, as it is spoken in Sabah, is divided into a number of divergent, though mutually intelligible dialects.


바자우 족 언어. '사마 Sama'라고 부름. 말라요-폴리네시안 언어임. 내부에도 방언들이 있지만 서로 소통이 가능함.




참고 자료.출처. 



Bajau - Marriage and Family


중매 결혼. 부모들이 결정. 이혼도 많은 편.


Marriage. Kin are favored as marriage partners.


Exceptions are the children of brothers and those nursed by the same mother or nursemaid. Marriage is either parentally arranged or initiated by elopement or abduction. Arranged marriages are the ideal, but elopement is frequent. Marriage negotiations are normally set in motion by the man's family, often with the help of a go-between.


After a proposal is accepted, the bride's father designates one of his kinsmen to act as his daughter's guardian ( wakil ). The man chosen formally receives bride-wealth from the groom's family and represents the woman's side during the wedding ceremony.


The religious component of the rite is conducted by an imam. Weddings usually take place in the guardian's house, to which the couple is conducted in separate ceremonial processions, often with music and dancing.


Divorce is frequent during the first two or three years of marriage and remarriage is relatively easy for both partners. After that, divorce tends to be infrequent.


Following marriage, a couple is expected to set up its own household within two or three years, except for one child, usually the youngest, who normally remains to look after the parental couple in their old age.


New houses are generally built close to the natal household of the bride. Polygyny is permitted but infrequent.


Domestic Unit.


Domestic organization is variable. Among boat-dwelling groups, each boat typically shelters a nuclear family, plus often one or two additional kin, averaging, in all, five or six persons.


Here the family is both a domestic group and an independent economic unit. Among groups whose members divide their time between village residence and dispersal at sea, domestic organization is characteristically complex.


While the nuclear family functions independently at sea, its members are frequently incorporated, upon their return to the village, into larger, multifamily households.


The members of these larger groups share a common hearth, meals, and residence within a single village pile house; they are identified by name with its owner, as his tindug (followers). Among settled, shore- and land-based groups, households are often large.


Although the majority are reported to contain a single stem or nuclear family, larger groups, consisting of the families of two or more married siblings, are not uncommon.


Each household has an acknowledged head. The latter, usually the house owner, is most often a man still actively engaged in making a living.



Inheritance. 상속 제도 


Inheritance is generally bilateral. Many forms of property, however, are associated through their use with one sex or the other. Such property ordinarily passes from father to son, or from mother to daughter.


Examples of traditional male property are cattle, farmland, suspended gongs, and fishing boats; female property includes household furnishings, cooking utensils, jewelry, and kulintangan (stationary gongs).


In addition, the Bajau distinguish between property acquired in the course of marriage and property inherited separately, to which the owner's spouse acquires no claim.




Preadolescent children traditionally undergo ritual haircutting ( maggunting ), followed by prayers, weighing ( magtimbang ), and a public distribution of foodstuffs.


At puberty boys are circumcised, while in most communities girls undergo partial clitoridectomy between the ages of 2 and 6.


Unlike male circumcision, the latter is a small private rite witnessed only by women.


For one or two years, most children receive a course of Koranic instruction. Those who complete their studies undergo a "graduation" ceremony ( magtammat ) sponsored by their parents.


Today, in addition, most children attend public school, although few complete more than three or four years of primary education.




필리핀 바자우 족 소개.



바자우 여자들과 아이들이 손바닥을 흔들며 춤을 추는데, 이 춤의 형상은 '바다 물결'을 의미한다고 함.








필리핀 바자우 족 다큐멘타리. 결혼식 




춤추는 사람들 - 바다의 물결을 상징하는 손 춤





결혼의 성공을 기원하는 춤, 레이디 보이. 









바자우 족의 한 결혼식






출처- 바자우, 사마 딜라우트. 


Witness the colorful traditional wedding celebration of the Badjau or Sama Dilaut  also called the Sea Gypsies of Tawi-Tawi! As given the chance to cover their unique culture to celebrate their wedding celebration. enjoy watching mga BOSS!!!!


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