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2007 년 노무현 김정일 회담과 2018년 문재인 김정은 회담 차이점

by 원시 2018. 4. 29.

How 2018 deal compares with 2007

Friday’s meeting was the third Inter-Korean summit to be held between the leaders of North and South Korea.

The first, in 2000, did not set any time frames and had very broad commitments. But here are the main differences between the 2007 and 2018 agreements:


2007: Recognised need to end 1953 armistice and “establish a permanent peace regime”

2018: Declaration to end Korean War. Agreement to “actively pursue” meetings with either the US or the US and China

Economic Cooperation

2007: Outlined a number of economic initiatives, including opening freight rail services between Munsan and Bongdong, and finalising related issues such as customs clearance

2018: Implementing the 2007 projects


2007: The two countries “agreed not to antagonize each other, reduce military tension and resolve issues in dispute through dialogue and negotiation”. Planned talks between defence ministers to establish military guarantees for the agreement

2018: Both countries “agreed to completely cease all hostile acts against each other in every domain, including land, air and sea”. Frequent meetings between military authorities

Peace zone

2007: Joint fishing zone

2018: Converting the demilitarised zone into a peace zone by completely ending propaganda broadcasts at the border. Practical measures to create the maritime peace zone/ joint fishing zone


2007: Joint cheering squad to 2008 Olympics

2018: Joint participation in international sports events, including 2018 Asian Games

Family reunification

2007: Expand reunions of relatives and promote video messages

2018: Continue with reunions, including planned programme for National Liberation Day in August