overhaul 뜻. (기계) 분리해 고치다. 정비하다. 기능을 향상시키다. (체제) 완전히 바꾸다. 개혁,변혁하다.
by 원시
2022. 7. 30.
The samurai of Choshu realised that if Japan did not overhaul its inistitutions, its army and its economy, it would be swallowed by the West. (The economist. july 16th. 2022) - Obituary Abe Shinzo.
overhaul. 오버호오올.
to take apart and repair a machine in order to make it work better
The hot-water and drainage systems have to be overhauled.
Synonyms and related words
To repair something
to completely change a system in order to make it work more effectively
He has promised to overhaul the welfare system.
Adverbs frequently used with overhaul
completely, extensively, fully, radically, substantially, thoroughly, totally
Over the course of the year, we had to radically overhaul our systems of accounting.
Nouns frequently used as the object of overhaul
legislation, procedures, system
The proposals will completely overhaul chemicals safety legislation.
to reach a person or vehicle moving in front of you, and then go past them, especially in sports competitions. A more usual word is overtake.
devolve 뜻. (저질, 불량상태로) 더 나빠지다. 좋지 않은 방향으로 진화하다. 퇴락해가다. (정치,사회,문화,예술) 등 더 저질이 되어가다. (0) |
2022.08.30 |
chill 뜻. , really, really cool (상반된 뜻) 1)차가운, 추운 2) 신경질나게 만드는, 심기가 불편한 3) 매우 한가롭고 걱정이 없는 4) 아주 좋은 (0) |
2022.08.28 |
flood (홍수, 쇄도, 폭주, 강렬한 빛, 강렬한 감정) in full flood 물밀듯이. 맹렬히. 최고조의 (로) (0) |
2022.08.10 |
concierge 뜻. 컨씨어지. (프랑스) 호텔, 아파트, 콘도 안내인, 관리자, 서비스 책임자. (0) |
2022.07.27 |
영어사전, 누가 제일 많이 구매하나? 40대 여자가 종이 영한 사전을 가장 많이 사는 이유 (0) |
2022.07.17 |
문 앞 즉석 인터뷰를 의미하는 doorstep. doorstepping, 도어 스테핑 단어 뜻. (0) |
2022.07.14 |
come a long way -장족의 발전을 하다. 엄청난 진보. 엄청난 발전. (0) |
2022.07.13 |