현재 여론조사대로 총선이 끝나게 되면, 캐나다 총선 리버럴 (자유당 Liberal) 과반은 넘지 못해 '마이너리티' 정부 형성할 확률. 리버럴 31.7%, 보수당 31.2%, 신민주당 (NDP) 20.1%, 퀘벡 블록 6.4%, 녹색당 3.3%
Poll Tracker
Last Updated: Sep 16, 2021 9:27 a.m.
Odds of Liberal minority increase as small lead over Conservatives holds
Though the Liberals and Conservatives are effectively tied with a small edge given to the Liberals, Justin Trudeau's
party is favoured to win the most seats and has roughly a three-in-five chance of being
re-elected with a minority government.
The Conservatives are holding their support but are trailing in some key battlegrounds.
NDP support is rising and the party could see a big increase in its seat count.
The Bloc Québécois has recovered from a slide in support but their surge appears to have stalled.
The PPC and Green vote has steadied in recent days.
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