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백지 위임. 카트 블랑쉬. carte blanche . Blankovollmacht

by 원시 2021. 12. 30.

carte blanche 카트 블랑쉬.

give (grant) carte blanche to 에게 백지 위임을 하다. 

(서명이 있는 ) 백지 위임장.


Carte blanche is the permission to do something however one chooses to do it.

The parents granted their children carte blanche to decorate their bedrooms as they wished.

"'I know you're used to having carte blanche to handle the mission as you see fit, 007. You have your independent

 streak and it's served you well in the past.' A dark look. 'Most of the time.'"— Jeffery Deaver, Carte Blanche, 2011



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