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존 볼튼, 백악관에서 자기 독단정치 하다가, 트럼프와 마찰, 해고당함

by 원시 2019. 9. 11.

나경원 끈 한 개가 떨어져 나감. 

존 볼튼과 트럼프 마찰 원인들 (기사 요약) .

1. 자존심 세우는 두 사람, 서로 다른 말들

존 볼튼 "내가 먼저 트럼프에게 '사퇴'하겠다고 말했다. 그랬더니 트럼프가 그럼 내일 의논해보자"고 했다.

트럼프 말은 달랐다. "내가 존 볼튼에게 사임해달라고 요청했다" 

존 볼튼 "떠날 때가 되어서 떠나는 것이다"

2. 백악관 직원들과 미 정치가들의 존 볼튼 평가

(1) 국가안보보좌관 직은 존 볼튼 능력에 비해 어울리지 않는 직위였고, 수행능력도 부족했다. too big for your britches (바지가 좀 흘렁하다. ) 

(2) 백악관 내부 직무 평가

트럼프가 존 볼튼을 해고시킨 이유는, 존 볼튼이 백악관 국가안보위원회에서 자기 독단정치를 했기 때문이다. 내부 사람이 증언한 바에 따르면 "자기 혼자 쇼를 벌였다" 
"He's running his own show," said the official.

백악관 공무원들에 따르면, 백악관 내부에서 존 볼튼 부서 국가안보위원회만 고립된 외톨이였다.

(3) 미국 외교 정책을 두고 트럼프와 갈등, 혹은 트럼프의 불신

존 볼튼은 북한, 러시아, 아프가니스탄에 대해 강경 입장을 고수했고, 트럼프는 이를 반대했다.

단적인 사례가, 김정은과의 싱가폴 정상회담 시, 트럼프가 존 볼튼을 회의장에 데려가지 않았다.

지난 주말 트럼프가 탈레반과의 평화 협상을 하려고 했지만, 존 볼튼은 극구 반대했고, 결국 무산되었다.

존 볼튼 논거는, 테러리스트 적군을 절대 캠프 데이비드에 초대할 수 없고, 좋지 않은 선례를 남기게 되는 것이라고 반대했다고 한다.

트럼프가 대통령 집무실 (oval office)에서 "존 볼튼은  전쟁이면 마다하지 않고 좋아한다"는 식 농담을 한 적이 있을 정도로, 존 볼튼은 전쟁광이다. 

트럼프가 존 볼튼을 불신하게 된 또 하나의 사건은 베네수엘라 외교방침이었다. 존 볼튼은 차베스 후계자 니콜라스 마두로를 쉽게 축출하고 친미정권을 세울 수 있다고 자신만만하게 트럼프에게 보고했지만, 아직까지도 마두로가 권력을 유지하고 있다. 이에 대해 트럼프가 못마땅해하고 있다.

Nakjung Kim

September 10 at 1:50 PM · 

외신들이 일제히 존 볼튼 국가안보보좌관 해고 소식을 알리고 있다. 트럼프가 존 볼튼을 해고한 이유는, 몇 가지 현안들에 대한 의견이 서로 달랐기 때문이다. 다음 주에 존 볼튼 후임자를 발표할 예정이다. 볼튼 게포이어트.

[소감 메모]

' 해고' 라는 단어를 듣고, 부정적인 느낌이 아니라, 긍정적인 느낌이 들다니. 존 볼튼 논리는 굉장히 단순하다. 이념도 단순하다. "한국과 미국은 혈맹이고, 공산주의를 반대하는 민주주의 국가다. 한국인 당신들은 북한과 형제자매다. 북한주민은 김씨 일가 독재에 신음하고 있다. 당신은 북한에 가서 당신의 형제자매를 구출해야 한다. 아니면 김씨 정권을 타도하던가 (레이짐 체인지)" 네오콘 사무실에서 이렇게 아주 단순하게 이야기를 했던 적이 있다. 10년이 넘어도 똑같이 말만 반복하는 반공기계다.

트럼프는 사업가이고 자본가, tv예능 출신이다. '이윤' '이득'이 남는 곳이면, not bad, give it a try 괜찮을 거 같은데, 한번 해보지 뭐, 이런 정신을 가지고 있다. 북한에 대해서도 손해보는 장사 아니라는 생각이 확고하다.

존 볼튼은 뭔가 광신도같은 느낌이 들었다. 인터뷰도 마치 웅변하듯이 열변을 토하는 스타일, 확고한 자기 신념이 있는 무슨 종교 신자같았다.

트럼프가 그렇다고 해서 '좋은 정치가'라는 뜻은 아니다. 마피아 같은 변호사들을 고용해서 많은 돈을 주고, 상대가 쓰러질 때까지 소송을 끌고 가는 잔혹한 싸움꾼이다.

물론 한국과 북한의 화해를 위해서는, 이명박 박근혜와 동일한 노선을 걸은 미국 민주당 오바마 보다,트럼프의 실용주의적 노선이 낫다. 버락 오바마는 한국 북한 평화적 공존과 공동번영 입장에서 보면 0점짜리였다.

외교는 협상이기도 하지만, 비정하기도 하다. 협박과 강공요법을 구사하는 존 볼튼이 해고된 것은 한국 북한의 평화 정착과 경제발달에 좋은 신호이다.

한 때 좋았던 시절, 나경원과 존 볼튼 "우리는 동지였다"

bbc 기사:


John Bolton: Trump's national security adviser is out

26 minutes ago

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US President Donald Trump has announced he fired his hawkish National Security Adviser John Bolton, adding that he disagreed "strongly" with him.

"I asked John for his resignation, which was given to me this morning," Mr Trump tweeted, saying he will appoint a replacement next week.

But Mr Bolton insisted he had quit, and vowed to have his say "in due course".

Appointed in April 2018, he was Mr Trump's third national security adviser after Michael Flynn and HR McMaster.


White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham told reporters: "[The president] didn't like a lot of his policies, they disagree."

She said the president had asked for Mr Bolton's resignation on Monday night, and it was delivered on Tuesday morning.

All the latest on John Bolton's departure

What is Bolton saying?

But moments after Mr Trump's tweet, Mr Bolton took to Twitter to offer a different version of events.

He maintained he had actually offered his resignation, but Mr Trump told him "let's talk about it tomorrow".

Skip Twitter post by @AmbJohnBolton

John Bolton


I offered to resign last night and President Trump said, "Let's talk about it tomorrow."


12:10 PM - Sep 10, 2019

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End of Twitter post by @AmbJohnBolton

As the news broke, Mr Bolton texted a Fox News host live on TV to insist he had resigned as national security adviser.

He texted Washington Post reporter Robert Costa that "I will have my say in due course" and "my sole concern is US national security".

Just two hours before his departure was announced, Mr Bolton had been due to host a White House briefing with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin.

Mr Bolton was spotted outside the West Wing on Tuesday morning, but he reportedly departed without escort after Mr Trump's tweet.

The new acting national security adviser will be Charles Kupperman, who was a deputy to Mr Bolton, the White House told the BBC.

John Bolton: Bush-era war hawk fired by Trump

The White House revolving door: Who's gone?

Media captionUS Secretary of State Mike Pompeo responds to John Bolton firing

What are White House sources saying?

Sources said that the National Security Council, which advises the president, had become a separate entity within the White House under Mr Bolton.

A former senior Trump administration official, who wished to remain anonymous, told the BBC: "He [Bolton] operates separately from the rest of the White House."

According to the official, Mr Bolton did not attend meetings, and followed his own initiatives.

"He's running his own show," said the official.

A White House official told the BBC's US partner, CBS News. "Bolton has his priorities. He didn't ask the president 'What are your priorities?' They're Bolton's priorities."

A former senior administration official told CBS that Mr Bolton's "his way or the highway" approach infuriated many people inside the White House, including the president.

The anonymous source said the former national security adviser had "got too big for his britches" and "doesn't play well in the sandbox".


Speaking in May 2019, Trump said “I actually temper” John Bolton

In the past month, a source familiar with the situation told CBS the White House drumbeat to oust Mr Bolton had grown louder.

Sources say it was known at the White House over the past two weeks that Mr Bolton would be "the next one removed".

BBC White House reporter Tara McKelvey says she once asked Mr Bolton about his relationship with the president, and the national security adviser simply burst out laughing.

An untenable situation

John Bolton was always an unusual fit in the Trump White House. While he was an animated personality on Fox News - clearly endearing him to the president - he was also an outspoken foreign policy hawk working for a man who campaigned against international adventurism.

Mr Bolton was a strong supporter of the Iraq War, for instance, while the president has called the conflict one of the greatest US military blunders.

On topics like North Korea and Russia, the president's conciliatory position when Mr Bolton arrived in April 2018 was clear - and clearly contrary to the long-time foreign policy hand. 

Add disagreements on Afghanistan negotiations and Iran confrontation, and it created an untenable situation.

Mr Trump's third national security adviser in as many years has been on the outs for some time. He did not join the president at meeting with Kim Jong-un, and phoned-in his objections to a Camp David event with the Taliban while in Poland last week.

There appears to be disagreement over whether Mr Bolton was fired or resigned. One way or another, a change was coming - even if just yesterday, Mr Trump had tweeted that reports of "turmoil in the White House" were created by the "Dishonest Media".

Why did Trump and Bolton disagree?

Mr Bolton, a leading foreign policy hawk, was the chief architect of Mr Trump's hardline stance against Iran.

But he had also argued less successfully for a tougher approach on North Korea, Russia and Afghanistan.

Mr Bolton was blamed by US officials for the collapse of a summit in February between Mr Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un in Vietnam by advocating a list of uncompromising demands that Pyongyang rejected.

Mr Bolton had also opposed peace talks with the Taliban, which Mr Trump scrapped at the weekend after inviting the group to the US.

The president's overtures to the militants drew criticism especially because of the timing close to the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.

According to Foreign Policy magazine, Mr Bolton had argued that inviting a US-designated terror group to Camp David - the presidential retreat outside Washington - would "set a terrible precedent".

Mr Bolton had a reputation as a warmonger, and Mr Trump once reportedly joked in an Oval Office meeting that "John has never seen a war he doesn't like".

Earlier this year, Mr Trump was reportedly angry with the failure of US policy in Venezuela, complaining that Mr Bolton had misled him about how easy it would be to replace President Nicolás Maduro, who has clung to power.