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캐나다 중대재해기업처벌법 사례. 6년간 장기 캠페인 벌여. Kill a Worker, Go to Jail 노동자를 죽여라, 그러면 감옥에 간다 .

by 원시 2020. 12. 15.

질병으로부터 안전한 '일터 만들기' 운동 - 캐나다 온타리오 주, 온타리오 노동자 총연맹 (OFL)은 6년간 장기 캠페인을 벌였다. "노동자를 죽여라, 그러면 감옥에 간다. Kill a Worker, Go to Jail 

캐나다 노동자들의 주장. "일터 건강과 안전이 캐나다 국가의 제 1 과제이여야 한다" 

캐나다 14만 5000명 노동자들이 석면 위험에 노출되어 있다. 매년 2천명이 흉부종피종이나 폐암과 같은 치명적인 병에 걸린다. 

석면 (asbestos) 은 흉부종피종과 폐암의 원인  

메쏘띨리오마 mesothelioma 가슴 ,흉부, 늑막 조직에서 자라나는 암의 유형

허파, 위장 복부, 심장 부분에서 암이 자랄 수 있다. 원인은 석면. 숨쉬기 곤란. 가슴 압박 통증. 진단 이후 12개월 생존 가능.

2011년 이후 캐나다에서 석면 함유 물질 수입을 금지하고 있지만, 완전 규제를 하지 못하고 있는 상황.

<한국과 비교>

토론토가 속해 있는 캐나다 온타리오 주 인구는 1400만 정도로 캐나다 인구의 3분의 1이 살고 있고, 경제와 산업의 중심지라 할 수 있다. 2015년 온타리오 주에서 일터 사고와 질병으로 사망한 노동자 숫자는 226명이다. 한국의 경우와 비교하면 한국이 캐나다 온타리오 주에 비해 2.5배 일터 사망자가 더 많다.

<원시 메모> 

한국에 비해 캐나다의 일터는 상대적으로 안전한 편이다. 그리고 자본가, 회사 경영자가 '일터 사고 질병 사망 노동자'에 대한 태도 역시 한국에 비해서 더 심각하게 다룬다. 한국에 비해 육체 노동자를 천시하지 않고, 임금 역시 체감상 한국의 1.5배~1.7배이다.   

그런데도 캐나다 노동자와 노동조합은 "노동자를 죽이면 감옥간다"는 캠페인을 벌였고, 아직도 지속적으로 운동을 펼치고 있다. 


출처: https://bit.ly/382uhY0

Workplace Safety Must be Canada’s Bottom Line

OFL Statement on National Day of Mourning for Workers Killed or Injured on the Job – April 28, 2016

Thursday, April 28 is the labour movement’s most solemn day. Thousands of workers, friends and families of fallen workers will gather at ceremonies across Ontario to recognize the National Day of Mourning for Workers Killed or Injured on the Job. As we mourn for the dead, the Ontario Federation of Labour (OFL) will continue to fight for the living.

The OFL’s six-year-long campaign, “Kill a Worker, Go to Jail,” made history earlier this year, when Metron Construction Project Manager, Vadim Kazenelson, received Ontario’s first prison sentence for workplace negligence causing the deaths of four workers and the serious injury of a fifth. The sentence was the first of its kind in Ontario, since the Criminal Code of Canada was amended in response to the 1992 Westray Mine Disaster, to allow for the criminal conviction of negligent employers.

“Workers have been fighting for health and safety rights for centuries but we know that we won’t stop the carnage in the workplace unless employers come to realize that there will be serious personal consequences if they put workers’ lives in the line of danger,” said OFL President Chris Buckley. “No prison term or financial penalty can bring back the workers who died or undo the pain felt by their families, but we hope the threat of jail time will send a shiver down the spine of every employer and make them see accident prevention as an occupational priority.”

According to the latest statistics from Ontario’s Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB), 226 workers reportedly lost their lives in 2015 due to workplace tragedies or occupational disease. Roughly 230,000 Ontario workers are injured or made sick at work every year, thousands of others pass away years later due to resulting health complications, and still other cases, undoubtedly, go unreported or unacknowledged. It amounts to a workplace epidemic that has needlessly cost tens of thousands of lives and impacted literally millions of working families over the years.

This year, the OFL has joined the Canadian Labour Congress in calling for a total ban on asbestos. Every year, 145,000 Canadian workers are exposed to asbestos in their workplace and, tragically, over 2,000 are still being diagnosed with often fatal diseases, like mesothelioma and lung cancer. These startling figures have earned asbestos a reputation as the number one workplace killer, yet after banning the mining and export of asbestos in 2011, Canada continues to allow the importation of products containing asbestos.

“There is absolutely no justifiable reason to delay a full ban on asbestos. Indeed, Canadian lives are depending on it,” said Buckley. “It is time to start listening to the resounding scientific evidence, it is time to start listening to the tragic stories of the families of fallen workers, and it is time to make workplace health and safety a national priority.”

OFL Officers and staff will attend Day of Mourning Ceremonies in cities and towns across Ontario. The province’s labour unions, regional labour councils, injured workers’ groups, family members and allies will come together demand action – from our courts and from our governments – to ensure that every employee who heads off to work will return home safely to their family at the end of a workday.

“Canada has the opportunity to show the world we care about stopping the tragedy of asbestos and protecting the lives of every worker. We believe the National Day of Mourning on April 28 offers a tremendous opportunity for meaningful action to make workplace health and safety the bottom line for every employer,” said Buckley.